We are happy to announce that Feed Informer now fully supports embedding widgets into secure web pages (i.e. hosted over HTTPS protocol).
Feed Informer to support widgets for secure web pages
3 posts-
Posted 10 years ago #
When I try to use HTTPS for my feed the feed is not displayed. I tried to navigate to my feed directly (by using the following URL in chrome: https://www.feed.informer.com/widgets/XJXFYN7T3N.js) I receive the following error:<br/>
You attempted to reach http://www.feed.informer.com, but instead you actually reached a server identifying itself as *.informer.com. This may be caused by a misconfiguration on the server or by something more serious. An attacker on your network could be trying to get you to visit a fake (and potentially harmful) version of http://www.feed.informer.com.
You should not proceed, especially if you have never seen this warning before for this site.
This appears to prevent the embeded content from displaying in both firefox and chrome.Posted 10 years ago # -
The URL you use is incorrect, try:
(w/o "www." part)Hope this helps.
Posted 10 years ago #
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