I am a customer, i.e. a person with some actual money prepared to pay a reasonable charge for reasonable service. The poor communication with FeedInformer - the lack of actual contact information here, etc., - has been a source of frustration, as has my inability to renew. I don't want to sound negative, as I actually like the service and I WANT TO PAY. As in Green Money. Simoleons. Dead Presidents. When you pay, you get value for value, ideally.
I am trying to take into account the fact that this is a transition period, and so some interruption makes sense. I use my feeds on my sites to funnel job opportunities to unemployed people, so my readers are jittery and in a bad mood. I hope I don't come off that way myself, just telling it like it is.
As a more technical point, on one of my feeds the more basic feeds don't seem to work, only the fancier ones in special "scroll windows." My "Texas Feed" is a case in point.
I would welcome contact from you, and I wish your new business enterprise well. If you are looking for a broader paying customer base, I will gladly give you solid public feedback for solid service as I would any other reliable vendor. The steering wheel is in your hands. Peace.