I noticed that our feed for 1YXTUO7L5B has been hijacked - we are getting some random articles in the result of the feed that aren't in the original source data.
Please can this be investigated?
I noticed that our feed for 1YXTUO7L5B has been hijacked - we are getting some random articles in the result of the feed that aren't in the original source data.
Please can this be investigated?
thank you for your report. We are looking into the issue.
Our investigation shows that the news in Greek came from one of your source feeds: http://feeds.feedburner.com/r4denvironment. They've left the source by now, but are archieved in Feed Informer's database.
If you don't want the items already absent from source feeds to be used in your digest, you can do it by checking "Show live items only" option, you can find in under 'OUTPUT FILTERS' tab.
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