Still not working 1 week plus now
Feed Informer Support
Strangest Thing - Not displaying
30 posts-
Posted 17 years ago #
This isn't an official answer, but looking at the JavaScript now, I see one invalid character straight away, even from my browser. Feed Digest is, for better or worse, quite an adherent to a "garbage in, garbage out" philosophy, which is why the emphasis on valid feeds is so strong.
Note that the RSS version no longer validates:
Posted 17 years ago # -
That just makes it curiouser - first because the character that feedvalidator is saying is invalid is the letter "n" second because the text that goes along with the post should have little/nothing to do with Javascript displaying it third because another digest that contains the same feed is also not valid but in this case it says the problem is this: height="1" (also in the description) - fourth because it says the feed that is apparently causing the problem is valid - but apparently that feed when entered into feeddigest becomes invalid
Posted 17 years ago # -
And then..just like that it's back
Posted 17 years ago # -
Perhaps someone is reading, or it's just luck..!
Posted 17 years ago # -
Ok, the problem is back - this time nothing changed
Yesterday, worked fine
Today, without adding anything it stopped working
I'm adding a post now and I'm going to try to find a workaround, but it is a Feeddigest problem
Posted 17 years ago # -
Ok, the problem is back - this time nothing changed
Yesterday, worked fine
Today, without adding anything it stopped working
I'm adding a post now and I'm going to try to find a workaround, but it is a Feeddigest problem
Posted 17 years ago # -
Peter posted this a while back on Yahoo and Google news searches...
===try putting after the hostname. For example.. URL as you've got it, but instead of just
Also, you probably want to UN-check your "Show Only Live Items" box.
Posted 16 years ago # -
I don't have 'live items' checked - I don't have Yahoo or Google feeds included, but it has happened again. What's more - while the feedburner feeds included do validate the Feed Digest RSS feed does not.
Posted 16 years ago # -
Odd...apparently it does kindof work - but only in older versions of Internet Explorer.
Posted 16 years ago #
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