The Requiem and The Rooks (Feb 6, 2025)
Two factions in Krevborna! One is an order of magical math monks and the other is the s...

Y2k/25 Feb 6- Human Monk (Feb 6, 2025)
Name:Talon/ Talon of the Moonlit Courtyards Race: Human Class: Monk Level Range:Experie...

Todd Alcott’s “What does the protagonist want?” (Feb 6, 2025)
I have been mulling over writing Large and Serious blog posts about the works of John l...

d100 – What’s The Story Behind This Blade? (Feb 5, 2025)
M ore Fodder for Fighters, here’s a table I tapped away to provide some Details and Dee...

A PERFECT WIFE - Now On Kickstarter! (Feb 5, 2025)
What happens when a toxic man forcibly marries a murderous vampiress? A PERFECT WIFE is...

Wednesday Comics: DC, May 1984 (week 1) (Feb 5, 2025)
My mission to read DC Comics' output from January 1980 (cover date) to Crisis enters it...

Travel & Trade (Feb 5, 2025)
What's it like trading goods among the living stars? MONEY AND POWER Small currencies a...

Y2k/25 Feb. 5- Half-Elf Barbarian (Feb 5, 2025)
Name:Bekka Starspring, The Sparrow of Gennebb Forest Race: Half-Elf Class: Barbarian Le...

The next set of Strange Aeons adventures. Leo Kazankian, sole owner and proprietor of t...

d100- Somewhat Sinister Settlement Secrets (Feb 4, 2025)
Q uick Table today with some “Rumors” or “Hooks” to provide a little more unsettling de...

Different Character Creation Methods at Different Times (Feb 4, 2025)
In many RPG books, character creation is right in the front of the book to give the new...

Y2k/25 Feb. 4- Elven Cleric (Feb 4, 2025)
Name: Palan’e Ara’lant, Priest of the  Indulgent One Race: Elf Class: ...

Design Crawl 1 (Feb 3, 2025)
A room-by-room analysis of Brad Kerr's The Sinister Secret of Peacock Point.

d100 – Magic Tattoos (Feb 3, 2025)
A cquiring enchanted Body Art seems like a fantastic opportunity for Foreground Growth ...

The Darkling Princess (Feb 3, 2025)
Our Land of Azurth 5e campaign continued last night with the party summoned to a counse...

Y2k/25 Feb. 3- Half Elf Bard (Feb 3, 2025)
Name:Tera’cera Tan’al’ath Race: Half Elf Class: Bard Level Range:Expe...

The Malcovat and the Monastery of Saint Menoch (Feb 3, 2025)
Two adventure locations in the Karthax Mountains. The Malcovat is a school of dark magi...

Y2k/25 Feb. 2- Half Orc Rogue (Feb 2, 2025)
Name:Karken Krassa, aka  “Dodgy Kark” Race: Half Orc Class: Rogue Leve...

Blogging is Forever (Feb 2, 2025)
The Bloggies have me thinking about blogging. As you well know, I am pro-blogging. I th...

Y2k/25 Feb 1-Gnome Barbarian (Feb 1, 2025)
Name:Kol Bonechewer of Small Hill Race: Gnome Class: Barbarian Level Range:Low Stats:Po...

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