Welcome to Tanner Pedersen, the new nurse professional development (NPD) practitioner with the Hartford Hospital Psychiatric Consultation Liaison Service. He will support and educate nurses in medical surgical settings about the care of patients with behavioral health need while also supporting e... .. read more..
Several current and past adolescent psychiatry trainees and faculty are credited with seven chapters in the new book Essential Clinical Psychiatry by Nova Publishers. Endorsed by the World Psychiatric Association, the book provides up-to-date knowledge on epidemiology, clinical features, assessme... .. read more..
Beginning Monday, March 10, the Rushford Avon clinical team will provide a flexible, convenient way for clients to get the care they need through virtual evening IOP sessions. Licensed therapists and counselors will offer the more holistic approach ideal for clients transitioning from inpatient a... .. read more..
The newest therapist at The Ridge Recovery Center is small, but not for long. Daisy is a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy and registered therapy dog who is working with her trainer to be AKC-certified. She and her trainer will visit with Ridge clients and colleagues to hone her skills. .. read more..
This week, we celebrate Patient Safety Awareness Week across Hartford HealthCare and we'd like to take this time to recognize and acknowledge all we do every day to be “safer together.” Here are some highlights of safety initiatives and outcomes across the BHN: In the past two years, there has be... .. read more..
Congratulations to Belinda Seak, left, and Eleanor Cronley, right, for their recent promotions within the Fairfield Region Behavioral Health Network. Seak has been named behavioral health director of nursing and Cronley has been named behavioral health regional director. This new leadership struc... .. read more..
Everyone is invited to celebrate Women's History Month at a free panel discussion and reception. Thursday, March 20 5-8 p.m. Heublein Hall, 560 Hudson St., Hartford Presented by the Center for Equity and moderated by Gina Calder, president of the Central Region, right, the panel includes: Camelia... .. read more..
The Rushford Employee Fund supports various needs some clients have beyond their treatment such as getting them bedding or helping with car repairs. Consider supporting the annual Employee Fund Campaign to help in this important way. » Learn more and donate [ http://hhchealth.us.newsweaver.com/s2... .. read more..
The Rushford Employee Fund supports various needs some clients have beyond their treatment such as getting them stamps or helping with groceries. Consider supporting the annual Employee Fund Campaign to help in this important way. » Learn more and donate [ http://hhchealth.us.newsweaver.com/s216e... .. read more..
As we recognize World Teen Mental Wellness Day in early March, hoping to dismantle stigma around teen mental health issues, researchers with the Clinical Neuroscience & Development Lab need more volunteers to continue the “Behavioral and Neural Target Engagement for ADHD Executive Working Memory ... .. read more..
The Natchaug Employee Fund supports various needs some clients have beyond their treatment such as getting them bedding or helping with car repairs. Consider supporting the annual Employee Fund Campaign to help in this important way. » Learn more and donate [ http://hhchealth.us.newsweaver.com/s2... .. read more..
We're celebrating the 300+ social workers on our Behavioral Health Network team as part of national Social Workers Awareness Month. We have invited some of them to share their stories as a way to bring attention to their critical work and mission. Watch for their profiles in their own words throu... .. read more..
Sometimes, timing is everything. As Ben Anderson, MD, director of The Institute of Living Clinical Trials Unit, watched current politics and culture unfold, he wrote about the impact of the media on mental health and submitted it to Psychiatric Times. When the February issue came out, he was plea... .. read more..
The Natchaug Employee Fund supports various needs some clients have beyond their treatment such as getting them bedding or helping with car repairs. Consider supporting the annual Employee Fund Campaign to help in this important way. » Learn more and donate [ http://hhchealth.us.newsweaver.com/s2... .. read more..
We're celebrating the 300+ social workers on our Behavioral Health Network team as part of national Social Workers Awareness Month. We have invited some of them to share their stories as a way to bring attention to their critical work and mission. Watch for their profiles in their own words throu... .. read more..
Karen McBreairty, office coordinator for Adult Outpatient Behavioral Health, was honored as Behavioral Health Colleague of the Quarter at Charlotte Hungerford Hospital. Her peers describe her as dedicated to her work with exceptional responsibility, follow-through and concern for colleagues and p... .. read more..
Members of the Hartford Hospital spiritual care team will distribute ashes on Ash Wednesday, March 5. Hartford Hospital: Lazowski/Kiely Multifaith Chapel from 6 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Institute of Living: Donnelly Conference Room 1 from 7-8:45 a.m. and 3:45-5 p.m. Chaplains will also round on patient ... .. read more..
The Clinical Trials Unit is currently enrolling adults with major depressive disorder, no referrals required. Reach out for more information about this and other trials. Phone: 860.545.7476 Email: clinical.trials@hhchealth.org [ clinical.trials@hhchealth.org ] Web: IOL Clinical Trials Unit [ http... .. read more..
The Clinical Trials Unit is currently enrolling adults with major depressive disorder, no referrals required. Reach out for more information about this and other trials. Phone: 860.545.7476 Email: clinical.trials@hhchealth.org [ clinical.trials@hhchealth.org ] Web: IOL Clinical Trials Unit [ http... .. read more..
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