Henry Danger: The Movie recently aired on Nickelodeon and Paramount+ and featured a special cameo from Captain Man, leaving fans in amazement. For the unversed, he is a popular superhero, portrayed by Cooper Barnes. He has protected...
Chris Claremont is widely regarded as the definitive X-Men writer. His legendary 16-year run on Uncanny X-Men redefined Marvel‘s mutants and set a new standard of quality in comics’ writing. Chief among his accomplishments...
A new featurette video for Captain America: Brave New World has been released. Captain America: Brave New World is the fourth feature film in Marvel Studios’ Captain America franchise. Releasing next month, the movie sees Anthony Mackie...
The Herculoids was one of the most successful of Hanna-Barbera‘s action-oriented cartoons. It proved popular in reruns, with only 18 episodes in its original series. They were also part of a 1981 revival (along with Space Ghost) in...
Running for six seasons, Captain Planet and the Planeteers was notable among superhero cartoons of the 1990s. While most children’s programming of the era was focused on selling toys, Captain Planet promoted environmental awareness...
James Gunn says a new opening for DC Studios‘ Elseworlds projects is currently being developed. Gunn and Peter Safran’s DCU kicked off this past December with the animated Creature Commandos series. They will follow that up with...
The X-Men ’97 series not only garnered an exceptional response but also opened the window to controversies following the firing of its original creator, Beau DeMayo. The seasoned writer recently revealed yet another shocking story behind...
Marvel Studios is reportedly recasting T’Challa, with John David Washington rumored as a contender for the new Black Panther. Reports suggest the studio is considering “light-skinned Black actors” and may use the multiverse...
James Gunn has revealed that he is currently “pre-writing” his next DC Studios project while managing post-production on Superman: Legacy and Peacemaker Season 2. This announcement has prompted speculation about which DCU...
Paramount Pictures has revealed new Sonic the Hedgehog 3 concept art, offering subtle hints about Sonic the Hedgehog 4. Among the images is Dr. Robotnik alongside Metal Sonic, sparking speculation about their potential connection in the...
Viewers are curious to learn more about KB, portrayed by Kyriana Kratter, in Star Wars: Skeleton Crew. Introduced in the first episode, KB remains one of the main characters residing at At Attin. She is the daughter of Garree and Maree....
With Captain America 4: Brave New World now weeks away from release, fans are eager to learn the box office prediction for the upcoming Marvel film. A sequel to 2021’s The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, the movie sees Sam Wilson...
A recent rumor indicates that Marvel’s Thunderbolts* star Florence Pugh could be stepping into the shoes of Rapunzel for the upcoming Tangled live-action remake. The animated original made its way to the theatres in 2010 and...
According to the latest speculation, Marvel Studios is seemingly planning to make a Deadpool & Wolverine trilogy with Hugh Jackman as the claw-bearing superhero. 2024’s Deadpool 3 not only served as the Merc with a...
As Captain America 4: Brave New World approaches its February release date, several theater chains across the United States have unveiled a popcorn bucket and related merchandise themed after the film and its characters. Accordingly,...
The late 2024 releases Wicked, Mufasa: The Lion King, and Sonic the Hedgehog 3, are continuing to dominate at the global box office well into 2025. The franchise blockbusters have already taken in large sums at the worldwide box office...
Benedict Wong debuted in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) as Wong in the 2016 feature Doctor Strange and has since become a prominent part of the franchise, appearing in several other projects over the years. According to industry...
Adrien Brody garnered widespread acclaim and the Academy Award for Best Actor for essaying the role of Władysław Szpilman in the 2002 film The Pianist. Since then, he has worked on diverse projects, but never in a superhero feature or...
Recently, speculations started circulating that Marvel and Disney were looking to recast T’Challa / Black Panther, a character that was previously portrayed in the MCU by Chadwick Boseman until he passed away in 2020. Since then, fresh...
Wondering why Marvel Snap has been banned and is no longer accessible in the United States? This beloved digital card game, featuring iconic Marvel characters, has left fans stunned with its sudden disappearance. Known for its fast-paced...
How Dwayne McDuffie Changed the Face of Comics and Superheroes When was the first time you read a comic by Dwayne McDuffie? For many kids of the late ’80s and early ’90s, McDuffie was synonymous with both of comics' biggest publishers....
Nikolas Draper-Ivey Gets Real with Static: Shadows of Dakota Last year DC helped relaunch the iconic Milestone line of comic books with all-new “seasons” of Static, Icon and Rocket, Hardware and Blood Syndicate. Yet, of all the four...
Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum - The Official Prequel to Suicide Squad:Kill The Justice League! Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum – Task Force X Takes On Arkham’s Most Dangerous Criminals in the Official Prequel to Warner Bros. Read more
A History of Love: Five of DC's Best Black Romances Romantic partnership is both a common and often fleeting element of superheroes’ lives. Being involved with someone—especially if they’re a civilian—is a tightrope walk, and it...