» Demar =?UTF-8?B?0JrRg9C/0LjRgtGMIC0g0KTQvtGA0LzQsCDQvtC00LXQttC00Ys=?=
01/02/24 12:12 from Analogindex

История польской компании DEMAR началась в 1978 году. Предприятие занимается производством детской и взрослой обуви высокого качества.<br /><br />via forma full 5 <a target=’_blank’ href=‘https://ift.tt/6nbPNuJ’ rel='nofollow’>https://ift.tt/6nbPNuJ</a><br /><br /> Manage<br /><br /> Unsubscribe<br /> from these notifications or sign in to manage your<br /> Email service.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />IFTTT<br /><br /> Manage on IFTTT:<br /> <a target=’_blank’ href='https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525’ rel='nofollow’>https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525</a>

» Aldi’s "So Pretty" $5 Glass Mugs Are Back, and Shoppers Are Running to Get Them
01/02/24 21:00 from Feedbin Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.com

A lid for your coffee mug that also serves as a coaster? Ingenious. READ MORE...

» How We Lost Our Minds About UFOs
01/02/24 23:00 from Feedbin Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.com

Attention, ufologists: Nicholson Baker regrets to inform you that your entire movement is easily debunked by investigating Cold War history. At least he eviscerates your extraterrestrial dreams with good cheer and good writing. And he suggests that you bring some proof beyond grainy footage and anonymous sources.

I never got into UFOs. I loved science fiction as a kid, enjoyed buglike space monsters as much as the next person, and in 1967 I read Bill Adler’s book Letters to the Air Force on UFOs with fascination and delight, but the actual documentary evidence on offer has always seemed poor. And the abduction stories, which reached a peak in the late ’80s, were just nuts. Not until recently, though, when I worked on a book about secret Cold War weapons research, did I begin to understand how the saucer madness got started.

» Как справляться с гневом на работе
02/02/24 09:00 from Feedbin Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.com

Пошаговое руководство для тех, кому бывает трудно сдержать эмоции.

» ФНС Купить
01/02/24 02:12 from Analogindex

Федеральная налоговая служба (ФНС России) — федеральный орган исполнительной власти, осуществляющий функции по контролю и надзору за …<br /><br />via forma full 5 <a target=’_blank’ href=‘https://ift.tt/So9b7GZ’ rel='nofollow’>https://ift.tt/So9b7GZ</a><br /><br /> Manage<br /><br /> Unsubscribe<br /> from these notifications or sign in to manage your<br /> Email service.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />IFTTT<br /><br /> Manage on IFTTT:<br /> <a target=’_blank’ href='https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525’ rel='nofollow’>https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525</a>

» Знаки отличия и
01/02/24 09:12 from Analogindex

Рекомендации по ношению государственных наград и ведомственных знаков отличия сотрудниками органов внутренних дел Российской Федерации на предметах форменной одежды.<br /><br />via forma full 5 <a target=’_blank’ href=‘https://ift.tt/hBLv3qr’ rel='nofollow’>https://ift.tt/hBLv3qr</a><br /><br /> Manage<br /><br /> Unsubscribe<br /> from these notifications or sign in to manage your<br /> Email service.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />IFTTT<br /><br /> Manage on IFTTT:<br /> <a target=’_blank’ href='https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525’ rel='nofollow’>https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525</a>

31/01/24 19:32 from Analogindex (@analogindex@mas.to)

Сравнение: analogindex.livejournal.com/36

» Особенности
02/02/24 04:44 from Social posts

Современный уровень развития военных оружейных технологий, цифровых приборов наблюдения выдвигают новые требования к камуфляжному обмундированию .

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» Инсайдер: Sony работает над портативной консолью, которая выйдет с PS6
02/02/24 09:40 from Feedbin Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.com

ps vita 2Духовная наследница PS Vita, на которой можно будет пройти любую игру с PS4.

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15/05/24 11:03 from delta feed

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» Новые приложения и игры для Android: лучшее за январь
02/02/24 06:00 from Feedbin Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.com

Новые приложения и игры для Android: лучшее за январьСамые интересные и полезные новинки Google Play за месяц.

» RosHunter =?UTF-8?B?0JrRg9C/0LjRgtGMIC0g0KTQvtGA0LzQsCDQvtC00LXQttC00Ys=?=
01/02/24 05:13 from analogindex

Одежда для охотников под торговой маркой «RosHunter» отличается высоким качеством изготовления и долговечностью в эксплуатации. Её давно ...

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» Что посадить на рассаду в феврале
02/02/24 10:00 from Feedbin Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.com

CHto posadit' na rassadu v fevraleПонятные инструкции по посеву прилагаются.

31/01/24 21:31 from Analogindex (@analogindex@mas.to)

Армия Беларуси:: analogindex.livejournal.com/36

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» Red Rock =?UTF-8?B?0JrRg9C/0LjRgtGMIC0g0KTQvtGA0LzQsCDQvtC00LXQttC00Ys=?=
01/02/24 13:13 from Analogindex

Итальянский бренд «RedRock» («Редрок») известен во всём мире своей треккинговой и спортивной обувью. Такая обувь отлично подходит для людей, …<br /><br />via forma full 5 <a target=’_blank’ href=‘https://ift.tt/n1tH345’ rel='nofollow’>https://ift.tt/n1tH345</a><br /><br /> Manage<br /><br /> Unsubscribe<br /> from these notifications or sign in to manage your<br /> Email service.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />IFTTT<br /><br /> Manage on IFTTT:<br /> <a target=’_blank’ href='https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525’ rel='nofollow’>https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525</a>

» Comcast agrees to remove misleading brand name for Xfinity
02/02/24 00:07 from Feedbin Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.com

Comcast is waving the white flag in its battle to keep its misleading "Xfinity 10G Network" brand name after facing claims of alleged false advertising.

After claiming that its Xfinity 10G Network service was “game-changing,” “self-healing” and “ultra-fast” by seemingly comparing it to 5G, Comcast faced a challenge from T-Mobile last year in February where it questioned those claims and brought forth the issue to the National Advertising Division (NAD) of BBB National Programs.

Related: Comcast fights to keep its 'misleading' new name for Xfinity

After the NAD did not find evidence that supported Comcast’s claim that the “Xfinity 10G Network” is superior to 5G, it recommended on Oct. 12 that Comcast should discontinue its 10G claims and “use ‘10G’ in a manner that is not false or misleading.” In response to that decision, Comcast filed an appeal.

Now, Comcast has lost the appeal as the National Advertising Review Board (NARB) of BBB National Programs agreed with the NAD’s recommendation in a Jan. 31 ruling after Verizon also challenged Comcast’s “10G” claims.

“The NARB panel concluded that 10G expressly communicates at a minimum that users of the Xfinity network will experience significantly faster speeds than are available on 5G networks,” said the NARB in its decision. “This express claim is not supported because the record does not contain any data comparing speeds experienced by Xfinity network users with speeds experienced by subscribers to 5G networks.”

Vadnais Heights, Minn., Xfinity store in local mall. 

UCG/Getty Images

The NARB panel determined that Comcast should discontinue using the term 10G “when used in the name of the service itself (“Xfinity 10G Network”) as well as when used to describe the Xfinity network.”

In response to the NARB’s decision, Comcast said that “although it strongly disagrees with NARB’s analysis and approach,” it will change its advertising to comply with the panel’s ruling.

10G internet could easily be confused by consumers as an upgrade from 5G when both are very different. 5G stands for 5th generation, and 10G stands for 10 gigabits per second. 5G only relates to cellular network connection, and 10G and is only offered for home internet service. 5G is also faster than 10G as it offers faster downloading speeds.

Related: Veteran fund manager picks favorite stocks for 2024

01/02/24 14:13 from Analogindex (@analogindex@mas.to)

Как правильно: analogindex.livejournal.com/36

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» Amazon may be leaping forward in building its in-house Vega OS
01/02/24 23:39 from Feedbin Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.com

AH Amazon Logo (1)

In November last year, we reported that Amazon might be working on plans to ditch Android and instead develop its in-house Vega OS. Well, the report turns out to be true. At least, if a recent Amazon job listing is to be believed. It also suggests that something is brewing in the Seattle headquarters.

Amazon could be hiring engineers for Vega OS

First spotted by AFTVnews, Amazon posted a Berlin-based job, looking for a Fire TV Experience Software Development Engineer on January 29. However, if you visit the link to the job on the platform, you’ll see that it no longer exists. The job description clearly stated that the main part of the job is to help shift from Android to the rumored “Vega OS.” Amazon explicitly mentions this transition from “FOS/Android,” where FOS stands for Fire OS, to “native/Rust” and React Native for Fire TV.

Last year, reports surfaced that Amazon Echo Show 5 has switched to a new system, leaving its Android system behind. We don’t have the exact date for this change. But it’s clear that Amazon is putting a lot of effort into making this switch. The report also suggests that Amazon may not update current Fire TV devices to the rumored “Vega OS”. Instead, it will introduce new models with this system.

Amazon is not the only one with an in-house OS in mind

Amazon is not the only one ditching Android for its in-house operating system. In recent times, brands like Huawei and Vivo have also moved away from Android. For instance, Huawei has released HarmonyOS, and Vivo has come up with BlueOS in its homeland, China.

The good part is that there may be a lot of improvements in the in-house operating systems, and the sad part is that these operating systems will not support Android apps. This is because there are millions of Android apps available on the Play Store across categories. And that may not be the case with newborn operating systems, let alone the apps available on third-party stores.

The post Amazon may be leaping forward in building its in-house Vega OS appeared first on Android Headlines.

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01/02/24 01:13 from Analogindex (@analogindex@mas.to)

Разновидности: analogindex.livejournal.com/36

» Знаки отличия и
01/02/24 09:12 from analogindex

Рекомендации по ношению государственных наград и ведомственных знаков отличия сотрудниками органов внутренних дел Российской Федерации на предметах форменной одежды.

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01/02/24 06:30 from Analogindex (@analogindex@mas.to)

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» RosHunter =?UTF-8?B?0JrRg9C/0LjRgtGMIC0g0KTQvtGA0LzQsCDQvtC00LXQttC00Ys=?=
01/02/24 05:13 from Analogindex

Одежда для охотников под торговой маркой «RosHunter» отличается высоким качеством изготовления и долговечностью в эксплуатации. Её давно …<br /><br />via forma full 5 <a target=’_blank’ href=‘https://ift.tt/kBoapTw’ rel='nofollow’>https://ift.tt/kBoapTw</a><br /><br /> Manage<br /><br /> Unsubscribe<br /> from these notifications or sign in to manage your<br /> Email service.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />IFTTT<br /><br /> Manage on IFTTT:<br /> <a target=’_blank’ href='https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525’ rel='nofollow’>https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525</a>

» The $30 Organizer That Helped Me Clear the Chaos Under My Sink for Good
01/02/24 22:15 from Feedbin Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.com

Say hello to a storage space you can be proud of. READ MORE...

» Армия Беларуси:
31/01/24 21:14 from analogindex

Нарукавный знак Особого отряда специального назначения 5 отдельной бригады специального назначения Вооруженных сил Республики Беларусь. Нарукавный знак Особого отряда...

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» An ‘absolutely perfect’ Amazon space heater has just been purchased over 40,000 times, and it only costs $24
02/02/24 00:30 from Feedbin Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.com

TheStreet aims to feature only the best products and services. If you buy something via one of our links, we may earn a commission.

We’re starting to approach the time of year when the temperature outside can vary wildly, meaning that our indoor temperatures might just do the same — and for that, space heaters can come in handy as a great alternative to having to turn on the heat for the entire house. One of Amazon’s most popular space heater picks, the Aikoper Space Heater, has just been purchased more than 40,000 times in the past month — yet it’s still just $24 after a 20% discount for Prime subscribers.

This space heater has garnered a whopping 15,000 five-star ratings, with shoppers calling it “small but mighty.” It just needs an outlet to plug into, so it’s simple to set up and can follow you around the house as needed, whether you’re working in the office or kicking back by the TV. 

Aikoper Space heater, $24 (was $30) at Amazon

Courtesy of Amazon

Get it.

Shoppers call this easy-to-use space heater “absolutely perfect” for heating up the individual rooms and smaller spaces in their homes, thanks to a user-friendly control panel and powerful-for-its-size output. One shopper, a self-described “always cold” person, says that her purchase has been perfect for heating a small room.

Shoppers also really love the space heater’s safety features: They say that if it’s not sitting level it simply won’t run — and if it gets knocked over, or if any part of the machine shows signs of overheating, the shut-off feature “immediately” kicks on.

It’ll save you money by not forcing you to turn on your central heating, too — one shopper, who is buying her third one, said that it “definitely helped save on our heating bill last winter and this year [as] well.” Plus, it can take those savings even further by reliably shutting off the heat once the air in the room surrounding it reaches the same temperature you’ve programmed on the dials.

Instead of freezing the rest of the winter — or shivering through another evening of Netflix — get cozy by adding one (or two!) of these Aikoper Space Heaters to your carts. 

» Taylor Swift effect on full display as FanDuel prepares for ‘biggest game in history of betting’
02/02/24 01:00 from Feedbin Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.com

The Super Bowl is always one of the biggest betting days of the year, and this year’s game between the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers will be no different. Mike Raffensperger, the chief commercial officer at FanDuel, sat down with TheStreet to discuss what he expects to see in terms of sheer betting volume, as well as some of the more popular bets placed.

Full Video Transcript Below:

J.D. DURKIN: You may have heard there's a big football game a couple of weeks out. Talk to me about that. You're not familiar. I think it's called the Super bowl, a big, big football. It's the whole thing. I know Taylor Swift will be there. What is the, talk to me about some of the trends overall you're seeing in terms of either the types of wagers you're seeing or the new types of offerings that even first time fans will be able to take advantage of in the run up to the big game?

MIKE RAFFENSPERGER: Well, I can confidently say it's going to be the biggest game in the history of betting likely globally, certainly in the United States. So just a little bit of context. We recently had the conference championships where the 49ers and the Chiefs made their way into the Super Bowl that day. FanDuel took more handle, more betting than we did in the Super Bowl last year.

And so in terms of anticipating in a couple of weeks what we expect to see Super Bowl, it will break all records, not just here in America, but really internationally for the amount of wagering taking place on one game. There really is nothing like the Super Bowl. You know, look, in terms of the wagers, you'll expect to see, we'll have over 600 different markets, meaning things that you can bet on. That's more than any other Sportsbook in America. Very popular one is who will score the first touchdown. And on that market, I can say the Swifty effect is in full run. Travis Kelce is the number one player picked score the first touchdown in just a couple of weeks here in the Super Bowl. 

31/01/24 23:21 from Analogindex (@analogindex@mas.to)

Тактические брюки: analogindex.livejournal.com/36

» Тактические брюки
31/01/24 23:12 from Analogindex

Купить Тактические брюки в интернет-магазине Форма одежды. Наложенный платеж и быстрая доставка по России. Тел. +7(495)946-9115.<br /><br />via forma full 5 <a target=’_blank’ href=‘https://ift.tt/dKgNEQS’ rel='nofollow’>https://ift.tt/dKgNEQS</a><br /><br /> Manage<br /><br /> Unsubscribe<br /> from these notifications or sign in to manage your<br /> Email service.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />IFTTT<br /><br /> Manage on IFTTT:<br /> <a target=’_blank’ href='https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525’ rel='nofollow’>https://ifttt.com/myrecipes/personal/114580525</a>

» Red Rock =?UTF-8?B?0JrRg9C/0LjRgtGMIC0g0KTQvtGA0LzQsCDQvtC00LXQttC00Ys=?=
01/02/24 13:13 from analogindex

Итальянский бренд «RedRock» («Редрок») известен во всём мире своей треккинговой и спортивной обувью. Такая обувь отлично подходит для людей, ...

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» Lewis Hamilton’s Shock Ferrari Switch Rocks F1 World
01/02/24 22:00 from Feedbin Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.com

In a stunning turn of events, Formula 1 icon Lewis Hamilton is set to shake up the motorsport world by leaving Mercedes and joining Ferrari for the 2025 season. The 39-year-old British driver, who has long been associated with Mercedes, is reportedly on the brink […]

Visit Man of Many for the full post.

01/02/24 14:13 from Analogindex (@analogindex@mas.to)

Red Rock =?UTF-8?B?0JrRg9C/0LjRgtGMIC0g0KTQvtGA0LzQsCDQvtC00LXQttC00Ys=?=: analogindex.livejournal.com/36

» Брэд Питт сыграет в последнем фильме Квентина Тарантино
02/02/24 06:36 from Feedbin Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.com

Брэд Питт ТарантиноЭто будет третий совместный проект после «Бесславных ублюдков» и «Однажды в… Голливуде».

» Microsoft 365 apps are coming to Apple Vision Pro at the right time
01/02/24 22:51 from Feedbin Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.com

Microsoft 365 Apple Vision Pro

Apple’s biggest launch in a long time, the Vision Pro, is releasing in a few hours, right on schedule. Priced at $3,499, it is exclusively available in the United States. Even at that price, one report suggests that over 200,000 units have already been pre-ordered. Perhaps, at the same time, Microsoft has announced its share of wishes to Apple as it launches its suite of Microsoft 365 apps on the App Store for Apple Vision Pro.

Microsoft 365 apps landing soon on Apple Vision Pro

Microsoft has announced “some exciting news” that Microsoft Teams, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, OneNote, and Loop are coming to the App Store for Apple Vision Pro on its launch day i.e., Friday (February 2nd). This means that Apple Vision Pro users can download and use the Microsoft 365 apps as soon as they bring home the big-budget Apple’s “mixed reality” headset.

It’s noteworthy that Apple has long called its Vision Pro “an ideal productivity tool,” and Microsoft 365 apps are synonymous with the term. So, it’s no surprise that they’re coming. More importantly, Apple Vision Pro users will be able to use an AI-powered Copilot on the headset. This means they could do things like making drafts, summarizing documents, and creating PowerPoint presentations just by using voice.

Microsoft Word Apple Vision Pro

How’d the experience be while using Microsoft apps on Apple Vision Pro?

Well, we don’t know yet but the initial feedback on the Apple Vision Pro seems mostly positive. However, there are concerns about its weight and discomfort during prolonged wear. According to CNET, Apple Vision Pro is well-suited for tasks like using it as a work computer and enjoying movies.

Microsoft talks about a focus mode in Word. This will help users avoid distractions or fully focus on completing an overdue assignment. With Teams, your digital avatar can join work meetings, adding a personal touch. PowerPoint offers a special environment for practicing presentations in front of a virtual audience. In Excel, you can easily move documents to other apps by using the headset’s pinch and drag feature.

The post Microsoft 365 apps are coming to Apple Vision Pro at the right time appeared first on Android Headlines.

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02/02/24 04:44 from Social posts

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» 8 ошибок, из-за которых списки дел не работают
02/02/24 08:00 from Feedbin Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.com

Большинства из них совсем не сложно избежать.

» Выгодно: электрогриль Kitfort со скидкой 58%
02/02/24 09:30 from Feedbin Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.com

При оплате картой Сбера начисляется повышенный кэшбек, который увеличит выгоду.

» An Unused Bedroom Becomes a Colorful “Cloffice” in a $2,000 Makeover
01/02/24 23:00 from Feedbin Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.com

“The cloffice makes me feel like I'm on Sex and the City!” the DIYer says. READ MORE...

» January 2024 saw the most layoffs in more than 10 years
01/02/24 23:00 from Feedbin Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.com

TheStreet's J.D. Durkin brings the latest business headlines from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange as markets close for trading Thursday, February 1.

Full Video Transcript Below:

J.D. DURKIN: I’m J.D. Durkin - reporting from the New York Stock Exchange. Here’s what we’re watching on TheStreet today.

Stocks were in the green to close out today's session. The Dow closed up over 350 points, the Nasdaq closed up 1.3 percent, and the S&P closed 1.2 percent higher. This comes as investors continue to react to the Fed holding interest rates steady while indicating that a March rate cut would be unlikely. Markets are now pricing in a 38 percent chance of a rate cut in March.

Separately, investors are looking ahead to the January jobs report out Friday. Wall Street is expecting the U.S. economy to have added 176,500 jobs last month, with the unemployment rate rising to 3.8 percent.

In other news - we know that layoffs have been top of mind in the business world to start 2024, but now we know just how bad it's been. According to a new report by global outplacement firm Challenger, Gray, and Christmas - layoffs in January increased by 136 percent from the month prior. In total, 82,307 workers were let go by U.S.-based employers in the first month of the year, marking the highest number of January layoffs since 2009.

In addition to questions around interest rates and 2024 being an election year, the report says these layoffs are also driven by "broader economic trends and a strategic shift towards increased automation and AI adoption in various sectors, though in most cases, companies point to cost-cutting as the main driver for layoffs."

The financial sector saw more layoffs than any other industry with 23,238 workers laid off. That was followed by the tech sector with almost 16,000 layoffs, and the food production industry which had roughly 6,660 workers let go.

When asked why employees were being laid off, restructuring was the number one response given by employers. And if you’re worried about AI coming for your job, keep in mind that artificial intelligence was blamed for less than one percent of the January layoffs.

That’ll do it for your daily briefing. From the New York Stock Exchange, I’m J.D. Durkin with TheStreet.

» LinkedIn in Europe: Changes for the Digital Markets Act
02/02/24 00:00 from Feedbin Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.com

Today we shared in a post from Sarah Wight, our VP of Legal, how LinkedIn is preparing for the new Digital Markets Act. People using LinkedIn in Europe will have the ability to choose how to connect their core LinkedIn experience across LinkedIn jobs, ads and learning features. Read more about the news in Sarah’s post.

» 34 Best Pubs in Melbourne Right Now
02/02/24 00:15 from Feedbin Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.com

From Richmond to Fitzroy, Melbourne is the unofficial culture capital of Australia and its pubs stand out with a relaxed atmosphere, great selection of beers, and delicious pub grub. Given the endless number of pubs scattered in and around Melbourne, finding your next local can feel like navigating […]

Visit Man of Many for the full post.

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