The Wild Robot is a gorgeous and moving new animated movie from Dreamworks. It follows a helper robot named Roz (Lupita Nyong'o) who washes up on the beach of a remote island and learns to blend in with the wildlife. After an accident,...
A shipwrecked robot named Roz is accidentally activated by the wild animals on an otherwise uninhabited island in The Wild Robot , an animated adventure from the makers of How to Train Your Dragon .
It does get frustrating when you’re watching a giant-sized pirate drama that so regularly swings from perfunctory to rewarding gestures and usually within the same scene.
The only thing surprising about it is that it somehow managed to get a theatrical release instead of being consigned to a streaming service that, if you are lucky, you dropped long ago.
Kuras understands the unique position of the photographer as intrusive but unobtrusive, sensitive enough to see where the story is but removed enough to maintain observer status.
Francis Ford Coppola, the legendary filmmaker behind The Godfather trilogy and Apocalypse Now , is back with his first new film in over a decade. It reimagines the fall of Rome through a futuristic American city, and has a lot of big and...
Francis Ford Coppola's epic draws parallels between the U.S. and ancient Rome. Forty-some years in the making, it's got wild sex, startling violence, horse-drawn chariots and even nightclub unicorns.
Two new films seem to be in dialogue: In The Substance , Demi Moore is a Hollywood star chasing eternal youth. The dark comedy A Different Man centers on a New Yorker with a rare genetic condition.
Elizabeth Olsen, Carrie Coon, and Natasha Lyonne are often the best thing about their projects, and they're all together in the moving new Netflix film His Three Daughters . They play three sisters who are odds with one another, but must...
The Substance is a bloody, campy, fiercely feminist body horror film. Demi Moore plays a TV aerobics instructor desperate to stay in the spotlight. She learns of a mysterious drug she can inject that causes another, younger, entirely...
The Transformers franchise has been around for decades, and it's brought us many toys, TV shows and movies. Now, in the new animated film Transformers One , the origin story of Optimus Prime and Megatron finally gets told. With a voice...
What would you do if you met your future self, who's a couple of decades older and maybe a little wiser? Would you freak out? In the delightful new movie My Old Ass , a teenager named Elliott (Maisy Stella) faces this very scenario. Her...
In The Substance , Demi Moore plays an aerobics TV star who turns 50 and is promptly ousted from her gig in Hollywood. She and Margaret Qualley duke it out in this excruciating body horror tale.
Five young filmmakers tackle the fallout of nuclear power, the abuse of migrant labor and the suffering of the rural poor in the pormanteau 'Ten Years Taiwan.' read more
Tom Cruise reunites with director Christopher McQuarrie for 'Mission: Impossible — Fallout,' the sixth spectacularly action-packed entry in the series. read more