Jul 24 NHS North West London Integrated Care Board v Z & Anor [2024] EWCOP 35
Application to withdraw clinically assisted nutrition and hydration from Z, a 70 year old man who had suffered a major haemorrhage after surgery in 2021 which led to a Prolonged Disorder of Consciousness. Z had been in good health before the surge...
Jul 18 NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board v PC & Ors [2024] EW...
Decision on whether to withdraw medical treatment for PC, a 35 year old woman suffered catastrophic brain injury after a cardiac arrest.  Following the trauma in 2020, PC had been left in what was described as a minimally conscious state and ...
Jul 17 NHS South East London Integrated Care Board v AB & Anor [2024] EWCO...
Final hearing concerning the living arrangements and best interests of AB and whether there should be further attempts for her to live with her mother, M It was common ground that AB required full time care and there had been two failed attempts f...
Jul 12 MA v Gateshead Council & Ors [2024] EWCOP 34
Contested hearing to determine whether it is in MA's best interests to have a trial placement back at her home together with a package of care. MA is a 90 year old lady who has a diagnosis of Dementia. She has 4 sons (TA, DA, MAA, SIA) and a daugh...
Jun 28 London Borough of Hackney v A & Ors [2024] EWCOP 33
Ex-tempore judgment concerning the welfare of A, a vulnerable young man who had gone missing and may have travelled to Spain. The applicant local authority exercises safeguarding responsibility for A, who is 22 years old and possibly has a Spanish...
Jun 25 AB v CD (By The Official Solicitor) & Anor [2024] EWCOP 32
Consolidated proceedings involving an annual review of the continued deprivation of liberty of CD (in operation since 2019) and health and welfare application by his mother, AB The issues behind the applications are summarised by HHJ Baddeley at [...
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