Research in fruit flies has identified specific groups of cholinergic brain cells that are involved in alcohol-induced insomnia. This work could ultimately lead to targeted treatments for alcohol-related sleep loss, helping people...
Researchers have uncovered how perceptual memories linked to positive emotions, such as joy or happiness, are strengthened during sleep. The study could help scientists understand the neurological basis for overcoming conditions like...
When young adults start working, the amount of daily physical activity they do increases sharply, only to fall away again over the new few years, while the amount of sleep they get falls slightly, according to new research. The largest...
A brain rhythm working in tandem with the body's natural sleep-wake cycle may explain why bipolar patients alternate between mania and depression, according to new research. A new study marks a breakthrough in understanding what drives...
The prevalence of diagnosed disorders from recurrent use of sedative, hypnotic and anti-anxiety medications in adolescents and young adults has increased sharply since 2001, according to researchers. Their study examined diagnoses of...
Waking up does not activate an increase in the release of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol does, however, increase in the hours prior to wakening as part of the body's preparation for the next day, new research has found.
A good night's sleep does more than just help you feel rested--it might literally clear your mind. A new study shows how deep sleep may wash away waste buildup in the brain during waking hours, an essential process for maintaining brain...
A collaborative effort has shed valuable light on how monoamine neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and now histamine help regulate brain physiology and behavior through chemical bonding of these monoamines to histone...
A new study examined data from more than 1,000 workers over a 10-year period. Sedentary workers experience a 37% increase in insomnia-like symptoms. Employees working nontraditional schedules experience a 66% greater risk of needing...
People with breathing problems during sleep may have a larger hippocampus, the area of the brain responsible for memory and thinking, according to a new study. The study, which included mostly Latino people, also found that those with...
Just as a conductor coordinates different instruments in an orchestra to produce a symphony, breathing coordinates hippocampal brain waves to strengthen memory while we sleep, reports a new study. This is the first time breathing rhythms...
It has been known for nearly 20 years that slow, synchronous electrical waves in the brain during deep sleep support the formation of memories. Why that is was previously unknown. Now, a team of researchers posits an explanation....
Sleep is critical for all sorts of reasons, but a team of international scientists has discovered a new incentive for getting eight hours of sleep every night: it helps the brain to store and learn a new language.
Circadian clocks control physiological processes and behavior in virtually all living organisms. Now an international research team has created a detailed map of the internal clock in the brain of the fruit fly.
Being lonely is a bigger hurdle to a good night's sleep for college students than too much time at a computer or other electronic screen, a new study suggests.
A research group has discovered that in mammals, a protein kinase A (PKA) promotes wakefulness, while protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) and calcineurin promote sleep. This study revealed that the balance between sleep and wakefulness is...
You may have heard sleep described as something of a magic pill for the body. With the right amount, timing, and quality, it can work wonders -- strengthen the immune system, improve blood sugar, even decrease the risk of heart attacks...
While it's well known that sleep enhances cognitive performance, the underlying neural mechanisms, particularly those related to nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, remain largely unexplored. A new study has nonetheless uncovered a key...
Adolescents who snore frequently were more likely to exhibit behavior problems such as inattention, rule-breaking, and aggression, but they do not have any decline in their cognitive abilities, according to a new study. This is the...
Have you ever felt sluggish and out of sorts after a long-haul flight or a late-night shift? A new study has found that disruptions to our body clock, such as those experienced during jetlag, impact our metabolism -- but to a lesser...
Scientists reveal how sleep, especially naps, boosts motor learning after TBI, offering new insights into brain activity and rehabilitation strategies to enhance recovery outcomes.
Adolescents who meet the recommended guidelines of nine to 11 hours of sleep per day were shown to have a significantly lower risk of hypertension, according to a study.
A consistent bedtime may be more important to a child's ability to control their emotions and behavior than the duration or quality of their sleep, according to a new publication.
Older people who are sleepy during the day or lack enthusiasm for activities due to sleep issues may be more likely to develop a syndrome that can lead to dementia, according to a new study.
CBT for insomnia significantly reduces postpartum depression symptoms, directly and indirectly, by improving mood and alleviating insomnia throughout treatment.
Sleep apnea, a common yet underdiagnosed sleep disorder, contributes to the development of dementia among adults -- particularly women, a new study suggests. At every age level, women with known or suspected sleep apnea were more likely...
With the clocks going back this weekend, a new study has found that moving the clocks one hour forward in Spring and one hour back in Autumn has a substantial, but short-lived effect on sleep duration.
Researchers show how sleep loss during early life impacts key aspects of brain development and how it can increase one's risk for developing autism spectrum disorder.
People in early middle age who have poor sleep quality, including having difficulty falling or staying asleep, have more signs of poor brain health in late middle age, according to a new study. The study does not prove that poor sleep...
A new study has demonstrated a new way to treat narcolepsy-related nightmares. The scientists combined cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and lucid dreaming to help patients in a small clinical trial.
A team of sleep researchers called for the government to abolish the twice-yearly clock changes in the UK due to the adverse effects on sleep and circadian health.
A world-first randomised controlled trial (RCT) of toddler screen time shows that removing screen time in the hour before bed improves the quality of toddler sleep.
In a study of commonly used treatments for multiple sclerosis, both medical and behavioral interventions, and a combination of the two, resulted in significant improvements in fatigue. Researchers say the findings could shape treatment...
Australian researchers have identified a new, brain-based measure of chronic sleepiness that could be diagnosed in just two minutes, predicting whether someone is safe to drive, operate machinery, or even alert enough to sit an exam.
Scientists have discovered the secret to regulating our internal clock. They identified that this regulator sits right at the tail end of Casein Kinase 1 delta, a protein which acts as a pace setter for our internal biological clock or...
The use of circadian-informed lighting, where artificial lighting is synchronised to the natural biological rhythms or a person's 'body-clock', significantly improves quality of sleep and work performance for night shift workers, a major...
A research team combined measurements from activity monitors and questionnaires for a new study of impact of aircraft noise on sleep. Higher levels of noise were associated with disturbed sleep quality measured by activity monitors....
A significant breakthrough in the understanding of sleep mechanism opens new promise for treating sleep disorders and associated neuropsychiatric conditions: Scientists have pinpointed the melatonin receptor MT1 as a crucial regulator of...