I've been a feed digest user for a couple of years now, and I've got a nagging problem I'd like to try to figure out. If one of the websites I grab RSS feeds from has an item in the description such as "go check out this this website at "http://www.feeddigest.com/forums/forum.php?id=1&page#postform/id=1&page#postformid=1&page#postformid=1&page#postformid=1&page#postform" the long URL won't wrap to the next line of the description. Since I use my feed digest in my left column of a 3 column CSS website (with floating columns), that unwrapped line will artificially expand the left column, and just destroy my layout (in i.e. 6.).
In the case where I know the culprit (long URL's in the description) is there a way to drop the description for just those posts (usually signaled by http:// in the description)?