L.L. Bean rebuffs boycott over granddaughter’s big Trump donation (Jan 10, 2017 16:46)
A man wipes off the headlights of the L.L. Bean Bootmobile in the parking lot at the fa...

Union leader who says Trump lied about Carrier deal refuses to back down (Dec 8, 2016 14:47)
Trump tours a Carrier factory in Indianapolis, Dec. 1, 2016. Chuck Jones, the union lea...

Working, eating and sleeping at the office (May 11, 2016 17:39)
The sight of workers sleeping on the job is common in China, where a surplus of cheap l...

Obama seeks ‘irreversible’ opening to Cuba (Dec 15, 2015 03:29)
This story is part of a weeklong Yahoo series marking one year since the opening of rel...

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