Trademark law and LinkedIn resumes: watch out? (Jul 25, 2024 16:16)
Portkey Tech. PTE Ltd v. Venkateswaran, 2024 WL 3487735, No. 23-CV-5074 (JPO) (S.D.N.Y....

TTAB Sustains Nike's Opposition to "4IR", Finding Confusion Likely with "AIR" For Shirts (Jul 24, 2024 07:08)

Mommy’s trademark infringement (Jul 23, 2024 14:26)
Originally posted 2011-04-21 00:20:15. Republished by Blog Post Promoter Mommy’s ...

Grand Old Persecution (Jul 21, 2024 14:13)
Originally posted 2012-10-25 14:01:11. Republished by Blog Post PromoterPaul Alan Levy ...

court allows Nike's legal theories and most of its expert testimony against StockX's resales/NFTs (Jul 15, 2024 17:06)
Nike, Inc. v. StockX LLC, 2024 WL 3361411, No. 22-CV-0983 (VEC) (S.D.N.Y. Jul. 10, 2023...

Cleveland Guardians Attack CLEVELAND SPIDERS for Clothing: Summary Judgment Motion Fails on Fraud, Succeeds in Part on Nonuse (Jul 15, 2024 06:04)

Trademark Infringement Suit Dropped Against Country Star Jelly Roll - Us Weekly (Jul 11, 2024 16:33)
Trademark Infringement Suit Dropped Against Country Star Jelly Roll    Us Weekly

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