Hello, I am trying to include a picture with each entry in my feed, but also limit the characters of the text following the picture. Is there a way to do this?
Feed Informer Support
Include picture but limit description text?
11 posts-
Posted 14 years ago #
To leave the picture you need to use DESCRIPTION tag. To limit the text length point out the number of characters you want to be shown after comma in the tag. Get more information here: http://feed.informer.com/blog/template-tags/
Posted 14 years ago # -
Thanks, it's working now. But my feed is not updating when I make changes to my blog. Could you make sure that it updates? PXL3BBREGS
Thank you.
Posted 14 years ago # -
The digest has been updated.
Posted 14 years ago # -
I'm not sure what you mean when you say that the digest has been updated. I uploaded different (smaller) pictures in my blog posts, but the old (bigger) pictures are still showing up in the feed. Do you know why this might be happening? Is there anything I can do to refresh the feed, so that it will grab the current description from the blog? PXL3BBREGS Thank you!
Posted 14 years ago # -
Is it OK now?
Posted 14 years ago # -
Well, the preview under "Digest Design" has the smaller pictures now, but my feed has vanished from the web page in which I put the javascript. I tried re-copying and pasting the provided javascript code, but it's still not showing up.
If you can get the feed to reappear, that should be the last time I need assistance. Thanks for your help so far!
Posted 14 years ago # -
Could you please specify what format you use the digest in?
Posted 14 years ago # -
My feed has reappeared on my website, and everything seems to be working fine now. Thank you for your help!
Posted 14 years ago # -
Welcome bancs! :)
If there are any troubles please let us know here.
Posted 14 years ago #
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