Leaders Make the Future, Third Edition
“10 New Skills to Humanize Leadership with Generative AI -- In a world of chaos, how can generative AI help leaders lead? AI-augmented leadership will be key for any organization to tackle the uncertainty of the future. And by incorporating practical methodologies, ethical guidelines, and innovative leadership practices, this book will help leaders develop their clarity and moderate their certainty.”
This book is dedicated to Doug Engelbart, and references his work pp. 3, 18-19.
Human Movements in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
New book “Shows what can be learned from movements of the human body, from face, hand, leg, and foot to the whole body movement Discusses these human-centric issues in the development, design, analysis, and implementation of the HCI systems”
Engelbart’s research covered in two chapters -
see TOC | Part of series on Computational Intelligence | More at Historic Firsts: Personal & Interactive at dougengelbart.org
The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain
“A bold new book reveals how we can tap the intelligence that exists beyond our brains—in our bodies, our surroundings, and our relationships.”
Although this book does not include or reference Doug Engelbart's work, it is quite relevant.
Information: A Historical Companion
This book offers a "landmark history that traces the creation, management, and sharing of information through six centuries” - exploring how information has shaped and been shaped by human society, offering views of history through the lens of information, and views of information through the lens of history.
Find Doug Engelbart on pages 249, 252, 256, 266-268.
See also: Table of Contents & Index | Book Review | Book on Amazon
Valley of Genius: The Uncensored History of Silicon Valley
“New book by Fisher - A candid, colorful, and comprehensive oral history that reveals the secrets of Silicon Valley -- from the origins of Apple and Atari to the present day clashes of Google and Facebook, and all the start-ups and disruptions that happened along the way. Opens with chapter on Doug Engelbart and his team discussing their 1968 Demo. A masterfully woven collective oral history of events as they unfolded. See Preview.”
The Future
“How the future has been imagined and made, through the work of writers, artists, inventors, and designers. [...] Douglas Engelbart, Alan Kay, and Ted Nelson didn't predict the future of computing, for instance. They were three of the people who made it.”
Troublemakers: Silicon Valley’s Coming of Age
“Between 1969 and 1976, the narrow peninsula south of San Francisco was the site of the most significant and diverse burst of technological innovation of the past 150 years,” writes Berlin. “Five major industries were born: personal computing, video games, advanced semiconductor logic, modern venture capital, and biotechnology.”BOOK REVIEWS: San Francisco Chronicle | Strategy+Business | NY Times |
FIND Doug Engelbart on pages 23-28, 55, 94-96.
Book Review: 'Machines of Loving Grace,' by John Markoff
“New book by Markoff juxtaposing artificial intelligence, which seeks to automate human thinking, and intelligence augmentation, which seeks to enhance human thinking. Doug Engelbart, who coined the phrase "Augmenting the Human Intellect" in 1962 and pioneered the field, is mentioned throughout.” See also the Washington Post Opinion piece Who ultimately will have the upper hand: machines or humans?
Places of Invention
This book is companion to a Smithsonian exhibit of the same name, based on research conducted by the Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation. Together they explore the contexts for invention and innovation, i.e., "What is it about some places that sparks invention and innovation? [...] The exhibit features six hotbeds of innovation, including the rise of the personal computer in Silicon Valley: "A lot of the tech innovations we use and still marvel at today—collaborative documents and video communication to name just two—were envisioned and made into reality in Engelbart's lab—in the 1960s!" See companion article: "What do the Bronx, Silicon Valley, and a Colorado college town have in common?"
Learning to Improve: How America’s Schools Can Get Better at Getting Better
with co-authors Louis Gomez, Alicia Grunow, and Paul LeMahieu. “Time after time, promising education reforms fall short of their goals and are abandoned as other promising ideas take their place. In Learning to Improve, the authors argue for a new approach. [...] Organized around six core principles, the book shows how “networked improvement communities” can bring together researchers and practitioners to accelerate learning in key areas of education.”
The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution
“The Innovators is Walter Isaacson’s revealing story of the people who created the computer and the Internet. What were the talents that allowed certain inventors and entrepreneurs to turn their visionary ideas into disruptive realities? What led to their creative leaps? Notables include Vannevar Bush, Alan Turing, Doug Engelbart, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Tim Berners-Lee, and more.” BOOK REVIEWS: NY Times |
Washington Post |
Economic Times
Memory Machines: The Evolution of Hypertext
“This book explores the history of hypertext, an influential concept underlying the World Wide Web and much more. Barnet includes her exclusive interviews with those at the forefront of the hypertext innovation, telling both the human and the technological story.”
Chapter 3 - 'Augmenting the Intellect: NLS' is devoted to Doug Engelbart’s pioneering work.
See [ Chapter 3 Abstract | Table of Contents ]
The Department of Mad Scientists
“How DARPA Is Remaking Our World, from the Internet to Artificial Limbs.” Doug Engelbart appears pp. 67-70, 86, 93, 197. See also Teaser | NPR: Author Interview | NY Times Review
Designing Interactions
“A pioneer in interaction design tells the stories of designers who changed the way people use everyday things in the digital era, interviewing the founders of Google, the creator of The Sims, the inventors and developers of the mouse and the desktop, and many others.” See the online interactive version: designinginteractions.com featuring Doug Engelbart in Chapter 1: The Mouse and the Desktop, and Interview: Doug Engelbart on inventing the Mouse
Holistic Management: Managing What Matters for Company Success
“This book teaches us how to increase the company's greatest asset, the organization's intellectual capability, it's 'Collective IQ.' [...] Douglas Engelbart, the patron saint of the computer industry, advocates continuously increasing "collective IQ" to expand the company's "capability infrastructure." [...] offers a structure and direction of work that can increase collective IQ.”
See Also: Book Overview | TOC | Chapter Summary
Outside Innovation:
How Your Customers Will Co-Design Your Company’s Future
“How dynamic businesses of every size can unleash innovation by inviting customers to co–design what they do and make." [...] "In Outside Innovation, bestselling author Seybold taps her close relationship with dozens of high–innovation companies to reveal the untold strategy behind the trendsetters and the next HUGE leap forward in customer strategy. Seybold shows that companies that are dominating their category and staying ahead of the pack are collaborating at every level of their business with their customers.”
Innovation: The Five Disciplines for Creating What Customers Want
“As CEO of SRI International, Carlson consulted with hundreds of organizations on becoming more effective and profitable. He has distilled that experience into a thorough treatise on the innovation process. The book cites dozens of examples of innovative ideas brought to fruition by innovators from Thomas Edison to Steve Jobs. "Innovation is not about inventing clever gadgets or just “creativity.” It is the successful creation and delivery of a new or improved product or service that provides value for your customer and sustained profit for your organization." You'll find Doug Engelbart under Exponential Improvement, including Collective IQ and Networked Improvement Communities (NICs), on pages 114, 134, 169-179, 181-182, 189-190.
Dialogue Mapping: Building Shared Understanding of Wicked Problem
“The first full-length book to bring dialogue mapping to a wider audience, Dialogue Mapping provides an exciting new conceptual framework that will change the way readers view projects and project management ... When an organization is confronting a wicked problem the familiar approaches don't work. [...] Dialogue mapping is a proven technique for building that shared understanding and commitment, as efficiently and effectively as possible.” In Engelbart parlance, dialog mapping is a proven practice for leveraging the collective IQ of your team in tackling complex, urgent challenges.
A Heritage of Innovation: SRI’s First Half Century
“Curious about the origins of the computer mouse, the use of lasers in retinal treatment, minimally invasive robotic surgery, or the beginnings of Disneyland? Since its inception in 1946, research institute SRI International has brought these and a world of other innovations to society. [...] Douglas C. Engelbart is, almost without question, still SRI’s most famous talent. His vision, played out over his nearly 2 decades at SRI, helped revolutionize the way people viewed the purpose and utility of an emerging new class of machines called computers.”
Doug Engelbart's lab featured in section The Origins of Personal Computing (pp 2.12-28), in Chapter 2 Innovations in Computing | Book Website
The Coevolution Of Human Potential And Converging Technologies
“The convergence of nanoscience, biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive science (NBIC) offers immense opportunities for the improvement of human abilities, social outcomes, the nation's productivity, and its quality of life; it also represents a major new frontier in research and development... In this volume, a panel of nationally recognized experts analyzes the opportunities [this] convergence presents.”
Chapter 5 - 'Converging Technologies for Enhancing Human Performance: Science and Business Perspectives,' by James Spohrer and Douglas Engelbart. See [ Chapter 5 Abstract | Table of Contents ]
Global Knowledge Renaissance: Selected Papers from the World Library Summit 2002
Compiled and edited by National Library Board Singapore | Times Books International, 2003 | Papers cover the broad themes of knowledge augmentation, cultural entrepreneurship and knowledge governance, including Doug Engelbart's keynote "Improving Our Ability to Improve: A Call for Investment in a New Future"
See Preview Doug's Keynote | Doug's IDG Award
Multimedia: From Wagner to Virtual Reality
“Tracing the fertile series of collaborations between arts and sciences throughout the twentieth century, Randall Packer and Ken Jordan present the often overlooked history behind multimedia―the interfaces, links, and interactivity we all take for granted today.”
Includes pioneers Licklider, Engelbart, Kay and more. See also [ WIRED Review | Table of Contents | Teacher's Guide ]
Inventing Modern America: From the Microwave to the Mouse
Developed by the Lemelson-MIT Program for Invention and Innovation, Inventing Modern America is designed to inspire a new generation of American scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs through the personal stories of these thirty-five American inventors - including the likes of Henry Ford, George Washington Carver, Buckminster Fuller, Dean Kamen, Doug Engelbart, Ray Kurzweil, and Steve Wozniak.” With Forward by Lester Thurow, Intro by James Burke
Find Doug pp. 162-167 | See also Book Event Panel Discussion & Press
Tools for Thought: The History and Future of Mind-Expanding Technology
“In a highly engaging style, Rheingold tells the story of what he calls the patriarchs, pioneers, and infonauts of the computer, focusing in particular on such pioneers as J. C. R. Licklider, Doug Engelbart, Bob Taylor, and Alan Kay.” The chapter on Doug is Chapter Nine: The Loneliness of a Long-Distance Thinker. First published in 1985, the 2000 edition incorporates 1999 interviews with the principals.See listing at MIT Press.
How the Web was Born: The Story of the World Wide Web
"By building a machine that worked more like the human mind than any existing tools, Vannevar Bush hoped to help people think. Bush died in 1974, too early for the WW, but not too early to have seen his idea of a personal computer capable of associative rather than hierarchical links realized. The man behind that realization was Doug Engelbart." Describes Doug Engelbart's early career, his human-centered Augmenting Human Intellect program, NLS, the Demo, influence on Alan Kay and Andy van Dam, ... pp. 93-100, 103, 104, 118, 123, 131, 171, 186, 193, 265, 307.
Bootstrapping: Douglas Engelbart, Coevolution, and the Origins of Personal Computing
“Engelbart felt that the complexity of many of the world's problems was becoming overwhelming, and the time for solving these problems was becoming shorter and shorter. What was needed, he determined, was a system that would augment human intelligence, co-transforming or co-evolving both humans and the machines they use. He sought a systematic way to think and organize this coevolution in an effort to discover a path on which a radical technological improvement could lead to a radical improvement in how to make people work effectively. ”
See also Book Review by Susan Barnes
Bootstrapping - en strategi för att förbättra förmågan till bättre förmåga
“Kunskapshantering i en komplex och tidspressad verklighet” | Featuring Doug Engelbart's strategy "to improve the ability for better ability: knowledge management in a complex and time-pressured reality."
Teldok Rapport, Vol. 84, by Bengt Göran Wennersten, Stockholm, Sweden, ISSN 0281-8574 (97 pages).
Hypertext/Hypermedia Handbook
“This handbook is a guide to designing and implementing with hypertext, including a survey of current hypertext practices, with contributions from professional hypertext developers." Engelbart's chapter anticipates that the tools and methods of computer-supported cooperative work will become harnessed with revolutionary benefit to the ongoing, everyday knowledge work within and between organizations, necessitating interoperability between knowledge-work domains through something like the "open hyperdocument system" made available for widespread use.
Engelbart Chapter pp. 397-413 | Knowledge-domain interoperability and an open hyperdocument system