I was delighted to hear of Andy Carvin’s innovative use of FeedDigest to help deal with the rush of news and information surrounding the Hurricane Katrina tragedy this week. He’s using FeedDigest to make a number of digests surrounding Katrina news, missing persons, and the blogosphere reaction. Better yet, he’s serving it all of his […]
Last night there was approximately ninety minutes of intermittent service from FeedDigest which caused a few problems for many users. The service was fully up and running again pretty quickly, but obviously there was an impact. I am still investigating the cause of the problem. Lessons learned: getting an e-mail-to-phone account so I can learn […]
It’s above my head, but a blog about appellate law practice has looked at how to use RSS and Feed Digest to monitor the legal systems they’re interested in. The poster says: FeedDigest […] also allows for filtering, so, for example, you can filter a Federal Register feed by only the subject you want, or […]
Anyone speak Danish? Could you translate a seemingly good review of FeedDigest in Danish for me? The writer links to some interesting examples, particularly this page which appears to be powered by a FeedDigest RSS feed.
I’m going to put together a bumper index of the sites which use Feed Digest. A lot of the information will be collected from referral strings, but I’ll also need your help. I’m going to set up a page where you can submit your site’s details, and I’ll get it up ASAP. For now, however, […]
Something I’ve learned about tools like Technorati and Feedster is that, well, they really don’t track blog mentions that well after all. Feed Digest has had a lot more coverage than these tools have reported to me..That said, here are some recent blog mentions of note: Ask MetaFilter. Cog Dog Blog MarketingStudies.net Crazy Media Blog […]
LockerGnome has reviewed FeedDigest. I won’t go into the details, but some quotes.. [..] a great RSS radar tool. Do we have a market leader in this category here? and [..] it actually offers much more under the hood than I first anticipated. Thanks guys! Get ready for some posts about FeedDigest’s imminent expansion and […]
Richard MacManus has solicited opinions on the branding of RSS or ‘feeds’. The comments are interesting, but go exactly as I’d expect. The term ‘feed’ is now ubiquitous and obvious, whereas ‘RSS’ is more arcane. Most people in the industry know what RSS is, but ‘feed’ is significantly more useful to be able to market […]
This is an update post as I haven’t posted in a few days. Basically, Feed Digest is running great, development work continues, and well, keep looking out for new features which will be cropping up soon! Users and donations. Feed Digest is not quite two weeks old yet, and we already have well over 1000 […]
I’ve found a way to get the word about FeedDigest up on blogs (of my own choice) who aren’t even linking here, but whose visitors might be interested. Find out how..