» Study challenges traditional risk factors for brain health in the oldest-old
07/01/25 21:18 from ScienceDaily: Brain Injury News
A study has found cardiovascular conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes, which are known to contribute to brain blood vessel damage in younger populations, not to be associated with an increased risk of such harm in individu...
» Study shows head trauma may activate latent viruses, leading to neurodegeneration
07/01/25 19:08 from ScienceDaily: Brain Injury News
Researchers have uncovered mechanisms that may link head injuries and concussions to the emergence of neurodegenerative disease, pointing to latent viruses lurking in most of our brains that may be activated by the jolt, leading to infla...
» Getting rehab earlier improves concussion outcomes
20/12/24 00:03 from ScienceDaily: Brain Injury News
People who suffer from continued symptoms of concussion should seek a referral to physical therapy as soon as possible, new research suggests.
» Study sheds light on what causes long-term disability after a stroke and offers new path toward possible treatment
17/12/24 19:09 from ScienceDaily: Brain Injury News
Researchers have revealed how an overlooked type of indirect brain damage contributes to ongoing disability after a stroke. The paper shows how the thalamus -- a sort of central networking hub that regulates functions such as language, m...
» Fetal defense: Study reveals early immune protection in the womb
09/12/24 17:32 from ScienceDaily: Brain Injury News
Research revealed that foetuses are not as defenceless as once thought; they can actually fight infections from within the womb. This new understanding could significantly change the way doctors protect foetuses from infections that lead...
» Study helps solve mystery between repeated head impacts in sports and location of brain degeneration in CTE
09/12/24 17:26 from ScienceDaily: Brain Injury News
A new study is helping solve the mystery as to why the brain shrinks in a unique pattern, known as atrophy, in chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). This research provides novel evidence that cumulative repetitive head impacts are driv...
» Early detection of high-altitude hypoxic brain injury
06/12/24 16:21 from ScienceDaily: Brain Injury News
People who climb too fast or too high risk acute altitude sickness, which can lead to life-threatening hypoxic brain injury. By using in vivo electrochemistry, researchers demonstrated that characteristic changes occur in the oxygen cont...
» Preventing brain injury complications with specialized optical fibers
04/12/24 16:40 from ScienceDaily: Brain Injury News
Fiber optics are a means of transmitting information at incredibly high speeds; however, the technology can be used for more than just providing a fast internet connection. Researchers have developed an optical fiber sensing system that ...
» Soccer heading damages brain regions affected in CTE, study finds
27/11/24 19:02 from ScienceDaily: Brain Injury News
Soccer heading may cause more damage to the brain than previously thought, according to a new study.
» Concussions slow brain activity of high school football players
27/11/24 05:41 from ScienceDaily: Brain Injury News
A new study of high school football players found that concussions affect an often-overlooked but important brain signal.
» Healing the gut can reduce long-term impact of stroke
26/11/24 18:49 from ScienceDaily: Brain Injury News
Healing the gut may be the key to improving long-term recovery in stroke patients, scientists have found. The latest of multiple studies highlights the potential of this novel avenue of treatment, which takes advantage of the link betwee...
» Neural mechanisms of sleep-dependent motor learning revealed in new study on brain injury rehabilitation
18/11/24 17:53 from ScienceDaily: Brain Injury News
Scientists reveal how sleep, especially naps, boosts motor learning after TBI, offering new insights into brain activity and rehabilitation strategies to enhance recovery outcomes.
» New formation of neurons from stem cell niche disrupted after stroke
24/10/24 17:48 from ScienceDaily: Brain Injury News
Researchers studied what happens immediately after a stroke in the stem cell niche known as the subventricular zone, using a mouse model. This revealed a mechanism that results in fewer newborn neurons from the stem cell niche surviving ...
» Chronic pain can be predicted within three days of an injury
24/10/24 17:17 from ScienceDaily: Brain Injury News
After only one to three days of a whiplash injury, scientists can predict which patients will develop chronic pain based on the extent of cross 'talk' between two regions of the brain, and the person's anxiety level after the injury, acc...
» Bilingualism may maintain protection against Alzheimer's
22/10/24 19:41 from ScienceDaily: Brain Injury News
In a study, researchers use neuroimaging methods to examine brain resilience in regions of the brain linked to language and aging. They found that the hippocampus in bilinguals with Alzheimer's disease was noticeably larger than those wh...