article featured imageBeyond the Mouse: Douglas Engelbart‘s Visionary NLS System
History Tools | Mar 29, 2024 | Staff
“As we face the complex challenges of the 21st century, from climate change to social inequality to global health crises, the need for tools and frameworks that can help us work together to solve problems is more pressing than ever. Engelbart‘s vision of augmenting human intellect offers a compelling roadmap for how we might use technology to tap into our collective wisdom and creativity.”

article featured image55 years ago, the ‘Mother of All Demos’ foresaw modern computing
Oregon Public Broadcasting | Dec. 9, 2023 | Kami Horton
“On Dec. 9, 1968, Oregon-born engineer and inventor Douglas Engelbart hosted a computer demonstration so groundbreaking it is known today as the “Mother of All Demos. [...] Early in his career, Engelbart decided that his life’s work would focus on solving humanity’s problems. He recognized that computers could not only help with that work, but also accelerate it. [...] He envisioned computers as communication tools that could help people learn, collaborate and tackle complex problems.”

article featured imageDouglas Engelbart facts for kids
Kiddle Encyclopedia | Nov 14, 2023 | Staff
“Early in his career he decided (1) he would focus his career on making the world a better place; (2) any serious effort [in this pursuit would require harnessing] the collective human intellect of all involved; (3) if you could dramatically improve how we do that, you'd be boosting every effort on the planet to solve important problems – the sooner the better; (4) computers could be the vehicle for dramatically improving this capability.”
Related Articles: Computer mouse Facts for Kids | History of personal computers facts for kids | the Mother of All Demos | Keyboard facts for kids | Turing Award facts for kids |

article featured imageDouglas Engelbart - Inventing the 21st Century
Diffusion Podcasts | Jun 19, 2023 | Ian Woolf
In this Podcast, “we look back to the man who wanted to augment human intelligence to help us work together to solve the world's most complex problems, and in doing so invented the 21st Century. How do we get smart enough to solve the really difficult problems? Douglas Engelbart said "the better we get at getting better, the faster we will get better" where our problem-solving abilities are constantly improved, and therefore so is everything we do!"
See also Avail Formats | Show Notes

article featured imageExtended Mind interview with Donald Clark
Learning Hack Podcasts | Dec 7, 2022 | Donald Clark & John Helmer
“In this episode of Great Minds on Learning, John Helmer interviews Donald Clark exploring The Extended Mind. Where do our thoughts live? And if, as some theorists contend, they do not observe physical limitations, but extends to our technology tools and physical surroundings, what are the implications for learning?” Includes Great Mind Doug Engelbart's vision on collective intelligence. See also: Episode Notes | Detail: Learning Theorists | Detail: Engelbart on Collective IQ

article featured image A Machine for Thinking: How Douglas Engelbart Predicted the Future of Computing Netguru | Jul 28, 2022 | Steven Johnson “More than 50 years ago, Douglas Engelbart gave the "Mother of All Demos" that transformed software forever. The computer world has been catching up with his vision ever since.” See Also: About the Hidden Heroes Series

article featured imageThe Public Debut of a Dream
CNI | Jul 22, 2022 | Gardner Campbell
“Doug Engelbart’s “Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework” 60 Years On: In October, 1962, Dr. Douglas C. Engelbart published a document that synthesized over a decade of research and careful thought, a document that would illuminate the work he would do for the rest of his career. 'Augmenting Human Intellect' is both a research report and a visionary manifesto for how computers and human beings could co-evolve to foster the highest levels of human flourishing. Engelbart sought to empower humanity’s capabilities to address its most complex problems, and he saw networked computing as an essential part of that capability...”

article featured imageImprovement communities Roblog | Aug 7, 2021 | Rob Miller “Improving the way we improve is a collective effort with exponential rewards. But why have so few industries embraced it?” See companion article Collective IQ and Continuous Improvement

article featured imageCollective IQ and Continuous Improvement Roblog | Jul 4, 2021 | Rob Miller “How do you harness the collective intelligence of a group, solve difficult problems, and share what you learn?” An excellent distillation and synthesis of Doug Engelbart's driving vision for navigating accelerating change. See companion article Improvement communities

article featured imageAugmenting the Learning Dialogue Online Campus Technology | Mar 8, 2021 | Mary Grush A Q&A with Gardner Campbell “We've heard a lot lately about moving the remote learning experience farther away from a training model and closer to a collaborative learning model in which students participate together in the co-creation or discovery of knowledge. As far back as the 1960s, alongside the work of Doug Engelbart, people have dreamed about ways to augment the knowledge worker, the researcher, the scholar, the faculty, and the student... Today, a conversation about how to do that ”

article featured imageThe Click Heard around the World
The Henry Ford Blog | Dec 9, 2020 | Kristen Gallerneaux
“On December 9, 1968, Douglas Engelbart of the Stanford Research Institute hosted a session at the Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco in which he used the first computer mouse to sweep through a demonstration that became the blueprint for modern computing.”
Related Articles: Tech Suport | How design factored into “the mother of all tech demos”

article featured imageCulture of Innovation at ARPA & Xerox PARC
Internet@50 | Oct 30, 2019 | Alan Kay
“Keynote Speaker Alan Kay presents key lessons learned from the culture within the ARPA community and Xerox PARC that fostered so many technological breakthroughs, in such a short period of time.” Includes learnings from Doug Engelbart's Augmenting Human Intellect Research Center. Stories that inform future cosmic scale innovators.
Video Contents: 0:01 Introductions | 04:29 Enter Alan Kay | 22:46 Discussing Engelbart | See also Related Essay: "How?" | Event Site

article featured imageHow? - When “what will it take?” seems beyond possible Internet@50 | Jun 13, 2019 | Alan Kay “When “what will it take?” seems beyond possible, we need to study how *Immense Challenges* have been successfully dealt with in the past. [...] Need higher levels of qualitatively different thinking than the thinking that caused the challenges, including how to set up and nourish the communities of top people [pursuing the solutions]." *Immense Challenges* call for cosmic vision and collective synergy. This essay written for the Ellen MacArthur Foundation Summit to accompany Alan's session VIDEO: Scale Up the Circular Economy - with Alan Kay

article featured image"What Would Doug Engelbart Do?" Ask Organizers of a Silicon Valley Event
IEEE Spectrum | Dec 14, 2018 | Tekla S. Perry
“Inspired by the man who showed the way to modern computing, tech-minded experts shared ideas for how to tackle climate change, nuclear proliferation, and broken political systems.”

article featured imageHow design factored into "the mother of all tech demos"
Quartz | Dec 12, 2018 | Anne Quito
“A crucial, but rarely discussed element of Engelbart’s stagecraft was his custom-built chair. Herman Miller designer Jack Kelley modified an Eames shell chair and affixed a detatchable tray to house a keyboard, a computer mouse, and a keyset.” Jack Kelly recalls the setup for the seminal demo - “I designed the computer chair with a swing-out console because Engelbart liked to work in different attitudes and statures … stand-up, sit down, relax. … How do you solve for that?”

article featured imageNet@50: Did Engelbart's “Mother of All Demos” Launch the Connected World?
Computer History Museum | Dec 9, 2018 | Marc Weber
“His goal was building systems to augment human intelligence. His group prototyped much of modern computing (and invented the mouse) along the way”

article featured image50 Years Later, We Still Don’t Grasp the Mother of All Demos
WIRED | Dec 9, 2018 | Klint Finley
“To Engelbart, his work was never about the technology itself, but about helping people work together to solve the world’s biggest problems.”

article featured imageHow Doug Engelbart Pulled off the Mother of All Demos
WIRED | Dec 9, 2018 | Adam Fisher
“Engelbart’s idea was that computers of the future should be optimized for human needs. [...] They should augment rather than replace the human intellect.”

article featured image50 years ago, Douglas Engelbart’s ‘Mother of All Demos’ changed personal technology forever
Mashable | Dec 8, 2018 | Stewart Wolpin
“Imagine someone demonstrating a jet plane 15 years before Kitty Hawk [or] a smartphone 15 years before the first cellular networks were even launched.”

article featured imageIn One 1968 Presentation, This Inventor Shaped Modern Computing
Smithsonian Magazine | Jan 30, 2017 | Kat Eschner
“Douglas Engelbart’s career was about seeing the possibilities of what computing could do for humanity.”

article featured imageHere's How To Master The ABCs Of Innovation Forbes | Jan 10, 2017 | Chunka Mui “Fortune 500 CEOs cited dealing with the rapid pace of technological change as their "single biggest challenge." Another global survey [...] identified the speed of disruptive innovation as one of the highest risks facing their organizations. [...] Yet, the intense attention on innovation often misses a key element. [While] many companies are paying attention to immediate challenges and opportunities, [...] too few are being innovative in how they innovate. [...] Douglas Engelbart, the noted engineer and inventor, captured the critical difference when he wrote "the key to the long-term viability of an organization is to get better "and better at improving itself." To understand why, take a look at Englebart's framework for the "ABCs of Organizational Improvement." See this article tweeted by the Author, and trending on Twitter.”

article featured imageElephant Footprint: The Vision and Impact of Douglas Engelbart Inventors Digest | Aug 12, 2016 | Reid Creager Choose Format: eReader | Blog DOUG ENGELBART'S VISION AND IMPACT TRANSCENDED HIS COMPUTER MOUSE - “At the time of his passing, Engelbart was frustrated by humans’ failure to prioritize the power of the Creative IQ. His vision was that technology would work with our infinite capacities as humans, not work independently of them.” [ See also: Editor's Note | Inventors Digest - June 2016 Issue ]

article featured imageInternet Pioneer's Greatest Contribution May Not Be Technological Internet Society | May 5, 2015 | Staff “Doug Engelbart's greatest breakthrough may be to change how we think, how we learn and innovate, and how we collaborate." The Internet Hall of Fame featured profile on this 2014 Inductee, including how one university is putting his vision to practice in an experimental MOOC and associated Engelbart Scholar Award program.

article featured imageInnovation Magazine and the Birth of a Buzzword
IEEE Spectrum | Jan 29, 2015 | Matthew Wisnioski
“Today's technoculture of entrepreneurship and creative problem solving owes much to this 1960s magazine… In the September 1971 Issue, Innovation published one of the earliest profiles of computer visionary Douglas Engelbart. Members could sign up for a seminar with Engelbart in his lab at SRI [to] try out the augmentation system made famous by his 1968 public demonstration, in which he debuted a number of groundbreaking technologies.”
See companion article featuring Doug Engelbart: Toward the Decentralized Intellectual Workshop, by Nilo Lindgren, Innovation, issue 24, April 1971, pages 50-60.

article featured imageAn Homage to Douglas Engelbart and a Critique of the State of Tech
NY Times | Dec 16, 2013 | John Markoff
“Theodor Holm Nelson, a thorn in the side of the computing establishment, took his critique to Shakespearean levels in a eulogy for his friend Douglas Engelbart.”
See also the Tribute Event where Ted spoke.

article featured imageAugmenting Human Intellect: Vale Doug Engelbart
Learnlets | Dec 10, 2013 | Clark Quinn
“His vision didn’t stop there: he proposed co-evolution of people and technology, and wanted people developing systems to be using the tools they were building to do their work, ... bootstrapping the environment. He early on saw the necessity of bringing in diverse viewpoints ... to get the best outcomes. And continual learning was a key component ... not just an ongoing reflection on work processes looking for opportunities to improve, but a reflection on the reflection process; sharing between groups doing the work reflection, to collaboratively improve.”

article featured imageReflections on our future
ASIS&T | Aug 12, 2013 | Douglas C. Engelbart
This article commemorates Doug's remarks from the Oct 1996 ASIS Conference on global complexity: information, chaos and control, where ASIS honored Doug with a Special Achievement Award. “We at the Bootstrap Institute say the world has one category of people who are operating and another category of activity that's improving the capability to do that work. So we called the first part the “A” activity and the next part the “B.” The “B” is that which is busy trying to improve how capable you can be at “A.” Because we have significantly more challenges coming, we must get a more effective “B” going to cope with that change. To improve the capability for doing “B,” you obviously have to add a “C” to improve your capability to improve...”

article featured imageDouglas Engelbart and the Means to an End
A List Apart | Jul 25, 2013 | Karen McGrane
“Engelbart tells us what his intent was in developing these technologies—they were a means to an end. His point wasn’t to build a pointing device. His goal was to help humankind expand its capacity to solve problems...”

article featured imageDouglas Engelbart’s Unfinished Revolution
MIT Technology Review | Jul 23, 2013 | Howard Rheingold
“Engelbart’s ideas revolutionized computing and helped shape the modern world. [...] To Engelbart, computers, interfaces, and networks were means to a more important end—amplifying human intelligence to help us survive in the world we’ve created.”

article featured imageDoug Engelbart's Design for High Performance Innovative Organizations | July 17, 2013 | Patricia Seybold Change Your Organization's Nervous System - “I have been a fan and follower of Doug Engelbart since I first discovered his work in the early 1970s. After his death in 2013, I revisited a videotaped interview I did with Doug in November of 1991 [in which Doug described] much of his seminal thinking about how to design high performance organizations. [...] In this article, I summarize a few of the high points from that interview.”

article featured imageRemembering Doug Engelbart, with two talks about his visionary work TED Blog | Jul 5, 2013 | TED Staff “Engelbart was one of those people who imagined the possibility of the Internet as a place where people could work together and push humanity forward. He was ahead of his time not only in what he invented, but in how he thought about the process of creation. Digital collaboration, crowdsourcing, group innovation — these are concepts Engelbart championed 60 years ago that are still relevant (yet, importantly, not a matter of course) today.” References: The Demo | Ian Ritchie TED Talk | Peter Hirshberg TED Talk | Augmenting Human Intellect

article featured imageDoug Engelbart’s passing leaves a legacy to treasure
The Conversation | Jul 5, 2013 | Roland Sussex & Phillip Long
“He was a visionary inventor and engineer, a top-down changer of worlds. He had a devastatingly simple aim: to make the world a better place by augmenting the human intellect to better take on the problems the world presented. [...] His approach was not to solve individual engineering problems, but to find ways of realising his big picture, something which he devoted his whole working life to: enhancing human potential by inventing ways of thinking about, and realising, richer human-computer interaction.”
See also special compilation in Remembering Doug Engelbart

article featured imageA few words on Doug Engelbart
WorryDream | Jul 3, 2013 | Bret Victor
“People often compare Engelbart's work to today's tech, but that misses the point. Ignore today; just think about it in terms of his goals.”

article featured imageThe shocking truth about Silicon Valley genius Doug Engelbart
ZDNET | Jul 3, 2013 | Tom Foremski
“He's lauded by many for his stellar contributions but no one would fund him in the last four decades of his life... There is an unfinished computer revolution, and with important unfinished work that he wasn't able to complete. … What new platforms of innovation could have come from his work, what new hundred billion dollar industries might have emerged?”
See also Remembering Doug Engelbart

article featured imageImprove Your Ecosystem's Ability to Tackle Complex Issues Outside Innovation | Jun 6, 2010 | Patricia Seybold “For internetworked organizations [...] there’s also a robust body of proven practices that reminds us how to accelerate our capacity for innovation as a group of people. Many of the basic principles for “bootstrapping innovation” among people who are working together online (and offline) to address complex issues were invented and practiced by Doug Engelbart. [...] At our recent Visionaries’ meeting, Christina Engelbart, Doug’s daughter, reminded us that her father’s life work revolved around helping groups of people tackle really complex issues.”

article featured imageCelebrating the man who invented the mouse
Stanford News | Dec 10, 2008 | Dan Stober
“The mouse was merely a byproduct of Engelbart's larger vision, said his daughter, Christina Engelbart [...] "That was what the public recognizes as a great innovation that's really had a huge impact on everyone. But truly his greatest innovation of all was the vision and the strategic organizing principles that catapulted the innovation of his lab and that could catapult the work today if it was applied and harnessed in teams and organizations” Watch the Stanford News Report

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