A Complete Unknown isn't a traditional biopic. Instead of covering Bob Dylan's life story from birth to old age, it covers the period shortly after his arrival in New York City, as he first begins to fall in with the city's folk music...
In the new movie Babygirl , Nicole Kidman plays a high-powered CEO who has an affair her mysterious intern (Harris Dickinson). Their affair gets complicated by the many power dynamics involved — not just in the office, but also in a...
Nosferatu is a Dracula story with a twist. It stars Lily Rose-Depp as a new bride stalked by an evil bloodsucking creature of the night who brings death and terror in its wake. A handful of stalwart men – including her husband, played by...
Some people hate jury duty, but in Clint Eastwood's new film Juror #2 , one guy's experience is worse than most. Nicholas Hoult plays a man assigned to serve on a jury who gradually realizes that the defendant might not be guilty. And he...
There's been a bit of consternation flying around about the fact that the theatrical release of Juror #2 , directed by Clint Eastwood, was very muted. But this movie is perfect to watch at home.
Nickel Boys is one of the most thrillingly inventive literary adaptations our critic has seen in years, while The Brutalist is a rare American films that feels genuinely worthy of the word "epic."
It's been five years since Disney remade its animated classic The Lion King as a photorealistic blockbuster. This leads us to Mufasa: The Lion King, a new prequel telling the story of Mufasa's rise — as well as the origins of his rivalry...
Watching a movie on a plane can be a great way to pass the time if you're traveling for the holidays – particularly if you're going a long way. But picking the right movie can be very tricky. Today, we're debating the best movies to...
Brady Corbet's monumental drama, The Brutalist , chronicles the journey of a Jewish architect who comes to the U.S. in 1947 and creates a troubled and troubling masterpiece.
Five young filmmakers tackle the fallout of nuclear power, the abuse of migrant labor and the suffering of the rural poor in the pormanteau 'Ten Years Taiwan.' read more
Tom Cruise reunites with director Christopher McQuarrie for 'Mission: Impossible — Fallout,' the sixth spectacularly action-packed entry in the series. read more