» Studies with rodents advance our understanding of how memories form
04/09/24 14:59 from FBR SmartBrief
A new study in Science Advances builds on previous research with rats by demonstrating that the interaction between protein k - More - 

» SOX9 blockade in stem cells results in mice able to walk again
04/09/24 14:59 from FBR SmartBrief
Researchers have discovered that blocking SOX9 expression in human pluripotent stem cells promotes neural differentiation, an - More - 

» AI guides worms toward food with neural control
04/09/24 14:59 from FBR SmartBrief
Researchers used AI to steer Caenorhabditis elegans worms toward food by managing light-sensitive neurons in their brains, de - More - 

» Chicken model for vitiligo points to early immune activation before disease onset
04/09/24 14:59 from FBR SmartBrief
Researcher Gisela Erf is studying vitiligo in a rare breed of chickens called the Smyth line, with a recent study in Frontier - More - 

» Bats' high blood sugar may aid diabetes research
04/09/24 14:59 from FBR SmartBrief
Scientists have found that bats have the highest naturally occurring blood sugar levels recorded among mammals, existing in " - More - 

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