Due to where we are on our development (as in, right near the start) our contingency plans aren't quite up to the levels of Google or Microsoft just yet. We have multiple servers, but they're all sitting in Houston (though in different buildings), or, as we're saying today, the path of Hurricane Rita! We're reasonably confident they'll stay up, but in order to hedge our bets we've set up a standby in Seattle. It's underpowered, but it's something. If the worst happens, and FeedDigest goes off the air, we have the ability to run a bare-bones service almost immediately, even if feed updates have to slow down quite a bit. So, we're keeping our fingers crossed, and hoping this one rides out okay. Wish us luck!
Service to Australia has been 100% until Sunday, with a slight slowing down on my site on Sunday, with about 90% of feeds showing. Pretty good, IMHO.