YouTube has just been upgraded, and it throws FI's tags off.
The following tag used to work:
[a href="%URL%"><img src="%ENCLOSUREURL%" border=0 /></a]
Excerpts from YouTube:
RSS Feeds for Tags and Users
To create an RSS feed for your favorite tags or users, simply enter the tag or username as specified in the below URLs. You can then add this URL to your newsreader. Please note, you will need to create a feed for each individual tag or user you wish to subscribe to.
Tags: tagname here]?client=ytapi-youtube-browse&v=2
For example, if you wanted to create an RSS feed for the tag "monkey", you would enter:
Full-text searches: url-encoded search term here]&client=ytapi-youtube-search&v=2
For example, if you wanted to create an RSS feed for the search term "monkey", you would enter:
Users: username here]/uploads
For example, if you wanted to create an RSS feed for the user "YouTube," you would enter: