Feb 14 The end justifies the means #emergence
As I said in my first blog I was pretty sure to not apply for the courses in presential. I was not confident with my English level and I was supposed to find a job here in athens. However after one semester of following my friends in room A3 every...
Feb 13 One last time #emergence
The first thing that I want to say is that I wasn’t prepared for this type of class but I’m so happy that I decided to attend it. As I said in my first blog, I was a little bit anxious about taking this first course after 3 years away from school ...
Feb 10 A life changing experience #emergence
It felt like only a few eye blinks ago since it was the first time that we have met inside of room A3. I did not quite understand how the whole blog writing system is going to work out but now that I had the opportunity to get warm with it. I am r...
Feb 3 Same room different experience #emergence
Listening to the others in our final class last week, I heard so many different opinions and attempts describing the same atmosphere and dialogue. I had the feeling that even though we were sitting in the same room, attended the same class, and sa...
Feb 2 One last blogpost #emergence
I took this course because one of my classmates recommended it. I had never taken a psychology course before, so I started this course on a blank and open mind. Not only on a personal level, but also from an academic point of view. I had no idea w...
Jan 31 Recap #emergence
Hello dear people who made it to this blog one last time, Now this semester is almost over and what a great few month it has been. I just remember how I came late for the first lesson because of the queue at the university entrance and then I coul...
Jan 31 A journey of systems and connections #emergence
When I first started out following this course I had no idea what it would entail as system’s theory did not ring a particular bell in my mind. And to be honest, at first I only accidentally stumbled upon this course since the other course which w...
Jan 30 The last of this……#Emergence
This is the last post time to summarize, think about everything that happened that was. So, what can I think these 4 months have passed quickly? 10 times we came to our classes with systems theory…. They quickly disappeared, some interesting...
Jan 27 Last post : what I learned during this class #emergence
I want to start my post by explaining what I thought before the course began, before going in details about what I learned and realized from it. At first, I thought that the topics of this course would be too complicated for me, that I will not be...
Jan 26 Everything I took with me and much more #emergence
Looking back on the past lessons is a nice way to reflect on the semester abroad. Many different emotions accompanied me through the lessons. I associate the first lesson with excitement, nervousness, but also relief. Many questions preoccupied me...
Jan 26 Essential thoughts for ever #emergence
The semester is coming to an end and it is time to wrap up my experience in this course. First of all, I chose to take this course because it was offered face-to-face in my study department. I was happy
Jan 26 A chance from life and the end of the chapter.
Psychology is not my field of study, but when I came to Athens, I was able to choose the subjects I wanted to study in. I started going to everything that seemed interesting. The Systems theory, psychology and social media course sounded tempting ...
Jan 25 What a course! #emergence
Unfortunately I could not attend our last live meeting to say goodbye to y´all and to summarize all the awesome things that we have learned and experienced together but before I get more concrete about this course in my final 1.5k Word paper about...
Jan 25 Survival of the nicest #emergence
After comparing both of the survival stories I feel like it was an obvious outcome but to defend the captain and the people of the bigger crew I have to say : how would you know how to handle the situation if you are in such a big group that had s...
Jan 25 Talks like that #emergence
Next to the really interesting conversation that I was listening the last 2 hours to like a podcast I wanna spend this blogentry talking about the importance of having talks like that. While I watched the movie I compared it to other films of that...
Jan 25 Blueprint #emergence
What do you think made the difference of those two groups? This fragment of ‘Blueprint: The evolutionary origins of a good society’ is such an interesting story. It is taking place in an exceptional situation. It would be very hard to recreate a s...
Jan 23 An unexpected change #emergence
I started this course because I wanted to get a general introduction to what systems theory is and also how I could use it in both my personal life and in an academic context as well. I had little to no knowledge about what defines systems theory ...
Jan 23 Everything ends sometime #emergence
Hello everyone! This seems to be my last reflection here… Well, here comes the moment when the Erasmus semester ends, which means that the courses and studies end. These six months have passed very quickly, we can even say that they have passed at...
Jan 23 How is the photo related to the subject? #emergence
At the last lesson, each of us thought about this subject in an unusual way. In front of us were cards from a board game with various pictures. Initially, we had to choose the drawing that attracts us the most. I thought for a very long time about...
Jan 23 Systems? Yes, please! #emergence
So the time has come to write a conclusion about the whole class experience. I will try to follow the order of our meetings, but at the same time, I will try to underline the changes in my perception about systems thinking over time. My first Eras...
Jan 21 The last Reflection or the beginning of a journey
#emergence Looking back on the last few months and my time in Athens, I wonder how so many experiences and things could happen in such a short time. The whole semester in Athens was full[...]
Jan 19 What is the relation between shipwrecking and humanity survival? #e...
I began posting here stating that I was so happy being back in the class, and now…here we are again,… Read more What is the relation between shipwrecking and humanity survival? #emergence
Jan 19 Unity is strength #emergence
The comparison of the two shipwrecks, Invercauld and Grafton shows how people who work together have a greater chance of survival than the ones who only think about themselves. We know that from Invercauld only 3 men managed to stay alive until th...
Jan 18 The journey is coming to the end #emergence
This study for me was like a story about “Two Decks at the Same Time and Place”. I landed on an unfamiliar land for me and I needed to survive. Yes, I had a certain amount of knowledge, but I had to look for new ways and exits. I lande...
Jan 16 Interdependent entity
#emergence In this lesson, we had to read an excerpt from a story about two ships that were shipwrecked on the same island, but only one of the sailing parties survived as a whole consisting[...]
Jan 15 MindWalkTalk #emergence
Because most people went back for the christmas break instead of a physical class we had to watch a movie at home. The movie we had to watch was called “mindwalk” and it follows a talk or rather a discussion between three persons with conflicting ...
Jan 14 Interconnectedness #emergence
The last in person lesson we had before the Christmas holiday break was about Rhizomes. Rhizomes are the horizontal roots of plants which connect them with other plants above the surface. However, you can also use the rhizome as a metaphor in the ...
Jan 13 Science, Politics and System Theory #emergence
Mindwalk is a movie that resonates a lot with concepts that we’ve seen in class. It talks about reductionism, emergence, systems theory and its view on interconnection.  For Sonia, the world has been seen for fat too long on a reductionist or...
Jan 12 Mindwalk #Emergence
For this week’s class, the assignment was watching a movie. The movie was a bit dated, however the problems they discuss are still happening today. In this movie we listen to a conversation that a scientist, a poet and a politician are having. The...
Jan 12 Mindwalk in a maze #emergence
The movie Mindwalk takes us on a journey on a philosophical level while portraying a little rural French island. In the conversations of Jack, Thomas and Sonia we get a grasp of ideas and phenomenons that influence the way we perceive reality. Thr...
Jan 11 Invisible interconnection #emergence
The different points of view, different references and opinions between the protagonists in the film Mindwalk make for an interesting exchange of dialogue. I really enjoyed Sonia’s arguments and the quotes that Thomas was quoting. There is a...
Jan 10 Oranges, cherries and the World as a Clock #emergence
Happy new year, before I started to watch the movie I wanted to  pay attention to several things but I completely forgot about that as the movie just caught me instantly. I also didn’t know what to expect. Thinking of it now from a point of v...
Jan 6 Mindwalk #emergence
This meeting was a little bit different because we were supposed to watch a movie, an what a movie! I… Read more Mindwalk #emergence
Jan 2 Is Shiva’s dance the universe? #emergence
The film Mindwalk summarizes many theories and ideas we have discussed so far in the course. It is about different views and how they are compatible or not. How everything interacts with each other and also how the protagonists interact with each ...
Jan 2 Crisis of Perception
#emergence In the last lesson before Christmas, we had to watch the movie Mindwalk from 1990. At first, I was totally surprised that such an “old” movie addresses topics that are still red-hot today. In[...]
Dec 29 Still not convinced #emergence
I write this text directly after watching the movie Mindwalk. I really liked the movie from an aesthetic point of view. The acting was great and the dialogues were written very well and naturalistic. The only thing I didn’t like regarding this asp...
Dec 29 Rhizomes as Systems#Emergence
Hi it’s me again hope that you are not bored, this time should be funny one or not? Whatever……Last post before Christmas? Yes, so what was the last class about? Rhizomes, what can I say about it….  Except that I understood that everythi...
Dec 28 The Planet Rhizome #emergence
Rhizomes, a term I have never heard about before, from botanic to systems, from plants to social media, a really… Read more The Planet Rhizome #emergence
Dec 23 Don’t take me into account, I’m a fool #emergence
We had a task to watch the movie “Mindwalk”. As a journalist, I can write a good review of this film, talk about the encoding, the meaning of the idea, the characters. But I won’t do that. I want to cling to my feeling, what I fe...
Dec 22 Rhizomes and art therapy #emergence
During this class I have learned the biological meaning of rizhomes as the connections, the roots of the plants that allows it to grow and connects with other. I have also learned the philosophical meaning which is a map that can be produced and a...
Dec 22 rhizomes & dialogues #emergence
After the short introduction to Rhizomes my partner and I tried to discuss the concepts. However we had some difficulties. We had Ideas which we through away and others of which we were unsure. Finally we came to a conclusion in the end. Why I am ...
Dec 21 Our life – A rhizome of decisions #emergence
While I had the dialogue with my partner about rhizomes and dialogues that will lead to new connections in our underground rhizome I had to think about our personal rhizome and some questions got into my mind. If I think about a rhizome as discuss...
Dec 21 Art therapy #emergence
Last Thursday, we talked about rhizomes. I had never heard about this English term before, so I learned something new that day. It is interesting to connect this biological term to psychology. The idea that the constructions are not hierarchical i...
Dec 21 Mixed feeling #emergence
Our last meeting was again drastically different from the one before. From a rather relaxed talk about our hometowns and what connects them to us we went to a short but dense presentation of a difficult topic. This meeting was about Rhizomes and I...
The topic of ,,rhizome” was a bit complicated. The definitions were difficult and I don’t quite understand them. However, in terms of nature, it has become clear. In the simplest terms, it meant roots. We know that every plant has root...
Dec 19 Rhizome. How are we all connected? #emergence
Today in class we talked about rhizome. At the very beginning of the lesson, I was confused because of the topic of the lesson, because we started the discussion from a biological point of view. All this time I have been trying to link this term w...
Dec 19 People from different countries in the same room #emergence
This lesson was different, not like the previous ones. What was its difference? In this lesson, we talked about our cities. The task sounded like we should describe our hometown in a non-standard way. That is, we should not have described the year...
Dec 19 Artificial intelligence: is it good or bad? #emergence
In today’s lesson, we discussed artificial intelligence. What is artificial intelligence today and what role does it play in modern society? The definition I found defines Artificial Intelligence as the ability of a computer to learn, make d...
Dec 18 We do one thing, but everyone sees differently #emergence
During the lesson, we were asked to draw what we think, what we feel, our impressions of the lecture. Since no one in our group knew how to draw, I suggested drawing Malevich’s black square. The essence of the picture is that many people say...
Dec 17 Why we resemble trees #emergence
When we talked about rhizomes, at first it was hard for me imagining something that didn’t have a beginning or an end. Where does something come from, where does it go? For us everything is limited by space and time. We are bound to it and i...
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