My RSS feed for Blogger doesn't work on Feed.Informer. Is there a work around for this? I am using:
Feed Informer Support
Blogger RSS feed doesn't work
4 posts-
Posted 11 years ago #
this feed is not valid ( If you are not the author of the feed, please consult the owner to find a solution.
In case you are the owner, try deactivating geoRSS extension, since these tags are problematic according to the report.Posted 11 years ago # -
I am the author/owner of the feed. How do I deactivate the geoRSS extension?
Posted 11 years ago # -
geotag is automatically added when you set a location for a post on Blogger. To remove the tags you should delete the location from the post.
ps: we will appreciate it if you try consulting Blogger support or FAQ first next time. This issue has no relation to Feed Informer services.Posted 11 years ago #
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