I had a lot of trouble with a Google feed the other night. Finally I deleted several feeds and started over which fixed the problem. This time even deleting will not help. I put in an RSS feed from FDIC and the first one went without a hitch. The second one and third one is having major issues. This feed worked http://service.govdelivery.com/service/rss/item_updates.rss?code=USFDIC_34. Every additional feed reverts to this feed and they are all different? Any additional feed will work, but any FDIC feed although clearly different installs itself as the first one. eg http://service.govdelivery.com/service/rss/item_updates.rss?code=USFDIC_30 is a different feed, but when submitted it reverts to http://service.govdelivery.com/service/rss/item_updates.rss?code=USFDIC_34
Sorry for the long explanation. Hope you understand what I am trying to convey.