» Do You Suffer from Phone Game Shame?
23/04/24 19:45 from Blogs
Many of use feel shame about playing games on our phones, even when they're supposed to improve some part of our brain functioning. Is playing games on your phone really so bad?

» Leveraging Large Language Models for Emotional Reappraisal
23/04/24 19:44 from Blogs
AI outshines humans in managing emotions, reshaping mental health support.

» The Spiritual Path to Nowhere
23/04/24 19:36 from Blogs
Get off the spiritual seeker's treadmill of searching for something more while failing to recognize the Vast Mystery that all of us are already privileged to live within.

» Why Your Success Isn't Based on How Good You Are at Your Job
23/04/24 19:33 from Blogs
If you do a good job, you hope you'll get the rewards you expect. But life doesn't always work out like that. Career success is as dependent on other people as it is on you.

» 10 Things You May Not Know About Your Therapist
23/04/24 19:28 from Blogs
Have you ever wondered how therapists think, feel, and act? Here are 10 things about how therapists approach their work, some of which may be a bit of a surprise.

» How to Enjoy New Music With Hearing Loss
23/04/24 19:10 from Blogs
It can be challenging to enjoy new music when you have hearing loss, but one simple trick helped me to understand the lyrics better, allowing me to sing along, too.

» 3 Simple Ways Managers Can Connect Emotionally With Their Associates
23/04/24 19:04 from Blogs
A manager's success relies not just on their authority but also on their ability to connect with their team on an emotional level.

» Permissive, Overbearing Parenting Is Connected to Hikikomori
23/04/24 18:47 from Blogs
Parents of children with extreme social withdrawal tend to have mental illnesses, lack awareness and parenting skills. It turns out there is a parenting style that works.

» My Autistic Son Asked to "Call Mom"
23/04/24 18:35 from Blogs
Personal Perspective: Autism research emphasizes “independence over perfection.” Remember, whatever your child cannot do by graduation, someone else might have to do for them.

» How to Know if Your Relationship Is Toxic
23/04/24 17:43 from Blogs
A toxic relationship refers to a relationship that is unhealthy, harmful, and detrimental to the well-being of one or both partners involved.

» How to Grow Your Tolerance for Uncertainty
23/04/24 17:26 from Blogs
Embracing uncertainty and change can be a key to overcoming anxiety. Learn techniques to find comfort in the unknown, and unleash your potential to feel fully alive.

» Why You Should Read Poetry All Year
23/04/24 17:14 from Blogs
Poetry Month has brought poems to the forefront. Now, let's take it further and realize the power of poems to transform our thinking throughout the year.

» Shared Beliefs: Aversive Personality and Political Views
23/04/24 17:08 from Blogs
New research including three studies with 66,000+ participants from 38 countries shows that aversive personality and political orientation share the same (socio)political beliefs.

» I Changed My Posture and Changed My Life
23/04/24 17:04 from Blogs
A Personal Perspective: I’ve always had bad posture. Here’s what happened when I tried to change that.

» Is Worry Over Your Relationship Keeping You Up at Night?
23/04/24 16:39 from Blogs
A good night’s sleep is crucial to mental and physical health, but for the anxiously attached, new relationship research shows that this can be hard to achieve.

» How Men Can Help Resolve Tensions Between Work and Family
23/04/24 16:28 from Blogs
A conversation with the author of "Family Unfriendly," a new book about how a focus on family, children, and community can help repair the fabric of society.

» Emergency Management Must Proactively Build Human Resilience
23/04/24 16:27 from Blogs
Most people are distressed when a major disaster impacts them. Yet, emergency management agencies do not address these issues. In this post, I will explain how this can change.

» Beyond Snoring: Unveiling the Hidden Epidemic of Sleep Apnea
23/04/24 15:52 from Blogs
How often are sleep disorders undiagnosed, under-treated, or mistreated?

» Craving Affirmation Explains So Much If We'd Just Admit it
23/04/24 15:46 from Blogs
To understand and predict human behavior, including your own, follow the affirmation: More than we admit, what we do is largely a function of where we're affirmed.

» How to Get the Most from Your ADHD Meds
23/04/24 15:21 from Blogs
Fed up with ADHD meds? Before you break up, read this.

» Breathtaking News for Depression and Schizophrenia
23/04/24 15:19 from Blogs
Breath tests, which measure chemicals released by gut microbes, can reliably distinguish between people with multiple mental health issues.

» Speaking to Millennial Moms’ Anxiety
23/04/24 15:17 from Blogs
More millennial moms are experiencing anxiety than previous generations. For author Julie Chavez, debilitating panic attacks signaled what she described as a "mid-mom crisis."

» Lessons on Midlife From a Jungian Perspective
23/04/24 15:08 from Blogs
Are you struggling with midlife ennui or depression? Here's what might be happening and how to manage it.

» Dealing With Our Eating Blind Spots
23/04/24 15:03 from Blogs
Deciding how we are going to eat is not a matter of free will. Our bodies and brains have their own agenda.

» Moments of Joy and Hope Fuel Perseverance
23/04/24 14:54 from Blogs
Personal Perspective: Brain injury turning life into a daily endurance marathon can wear us out. One way to persevere is to notice moments of joy.

» The Multigenerational Impact of Emotional Intelligence
23/04/24 14:48 from Blogs
When one person decides to prioritize emotional development, they create lasting positive generational change for their family.

» Using the Empty Chair to Move Beyond Us-and-Them Thinking
23/04/24 14:46 from Blogs
A growing division spread by “us vs. them” thinking has left the country far from united. This approach could help.

» The Concerning Global Rise in Hikikomori Syndrome, Explained
23/04/24 14:41 from Blogs
Hikikomori syndrome could be contributing to a wave of loneliness.

» Are You Too Focused on Yourself, or Too Focused on Others?
23/04/24 14:40 from Blogs
These days, it isn't easy to find a balance between focusing on ourselves and focusing on others. Yet, working through this dialectic is key to healthy relationships.

» Is Fear Running Your Life?
23/04/24 14:30 from Blogs
With practical strategies and reflective prompts, you can transition from fear-driven passivity to alignment with your true self.

» Want Immediate Help When You’re Fighting With Your Partner?
23/04/24 00:44 from Blogs
If we can learn to recognize our own anger and implement time-outs, our relationships will likely be calmer and our communication more fruitful.

» Avoiding the "Last Straw" in Cases of Bullying
22/04/24 23:27 from Blogs
Some teens who are bullied become bullies themselves. But why do some victims choose this path and not others? New research suggests that the inner world of the victim has clues.

» Rethinking Leadership: Are You Willing to Be a Servant Leader?
22/04/24 21:38 from Blogs
Have we been misled about what leadership is all about? What if leadership means getting "into the mud" alongside your team, and true fulfillment comes from supporting them?

» How an Outdated Forensic Test Put a Woman Behind Bars
22/04/24 21:30 from Blogs
A test thought by many medical professionals to be "inaccurate, outdated and unethical" contributed to a woman being sentenced to thirty years in prison.

» Coping With Chronic Anxiety in a Family
22/04/24 21:22 from Blogs
Coping with chronic anxiety in family systems requires a concerted effort.

» Why Movies Make You Root for the Psychopath
22/04/24 20:25 from Blogs
You may think watching movies is purely for entertainment, but research shows that identifying with story characters, even villains, allows us to exercise our empathy.

» A Personal Spin on the Stages of Grief
22/04/24 19:56 from Blogs
Personal Perspective: My personal stages of grief are a little different from Kubler-Ross's, and I suspect there will be more than five when all's said and done.

» What Humans Can Learn From Animal Warfare
22/04/24 19:42 from Blogs
Like humans, mongooses and termites also go to war with their own kind. What can they teach us about how inter-group conflict evolves?

» Before Calling It Quits on Your Marriage
22/04/24 18:30 from Blogs
When your relationship is falling apart, don’t just do something! Admitting you don’t know what to do can be the beginning instead of the end.

» 6 Ways to Change the Belief “I’m Not Good Enough”
22/04/24 17:58 from Blogs
"I’m not good enough" is a common negative core belief that's deeply ingrained and debilitating. Try these 6 methods to prevent this belief from controlling your life.

» AI Recommendation Algorithms Can Worsen Loneliness
22/04/24 17:29 from Blogs
Are AI-powered recommendation systems making us more narrow-minded and isolated? Recent research suggests that algorithms may be making us more isolated in our own echo chambers.

» Two-fers in Mental Health Services
22/04/24 17:19 from Blogs
Recent research has identified family-oriented fiscal and therapeutic interventions that produce important positive effects across two and even three generations.

» Effect of Television Watching on Skin Tone Preference
22/04/24 16:51 from Blogs
A new study of rural villagers in Nicaragua finds a link between watching TV and a preference for lighter-skinned faces.

» The Dark Side of Sports Analytics
22/04/24 16:24 from Blogs
Analytics in sports training has led to athletes obsessed with achieving performance numbers. Learn how such approaches are contributing to emotional stress and serious injuries.

» What Being an Elite Athlete Taught Me About Life
22/04/24 16:01 from Blogs
Being an elite athlete, or the parent of an elite athlete, can be rewarding and exciting. Although most players will not become professionals, the lessons can last a lifetime.

» The 300th Birthday of Kant: Dare to Know and Face Others
22/04/24 16:00 from Blogs
Today we celebrate the 300th birthday of Immanuel Kant. Embrace face-to-face encounters to live up to his motto Dare to Know!

» The Perils of Higher Education Branding
22/04/24 15:36 from Blogs
A Personal Perspective: Think brand-management consultations can fix what ails higher education? Think again.

» Are We Really All Authoritarians at Heart?
22/04/24 15:34 from Blogs
The predisposition to authoritarianism isn't about the Right or the Left so much as an intolerance of our ideological opposites.

» 2 Ways to Avoid the Development of "Popcorn Brain"
22/04/24 15:17 from Blogs
Your digital habits might be to blame for your concentration issues.

» Children, Families, and the Management of OCD
22/04/24 15:10 from Blogs
How can early intervention and strategic family support transform the management of childhood OCD?

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