Can we include the author name as one of the variables we can use in our templates? It's a standard element in RSS, and would hopefully not be too difficult an enhancement.
Feed Informer Support
Add 'Author' Element as a Variable
3 posts-
Posted 17 years ago #
At this time, no, although it may be something the new owners will at least consider. The reason extra tags like that (beyond those on have not been easy to implement is because more than two years ago it was uncommon for other RSS elements to be used and the system's design was heavily optimized for speed / reliability and adding extra columns to the database (now containing many tens of millions of items) is a major task. It occurred once a year or so ago to support enclosures, but would now require a lot more preparation.
Posted 17 years ago # -
Thanks for the quick reply. I can imagine the database implications of such a change, especially with millions of items. Still, I hope the new owners will give it serious consideration. One of the key selling points of your service is being able to aggregate separate feeds, often from different sites. In those cases, you can see how being able to display an item's author would be a significant improvement. We wouldn't expect you to go back and repopulate the 'author' field, but perhaps make it available going forward? We like the simplicity of your service but I think this might be a dealbreaker for some.
Posted 17 years ago #
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