» Looking back to a past Shrove Tuesday
04/03/25 07:12 from Vox Cantoris
I t was Shrove Tuesday, which fell a few weeks earlier than this year in 2015, a decade ago. I was sitting with a colleague at lunch when an email came across the Blackberry: "Letter to Domet." What is this? I exclaimed. A letter from th...

» Another horrific story of the coverup of satanic ritual and sexual abuse of a woman and covered up by the Church in America. But what of right here in Toronto?
11/01/25 08:08 from Vox Cantoris
A s a result of the lawsuit by a priest against Thomas J. Rosica for an alleged "sexual assault" of asking him to "cuddle" whilst he was wearing boxers and a T-shirt lying on a bed, I decided to write something I have been sitting on for...

» Clerical corruption abounds
07/01/25 11:46 from Vox Cantoris
A week ago I watched a series of posts by Joseph Sciambra regarding the mocking of him by just one other Catholic grifter, Matt Fradd. Joseph Sciambra  was sexually assaulted by Catholic priests and told as far as being "gay"; "God ...

» Fr. Thomas Rosica: the saga deepens with a homosexual scandal exploding!
31/08/24 15:35 from SOLI DEO
Fr. Thomas Rosica (one time Papal Spokesman, CEO of Salt and Light, and grandee of the neo-modernist elite amongst clerics) had a great fall not a few years ago upon being outed as a serial plagiarist. After an imposed retirement (of sor...

» The Rosica Gallery of Infamy
29/08/24 20:00 from WITNESS

12/04/16 22:48 from TH2 / THE HERESY HUNTER

13/10/15 02:28 from TH2 / THE HERESY HUNTER

» Fr. Thomas Rosica: uses “Laudato Si” to question the Faith of “climate denier” Catholics, but remains silent on pro-abortion “Catholic” politicians
07/09/15 11:41 from SOLI DEO
Fr. Thomas Rosica of the Congregation of St. Basil, CEO of Salt and Light Media Foundation, English Language Assistant to the Holy See Press Office, was interviewed on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for his views of the Pope’...

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