Is there a way to exclude BBCode from being parsed in the description of an RSS feed? Perhaps exclude anything with brackets "[example]" ?
Thanks so much!
Is there a way to exclude BBCode from being parsed in the description of an RSS feed? Perhaps exclude anything with brackets "[example]" ?
Thanks so much!
Unfortunately our <gsub> tag isn't powerful enough to deal with that. I'm very surprised BBCode is making it into an RSS feed though.. surely that's an error on the feed's part? :)
I had this issue using vBulletin. For me, it was resolved by going into vB Admin and turning off "convert html to vB code".
don't know if that helps, or not.
healthgurl: vBulletin was actually putting forum code into the RSS feeds? Just intrigued, as I haven't heard of this before :) I certainly don't think forum software /should/ do this, as RSS readers don't understand forum code.
When I left that 'bb code' option on YES, I had problems with the code, but when I switched it to NO, I was fine. It took me some trial and error to find the solution.
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