Sep 20 Show 156 Transcriptions
PDF: Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. Text: 20240919-Show156-PP-What's In A Vaccine With Suzanne Humphries, M.DDr. Paul : 45%Dr. Suzanne Humphries: 55%00:00:59:37 - 00:01:26:10Dr. PaulGood m...
Sep 10 Show 155 Transcriptions
PDF: Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. Text: ​Natural Pandemic Preparedness with Michael GaetaDr. Paul Thomas: 51.41% of the speaking time. Dr. Michael Gaeta: 48.59% of the speaking tim...
Sep 10 Show 154 Transcriptions
PDF: Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. Text: Show 154 TranscriptionsSpeakers and Percentage of Speaking Time:Dr. Paul: 55%Dr. Christiane Northrup: 45%00:00:24:07 - 00:00:50:28Dr. Pa...
Aug 9 Show 153 Transcriptions
PDF: Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. TEXT: ​Dr. Paul  0:07  Dr. Paul Welcome to with wind science revealed. My guest today is Dr. Michael gaita. He is a wealth of infor...
Aug 5 Show 152 Transcriptions
PDF: Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. TEXT: ​Dr. Paul  0:24  Good morning CHD Welcome to paediatric perspectives, where we are looking at children's health challenges fr...
Jul 29 Remembering a true Health Freedom Hero: Dr. Sheila Lewis Ealey
​An ‘Eloquent Advocate for Truth and Children’s Health’Dr. Sheila Lewis Ealey​“Stand with us as Christians, stand with us as agnostics, atheists — but stand on behalf of our children.” — Dr. Sheila Lewis Ealey,​May 2016, Compton, CaliforniaTh...
Jul 11 Show 151 Transcriptions
PDF: Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. TEXT: ​Dr. Paul  0:05  Welcome to with the wind science revealed. I'm Dr. Paul and my guest today is Christine white. She's a fello...
Jul 11 Show 150 Transcriptions
PDF: Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. TEXT: ​Dr. Paul  0:32  Good morning CHD Welcome to pediatric perspectives, where we are looking at children's health challenges fro...
Jun 14 Show 149 Transcription
PDF: TEXT: ​Dr. Paul  0:04  Dr. Paul Welcome to with the wind sands revealed. My guest today is Ted Kuntz. I love this man. He just published an incredible book, a new Parent's Guide to Understanding vaccination. He has a deep...
Jun 11 Show 148 Transcripts
PDF: TEXT: ​Speaker 1  0:27  Good morning ch D, welcome to pediatric perspectives. This is where we are looking at children's health challenges. from a different perspective, one that includes critical thinking, one that's not...
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