this is mi code:...a href="%URL%"target="_blank" >%TITLE%</b> (%MONTHSHORT% %DAY%, %YEAR% %TIME24%) <br/><ifdescription>%DESCRIPTION%... The title opens in a new window which is ok, but the description and the thumbnail open in the same window of my site.
Is there a way to get the descritption and the thumbnail open in a new window (blank)?
this is my rss
Feed Informer Support
url of my thumbnails open in the same window
2 posts-
Posted 17 years ago #
It sounds like you're referring to links actually within the description for each post. As this content comes straight from feeds, there is no way to edit this, I'm afraid. The only theoretical way you could do this is with something like this:
<base target="_blank">
But that will make ALL links on the page open in a new window. This may or may not be what you want!
Posted 17 years ago #
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