I want to tag certain posts to feed into my widget. Since post tags are not read, I am trying to add #keyword at the bottom of the post since the content of the post is not always a reliable filter. I get posts that don't have the keyword when I use #keyword and nothing if I put quotes around it. Do you have any suggestions?
Feed Informer Support
9 posts-
Posted 9 years ago #
we have tested the filter on our side and everything works as it should. Could you please give us the link to the feed and keywords you use? Feel free to use contact form: http://feed.informer.com/blog/contact/Posted 9 years ago # -
Here is the feed filtering on #add/subtract. I only have one post in my blog that has this as a test and it is neither of the ones that displays. I would like to add these hashtags at the end of the blog posts to better control the filters but I'm wondering if the special characters aren't recognized in the filter?
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://feed.informer.com/widgets/593YWQSRPA.js"></script>
<noscript>"Test with Hashtags"
Powered by RSS Feed Informer</noscript>Posted 9 years ago # -
Sorry for the delay, it took some time to look into the issue.
Apparently, the information in the FAQ section was misleading and is now updated. Contrary to what's said there, Description field is never checked for updates. Considering that to get the item of the digest updated you should change one of these three fields: Title, Link or PubDate.Posted 9 years ago # -
OK - I updated the date of the post with the new #keywords and it is giving me the same results as before. Is it possible it is not recognizing the special character # (it is only in one post right now). Also, is the change to link the permalink?
Posted 9 years ago # -
I just changed the title and it now shows up when I VIEW DATA next to the DIGEST listing (along with the original two). But when I PREVIEW in the WIDGET I don't see the changed post.
Posted 9 years ago # -
Since you use special symbols (# and /) in your keyword, you should put quotation marks around the whole phrase: "#add/subtract". It worked for me.
We also advise to check 'Show live items only' option for the digest. It will help to get rid of the previous edit of the item in digest.Posted 9 years ago # -
You last suggestion worked great! I tried the quotes before but checking that Live option was key as well. Thanks!! Feed filter will be very useful!
Posted 9 years ago # -
Glad it worked. Thank you for letting us know.
Posted 9 years ago #
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