» Tackling climate change issues in the future of rugby
26/07/24 13:21 from Met Office News Blog
Warmer weather, flooding, and droughts are already affecting rugby, but how will the increasing effects of climate change impact rugby in the future? A new report by World Rugby (the rugby union governing body), has identified six major ...

» Perturbation estivale
26/07/24 09:48 from Meteo-spatiale.fr [images]
Le 26/07/2024 à 09h00 UTC - METEOSAT-10 - Image du satellite METEOSAT-10, le 26/07/2024 à 09 h UTC : zoom sur la France en ce jour de cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024. Une nouvelle perturbation pluvieuse traverse l...

» Weather tracker: Typhoon Gaemi wreaks havoc in Philippines and Taiwan
26/07/24 08:45 from Weather tracker | The Guardian
Half a million people evacuated, 21 deaths confirmed so far and capsized tanker in Manila causes huge oil spill Typhoon Gaemi has been wreaking havoc, with the Philippines government forced to declare a state of calamity last week in its...

» Earth from Space: Paris in focus
26/07/24 08:00 from ESA Observing the Earth
Image: This striking high-resolution image offers an in-depth view of central Paris, allowing you to explore and zoom into the city’s most captivating areas in exceptional detail.

» The Monastery of Saint Hilarion/Tell Umm Amer in Palestine is inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger
26/07/24 05:00 from World Heritage Centre News
The UNESCO World Heritage Committee, meeting in New Delhi, India, has decided to inscribe the site ‘The Monastery of Saint Hilarion/Tell Umm Amer' in Palestine simultaneously on the World Heritage List and on the List of World Herit...

» Smoky Skies Across North America
25/07/24 17:31 from NASA Earth Observatory Natural Hazards
Hundreds of wildland fires lofted sky-dulling smoke over Canada and the United States.

» Le golfe du Mexique sous les orages
25/07/24 15:40 from Meteo-spatiale.fr [images]
Le 24/07/2024 à 19h13 UTC - AQUA - Image du satellite AQUA, le 24/07/2024 à 19 h 13 UTC : le sud-est des États-Unis a été traversé par de nombreux orages. En effet, les températures élevées et l'humidité en provenance du golfe du Mexique...

» Le Golfe du Mexique sous les orages
25/07/24 14:48 from Meteo-spatiale.fr [images]
Le 24/07/2024 à 19h13 UTC - AQUA - Image du satellite AQUA, le 24/07/2024 à 19 h 13 UTC : le sud-est des États-Unis a été traversé par de nombreux orages. En effet, les températures élevées et l'humidité en provenance du golfe du Mexique...

» Skyfall på Österlen, tropisk natt i Norrbotten och tromb i Östergötland
25/07/24 11:37 from Prenumerera på blogginlägg från Väderleken
Onsdagen den 24 juli 2024 var ett händelserikt väderdygn i Sverige. Skyfallsliknande regn drabbade Skillinge på Österlen i Skåne, Storön vid Norrbottenskusten hade en tropisk natt och i zonen däremellan passerade en tromb över Östergötland.

» NASA DEVELOP and NCEI welcome Summer 2024 Interns
24/07/24 18:00 from NCEI News Feed
Meet NASA DEVELOP’s summer 2024 interns at NCEI and learn about their exciting research.

» Typhon Gaemi
24/07/24 14:24 from Meteo-spatiale.fr [images]
Le 24/07/2024 à 06h00 UTC - HIMAWARI-9 - Image du satellite HIMAWARI-9, le 24/07/2024 à 06 h 00 UTC : le typhon Gaemi s'est formé en mer des Philippines et se situe actuellement près de l'île de Taïwan, à 135 km au sud-est de la capitale...

» EarthCARE’s multispectral imager puts clouds into context
24/07/24 09:36 from ESA Observing the Earth
Launched less than two months ago, ESA’s EarthCARE satellite has already returned images from two of its four instruments. Now, it has also delivered the first images from its multispectral imager, showcasing various types of clouds and ...

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