» The Faith provides us with a realistic and creative imagination, capable of abandoning the logic of repetition, of substitution or of preservation; it invites us to initiate a season that is always new: the season of the Lord.
30/05/20 11:00 from Twitter Search / Pontifex
The Faith provides us with a realistic and creative imagination, capable of abandoning the logic of repetition, of substitution or of preservation; it invites us to initiate a season that is always new: the season of the Lord.

» Dear brother priests, I want to fraternally share with you all these things that I thought and felt during this time of the pandemic, so that they might help us in our journey of praise for the Lord and of service to our brothers. http://www.vatican.va/c
30/05/20 10:30 from Twitter Search / Pontifex
Dear brother priests, I want to fraternally share with you all these things that I thought and felt during this time of the pandemic, so that they might help us in our journey of praise for the Lord and of service to our brothers. http:/...

» The Holy Spirit makes us take flight, opens up the wonderful destiny for which we were born, and nourishes us with living hope. Let us ask Him to come to us, and He will draw near.
29/05/20 07:30 from Twitter Search / Pontifex
The Holy Spirit makes us take flight, opens up the wonderful destiny for which we were born, and nourishes us with living hope. Let us ask Him to come to us, and He will draw near.

» The Holy Spirit, when we invite Him into our wounds, anoints our painful memories with the balm of hope, because the Spirit restores hope.
28/05/20 07:30 from Twitter Search / Pontifex
The Holy Spirit, when we invite Him into our wounds, anoints our painful memories with the balm of hope, because the Spirit restores hope.

» #Prayer liberates us from our instinct toward violence. It is a gaze directed toward God, so that He might take care of the human heart. #GeneralAudience
27/05/20 07:30 from Twitter Search / Pontifex
# Prayer liberates us from our instinct toward violence. It is a gaze directed toward God, so that He might take care of the human heart. # GeneralAudience

» #PrayTogetherpic.twitter.com/aI2CBptvg0
26/05/20 11:16 from Twitter Search / Pontifex
# PrayTogether pic.twitter.com/aI2CBptvg0

» The Holy Spirit transforms us into a Church-womb of mercy, that is, into a “mother with a heart open” to all.
26/05/20 07:30 from Twitter Search / Pontifex
The Holy Spirit transforms us into a Church-womb of mercy, that is, into a “mother with a heart open” to all.

» Jesus bore our humanity and brought it beyond death to a new place, to Heaven, so that there where He is, we might also be.
25/05/20 07:30 from Twitter Search / Pontifex
Jesus bore our humanity and brought it beyond death to a new place, to Heaven, so that there where He is, we might also be.

» Today marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of Saint John Paul II’s Encyclical Letter Ut Unum Sint. On this anniversary, I give thanks to the Lord for the journey he has allowed us to travel as Christians in quest of full communion. http://www.vatican.va/co
25/05/20 06:00 from Twitter Search / Pontifex
Today marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of Saint John Paul II’s Encyclical Letter Ut Unum Sint. On this anniversary, I give thanks to the Lord for the journey he has allowed us to travel as Christians in quest of full communion. h...

» God of love, show us our place in this world as channels of your love for all the creatures of this earth, for not one of them is forgotten in your sight. Praise be to you! #LaudatoSi5
24/05/20 10:00 from Twitter Search / Pontifex
God of love, show us our place in this world as channels of your love for all the creatures of this earth, for not one of them is forgotten in your sight. Praise be to you! # LaudatoSi5

» Let us entrust to Mary Help of Christians all in this difficult time who work for peace, for dialogue between nations, for service to the poor, for the care of creation, and for the victory of humanity over every disease of body, heart and soul.
24/05/20 08:30 from Twitter Search / Pontifex
Let us entrust to Mary Help of Christians all in this difficult time who work for peace, for dialogue between nations, for service to the poor, for the care of creation, and for the victory of humanity over every disease of body, heart a...

» 我們把在中國的弟兄姊妹託付於我們天上的母親引領及庇佑,願他們信德堅毅,鞏固友愛團結,喜樂地見證並促進愛德與望德。
24/05/20 07:01 from Twitter Search / Pontifex

» 我们把在中国的弟兄姊妹託付于我们天上的母亲引领及庇佑,愿他们信德坚毅,巩固友爱团结,喜乐地见证并促进爱德与望德。
24/05/20 07:00 from Twitter Search / Pontifex

» Let us entrust our brother and sister Catholics in China to the guidance and protection of our Heavenly Mother, so that they might be strong in faith and steadfast in fraternal union, joyful witnesses, and promoters of charity and hope.
24/05/20 07:00 from Twitter Search / Pontifex
Let us entrust our brother and sister Catholics in China to the guidance and protection of our Heavenly Mother, so that they might be strong in faith and steadfast in fraternal union, joyful witnesses, and promoters of charity and hope.

» The Feast of the #Ascension tells us that Jesus ascended to Heaven to dwell gloriously at the right hand of the Father and remains always among us. This is the source of our strength, perseverance and joy.
24/05/20 06:30 from Twitter Search / Pontifex
The Feast of the # Ascension tells us that Jesus ascended to Heaven to dwell gloriously at the right hand of the Father and remains always among us. This is the source of our strength, perseverance and joy.

» Knowledge of the Lord is handed down from generation to generation mainly by telling the story of how He continues to make Himself present. The God of life communicates with us through the story of life. #WorldCommunicationsDay2020 http://w2.vatican.va/c
24/05/20 05:00 from Twitter Search / Pontifex
Knowledge of the Lord is handed down from generation to generation mainly by telling the story of how He continues to make Himself present. The God of life communicates with us through the story of life. # WorldCommunicationsDay2020 http...

» An integral ecology includes taking time to recover a serene harmony with creation, reflecting on our lifestyle and our ideals, and contemplating the Creator who lives among us and surrounds us. #LaudatoSi5
24/05/20 03:30 from Twitter Search / Pontifex
An integral ecology includes taking time to recover a serene harmony with creation, reflecting on our lifestyle and our ideals, and contemplating the Creator who lives among us and surrounds us. # LaudatoSi5

» Care for nature is part of a lifestyle which includes the capacity for living together and communion. Jesus reminded us that we have God as our common Father and that this makes us brothers and sisters. #LaudatoSi5
23/05/20 09:00 from Twitter Search / Pontifex
Care for nature is part of a lifestyle which includes the capacity for living together and communion. Jesus reminded us that we have God as our common Father and that this makes us brothers and sisters. # LaudatoSi5

» Men and women of #Prayer safeguard the basic truths. They repeat to everyone that this life, despite all its fatigue, trials, and difficult days, is filled with a grace at which we marvel. As such life must always be defended and protected.
23/05/20 06:30 from Twitter Search / Pontifex
Men and women of # Prayer safeguard the basic truths. They repeat to everyone that this life, despite all its fatigue, trials, and difficult days, is filled with a grace at which we marvel. As such life must always be defended and protec...

» Each year sees the disappearance of thousands of plant and animal species which we will never know, which our children will never see. Because of us, thousands of species will no longer give glory to God by their very existence. We have no such right. #Bi
22/05/20 07:30 from Twitter Search / Pontifex
Each year sees the disappearance of thousands of plant and animal species which we will never know, which our children will never see. Because of us, thousands of species will no longer give glory to God by their very existence. We have ...

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