HR Spliced Feed HR Spliced Feed Respective post owners and feed distributors Sat, 12 Nov 2016 03:55:57 -0500 Feed Informer Here are the competitors in the BBJ's 2025 Best Places to Work program Human Resources News - Human Resources News Headlines | urn:uuid:a5a110d9-da42-7435-24ef-478ec5ebbe44 Thu, 27 Feb 2025 11:44:32 -0500 <img src="*100xx1097-1097-427-0.jpg" alt="">Winners of each category will be unveiled in May at a special event. Stephanie Rebman Forty Under 40: Mount St. Jospeh's Sydney Prochazka has eyes on a special dream car Human Resources News - Human Resources News Headlines | urn:uuid:ef6297d5-e7b9-b7f2-f83b-07ba6c89920a Thu, 27 Feb 2025 11:30:21 -0500 <img src="*100xx5464-5464-0-340.jpg" alt="">Sydney Prochazka, 39, is vice president for institutional advancement at Mount St. Joseph University. Nikki Kingery Cross-border commuters could ease workforce woes in Buffalo Human Resources News - Human Resources News Headlines | urn:uuid:f397f813-a3a1-9dcf-695a-995587a9a3f7 Thu, 27 Feb 2025 11:00:00 -0500 <img src="*100xx3481-3481-870-0.jpg" alt="">Buffalo's proximity to Canada can expand the hiring pool for companies in need of workers, boosting the region as a whole. Tracey Drury St. Louis Character: Vicia chef looks to her Filipino roots for inspiration Human Resources News - Human Resources News Headlines | urn:uuid:a3bb57e9-04e8-e844-c179-df335218db0b Thu, 27 Feb 2025 10:56:51 -0500 <img src="*100xx3772-3779-948-0.jpg" alt="">Growing up in the Philippines, Jane Alona Chatham was used to family-style dinners and she loved gathering with neighbors for elaborate meals. Today, she's a James Beard Foundation Award semifinalist as chef de cuisine at Vicia. Veneta Rizvic Housing chief aims to transform Raleigh's aging properties Human Resources News - Human Resources News Headlines | urn:uuid:0a0e0652-9ce2-db05-4412-bb7fac3bfb31 Thu, 27 Feb 2025 10:40:08 -0500 <img src="*100xx3335-3335-833-0.jpg" alt="">Ashley Lommers-Johnson is no stranger to finding creative ways to provide affordable housing, a critical need in Raleigh. Kayli Thompson Power 100: The business leaders shaping Greater Philadelphia in 2025, Nos. 51-75 Human Resources News - Human Resources News Headlines | urn:uuid:1becf62a-d1a2-3de5-90db-bb29330bbb68 Thu, 27 Feb 2025 10:24:08 -0500 <img src="*100xx2589-2589-1040-0.jpg" alt="">Meet the third group of 25 influential business leaders on this year's Power 100 list. Ryan Sharrow Denver strip clubs accused in $14 million wage theft case Human Resources News - Human Resources News Headlines | urn:uuid:39c96bca-d70f-30f9-f2cd-9d2287c020dc Thu, 27 Feb 2025 09:59:41 -0500 <img src="*100xx3024-3024-504-0.jpg" alt="">The clubs are accused of exploiting loopholes to underpay hundreds of staff members, from dancers to bartenders. Analisa Romano Denver Business Journal events director retires after 35 years Human Resources News - Human Resources News Headlines | urn:uuid:2a1d2a95-fb00-d1f6-ba40-47aa198d54ca Thu, 27 Feb 2025 09:36:57 -0500 <img src="*100xx2735-2735-203-0.jpg" alt="">Jan Wambolt built the DBJ's reputation for its events. Keith Dennis She Means Business: The surprising reason why getting a job is harder now Human Resources News - Human Resources News Headlines | urn:uuid:b1c646e7-a5ed-591d-27ec-b2dcad9b6c03 Thu, 27 Feb 2025 08:08:08 -0500 <img src="*100xx3781-3788-1275-0.jpg" alt="">One of the things I hate most about being a professor is watching students waste opportunities.  The excitement about returning to in-person classes was dashed when I walked into the room and was met with….silence. Thirty students fiddling with their phones.  After two years of Zoom they finally had the chance to meet and interact with new people. Did they try make up for lost time? No, they retreated to the comfortable "crack" of their devices.  This has some serious implications for their… Krista Tuomi First look as Allspring prepares to move into Third Ward office Human Resources News - Human Resources News Headlines | urn:uuid:5739c816-59ad-5bbe-b6e7-7e9506673f0a Thu, 27 Feb 2025 07:59:37 -0500 <img src="*100xx4254-4254-1063-0.jpg" alt="">The move will bring approximately 300 Allspring Global Investments employees to the one-story, 42,000-square-foot space. Logan Hanson No public posts available. Public RSS-Feed of Washington Business Journal. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS 'GPlusRSS-Webtool' at urn:uuid:7a4f1a0e-9633-63b5-7d26-55f482bd650f Thu, 30 Sep 2021 09:15:34 -0400 <div class='content'>Washington Business Journal does not share any public posts. <a href='' target='_blank'>Visit the Google+-Page</a></div> 5 Ways to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution (and Wellness Program) on Track HR Insights Blog urn:uuid:7bcdf0af-4d63-a11c-72d0-c25f07bbdc0c Wed, 19 Dec 2018 06:54:00 -0500 <p><img class="img-responsive" src="" alt="5 Ways to Keep Your New Year&rsquo;s Resolution (and Wellness Program) on Track" /></p> <p>One week into a new year and you are probably already sick and tired of hearing about the latest diet trend or exercise regimen that is &ldquo;guaranteed&rdquo; to make your New Year&rsquo;s resolution to &ldquo;get healthy&rdquo; stick this time around.</p> <p>Most medical professionals will tell you that (unfortunately) there is no silver bullet to a &ldquo;healthier you&rdquo;, and as it turns out, a good old fashioned healthy diet and consistent exercise routine tends to be just what the doctor ordered.</p> <h3>So what does all this talk about New Year&rsquo;s resolutions have to do with HR and building great workplaces here in Northeast Ohio?</h3> <p>Well according to ERC&rsquo;s 2015 Wellness Practices Survey, at three-quarters of local organizations, the connection is their formal wellness program. Take the analogy one step further, and you&rsquo;ll quickly discover that wellness programs often suffer from the same plight as New Year&rsquo;s resolutions&mdash;the best of intentions, but lacking in follow-through when it comes time for implementation. Despite becoming an almost standard benefit at many employers over the last several years, some&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">wellness programs</a> and individual wellness focused activities are now suffering from a lack of participation and interest on the part of the employees.</p> <blockquote>In fact participants in both the 2013 and 2015 ERC Wellness Surveys cited &ldquo;effectively educating and incentivizing employees to participate in wellness programs&rdquo; as the most common barrier to creating a successful wellness program at their organization.</blockquote> <p>To help both employers and employees make the most of what can be and should be an important piece of overall employee wellbeing, participating organizations in ERC&rsquo;s Wellness Surveys offered the following advice on creating (or reinvigorating) a successful wellness program.</p> <h2>1. Offer wellness activities/programs that employees find useful.</h2> <p>This particular struggle is most easily addressed if met head-on at the program&rsquo;s inception and can be as simple as a survey of employee&rsquo;s interests in a list of potential activities under consideration. Understanding the basic demographics of your workforce can also help inform what types of programs make the cut. Gender, age, shift work (who will actually be around if you are offering programs on-site during the day), etc. are all useful statistics to consider, but don&rsquo;t get too overzealous and start trying to dig into specific health related needs&mdash;HIPPA can get messy quickly.</p> <blockquote>By starting out with wellness activities that employees <strong>want </strong>to take part in, you are already ahead of the curve.</blockquote> <p>But don&rsquo;t worry if you already have a program in place, it&rsquo;s not too late to start taking your employee&rsquo;s interests into account. In fact, a quick survey of your employees every couple of years to make sure the programming is still relevant isn&rsquo;t a bad idea either.</p> <h2>2. Make the programming accessible&mdash;both geographically and intellectually.</h2> <p>If your organization is on the larger side or draws employees from a diverse geographic footprint, make sure the activities are easily accessible to as many individual employees as possible. Your employees are probably juggling a family life, the stress of work, and any number of other time intensive activities.</p> <blockquote>In short, their time is valuable, so partnering with a gym with only one location far on one side of town may not see the best results. Instead, consider offering reimbursement for a gym of the employee&rsquo;s choosing or make the investment in an on-site gym or fitness classes.</blockquote> <p>Online programming can be an easy option, but make sure it is providing useful information that isn&rsquo;t too overwhelming or too basic. One the one hand if the online articles, tracking mechanism, or lectures are overly technical and scientific employees might be turned off, but by the same token presenting overly simplistic information won&rsquo;t do your employees any good either.</p> <h2>3. Use the resources you already have.</h2> <p>Many health insurance packages include an array of free resources that you the employer can pass along to your employees. All you have to do as the employer is promote them. But that is sometimes easier said than done&mdash;now someone has to be tasked with sending out the email reminders or monthly newsletters to help get employees on board. If financial resources are not available to create a new position (e.g. Wellness Coordinator) delegation or committee work can be helpful in prevent overloading a single individual with wellness related administrative tasks. Of course if all else fails, and you are determined to create a robust, successful wellness program, just ask for help. You may find that you have a multi-talented staff that is more than willing to share their kick-boxing expertise or vegan baking skills with their co-workers.</p> <h2>4. Get full buy-in on all levels.</h2> <p>As with most new initiatives, it is critical to get the full support of the top management team. Buy-in from the top can definitely be helpful when budget season rolls around, but when it comes to wellness programs, a more visible buy-in can be hugely helpful as well. Having the CEO out there trying to get to his or her 10,000 steps during lunch can be a great motivator and even a fun way for employees to interact casually with other employees that they may not typically encounter on a day-to-day basis. And of course keep in mind that the importance of buy-in goes beyond these specific activities to the bigger picture of what you are trying to achieve with your wellness program. If your end goal is to fully indoctrinate your organization with a culture of wellness, engaging employees at all levels is particularly important.</p> <h2>5. Incentivize, when you can.</h2> <p>Even with all the struggles and barriers to participation discussed above, many organizations are running very successful wellness programs. If better health isn&rsquo;t enough of a motivator, money is bound to do the trick. Keep in mind that there are specific limitations as to how much and how the monies are distributed for each individual and for different types of activities. Cost can also be a strong disincentive against certain behaviors, most notably tobacco usage. The&nbsp;<a href="">Affordable Care Act</a> provides a detailed breakdown of allowable incentives and disincentives should you choose to go down the path of incentivizing your wellness program. If you aren&rsquo;t quite ready for the monetary commitment, remember that food or other small non-monetary incentives can help improve the effectiveness of your programming by bolstering attendance at lectures or participation in fitness challenges.</p> <p>Much like the New Year&rsquo;s resolution you made a week ago, setting your <a href="" target="_blank">organization&rsquo;s wellness program</a>&nbsp;up for success can seem overwhelming. But with the help of the advice above and a little extra hard work and perseverance in 2016, you too can get to the gym 4 days a week and get your employees to show up for the nutritionist you&rsquo;ve booked for that lunch-n-learn next month.</p> <div class="container-fluid text-center backgroundLightGray"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <h3 class="gibsonHeavy topSpace green">View ERC's Wellness Practices Survey Results</h3> <p class="lead">This report summarizes the results of ERC&rsquo;s survey of organizations in Northeast Ohio on practices related to health care and wellness.</p> <p class="bottomSpace"><a class="buttonPurple" href="">View the Results</a></p> </div> </div> </div> Admin 13 New Year's Resolutions for HR Professionals HR Insights Blog urn:uuid:baf6a834-ee54-2763-65f9-21c406ae952e Wed, 19 Dec 2018 06:35:00 -0500 <p><img class="img-responsive" src="" alt="13 New Year's Resolutions for HR Professionals" /></p> <p>A new year brings New Year's Resolutions. The most common personal resolutions are to be more health conscious, work out more, and spend more time with friends and family. But what about your professional life?</p> <p>As HR professionals, there are many aspects of the workplace that you are responsible for. HR is constantly growing and becoming more important to organizations. In keeping with this growth, the new year creates&nbsp;a great reason to do better this year&nbsp;than the last for not only the HR department, but the organization as a whole. Here are a few practices to consider.</p> <h2>1. A flexible work schedule.</h2> <p>According to a national survey administered in 2013, nearly one-third of employees indicated that they &ldquo;do most of their work from a remote location.&rdquo; Today, more and more employers are looking into options other than the typical 9-5. <a href="">There are many options to a flexible work schedule</a>, including compressed work weeks&nbsp;&nbsp;(i.e. allowing variable start and end times),&nbsp;job sharing&nbsp;and&nbsp;part-time schedules.</p> <h2>2. Give employees positive feedback on a regular basis:&nbsp;<a href="">not just during performance reviews</a>.</h2> <p>This one is crucial. Though&nbsp;a financial reward is great, many employees are looking for positive feedback more than once a year. Make sure the feedback is timely, appropriate, and genuine. This will go a long way with the employee and makes for a more positive workplace environment overall.</p> <h2>3. Review HR policies and procedures.</h2> <p>It's <a href="">important to be consistently up-to-date</a> with all of the changes that happen in the HR community.&nbsp;You are the organization's quarterback. If an employee has a question, they will come to you first. By staying on top of current changes, you will be an important asset to the organization.</p> <h2>4. Implement training programs.</h2> <p><a href="">Training programs</a> are a great way to get everyone in your organization on the same page. Maybe you would like to get all of your managers together for a class on supervisory training. Or maybe you just want a refresher on employment law. Don't forget to check out <a href="">ERC's full list of training offerings</a>.</p> <h2>5. Update your LinkedIn profile.</h2> <p>This is one that constantly gets overlooked. Most people set up their LinkedIn account and then never think to update it again. It's important to not only stay active on LinkedIn, but to make sure you have an updated profile. After all, your LinkedIn profile page is a representation of you - make it stand out!&nbsp;As such, consider a professional portrait photograph for your profile picture versus a 'selfie'.</p> <h2>6. Meet with department heads and staff members to figure out how the HR department can improve.</h2> <p>This is a great way to make your employees feel like they have a voice within the company. It can be formal, with a scheduled meeting, or more casual with just a survey. Whatever way you prefer, make sure your employees feel like they are involved with the organization they work for.</p> <h2>7. Identify local vendors willing to offer discounts to your employees.</h2> <p><a href="">Preferred partner networks</a>&nbsp;are a great way for your organization and employees to save money. Talk with your employees to see what kind of programs interest them, and then reach out to local vendors. &nbsp;</p> <h2>8. Read a blog post a day.</h2> <p>This one is simple. <a href="">Just read</a>. Find a website you enjoy, such as <a href="">TLNT</a> or the <a href="">HR Bartender</a>&nbsp;(and of course, the <a href="">ERC Blog</a>) and see what it has to say. Staying informed is the most important thing you can do for yourself and your organization.</p> <h2>9. Streamline the new hire paperwork packet and update the employee orientation packet.</h2> <p>It's one of those jobs that sounds tedious, but once you do it, you will be glad you did.</p> <h2>10. Update your employee handbook.</h2> <p>This is another tedious and time consuming project - there's no sugar coating that. However, it's an easy way to answer employee questions and keepeveryone on the same page when it comes to employee benefits and expectations.</p> <h2>11. Earn your PHR, SPHR, SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP certification.</h2> <p>Because the HR profession is constantly changing and evolving, it is important to be certified or recertified to continually update your <a href="">HR competencies</a>&nbsp;and <a href="">knowledge</a>.</p> <h2>12. Reorganize your personnel files.</h2> <p>With a new year comes new paperwork and files. Clean out your desk and filing cabinets.</p> <h2>13. Need HR resources, training, or consulting? ERC can help!</h2> <p>ERC helps organizations create great workplaces by providing HR Resources, Training, and Consulting services. ERC offers HR content and tools, <a href="">compensation &amp; benefit benchmarking data</a>, experienced HR Advisors, and access to an exclusive partner network.</p> <p><a href="">ERC Training</a>&nbsp;provides customized learning and development solutions that enhance the skills of managers, supervisors, leaders and the general workforce. <a href="">ERC Consulting</a>&nbsp;helps organizations attract and retain talent through assessments, coaching, and consulting services, with a specialty in compensation &amp; benefits.</p> <div class="container-fluid text-center backgroundLightGray"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <h3 class="gibsonHeavy topSpace purple">Get more articles like this one delivered to your inbox.</h3> <p class="lead">Join the thousands who receive ERC's weekly newsletter to stay current on topics including HR news, training your employees, building a great workplace, and more.</p> <p class="bottomSpace"><a class="buttonPurple" href="">Subscribe Now</a></p> </div> </div> </div> Employee Relations &#38; Performance Management Workplace Policies &#38; Practices Admin 5 Ways to Spot & Develop an Emerging Leader HR Insights Blog urn:uuid:afde7b2f-c24c-345a-1e7e-e1cc6ac04438 Wed, 19 Dec 2018 06:34:00 -0500 <p><img class="img-responsive" src="" alt="5 Ways to Spot &amp; Develop an Emerging Leader" /></p> <p>Your emerging leaders are your rising managers and leaders in the making. But how do you spot an emerging leader and then develop them into a leadership role? Picking the right people and training them the right way is essential. That's why we've provided five (5) qualities these talented employees usually embody plus 5 ways to develop them.</p> <h2 class="green">1.&nbsp;Achiever.</h2> <p><a href="">Emerging leaders</a> are smart and talented high-achievers in their current roles. They consistently produce more and better work than their peers, are considered subject-matter experts, and know how to attain results by their own accord and through others. They are driven to accomplish great things.</p> <h2 class="green">2.&nbsp;Change agent.</h2> <p>Emerging leaders are often agents of <a href="">change</a> in their organizations. They are likely to initiate new ways of doing things and are proponents of taking risks to further the organization. They share ideas, aren&rsquo;t afraid to embark on new projects and opportunities, and may challenge the status quo.</p> <h2 class="green">3. Developer.</h2> <p>Emerging leaders not only show an interest in developing themselves and their own capabilities, but also have the ability and interest in <a href="">training</a>, developing, mentoring, and coaching other employees. Many have a natural knack for building talent and want to see others succeed and grow to their fullest potential.</p> <h2 class="green">4.&nbsp;Team-player.</h2> <p>Emerging leaders are collaborative, great teammates, and good communicators. They seek others&rsquo; input and opinions, use it to shape their ideas, and generate consensus. They have strong soft-skills and have <a href="">emotional intelligence</a> when it comes to dealing with others. They are well-liked and well-respected by their peers and get along with others easily.</p> <h2 class="green">5.&nbsp;Business-savvy.</h2> <p>Emerging leaders are business savvy. They are strategic-minded, show business acumen, and have a good understanding of the market and industry in which your organizations operates.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Disclaimer: It's important to use these general qualities as simply a guide - an example of the types of attributes that typically characterize these employees. We encourage you to identify specific leadership traits that are important to your own organization since they may differ and vary in every workplace. In addition, after you have identified these individuals, use these five critical tools to develop your emerging leaders.</em></p> <h2 class="green">1. Challenging projects.</h2> <p>Talented up-and-coming leaders need challenging assignments that stretch them to new heights. Identify strategic projects, high visibility assignments, strategic business opportunities, lean/efficiency projects, and short-term assignments in other divisions/departments and perhaps in tandem with your executive team. The more exposure your emerging leaders can receive from senior leaders, the better.</p> <h2 class="green">2.&nbsp;Mentor or coach.</h2> <p>Emerging leaders will benefit from a senior-level mentor or coach. Ideally, the mentoring or <a href="">coaching</a> relationship should be structured with regular meetings at least quarterly (and if possible monthly or more frequently) and target specific skills that the rising star needs to develop.</p> <h2 class="green">3.&nbsp;Opportunities to lead.</h2> <p>Rising stars want opportunities to lead others and practice managing key initiatives. Designate them as leads on major projects or initiatives and on special committees, teams, or sub-groups. Allow them to mentor or train other employees such as new-hires or junior-level employees. These opportunities will help build their leadership abilities to prepare them for future roles in your organization.&nbsp;</p> <h2 class="green">4.&nbsp;Development plan.</h2> <p>A development plan is necessary for your high potential. It can be very basic or it can be highly detailed. The important part is that it must exist. There must be a living document or plan that is created to help get your rising star from point A to point B in the organization. Why? Lack of structure in developing others leads to lack of accountability by all the parties involved in the development process.</p> <h2 class="green">5.&nbsp;Formal training.</h2> <p>Emerging leaders have likely never been taught the fundamentals of <a href="">leadership</a> and management and need to be educated on them and engage in classroom experiences that help them build critical skills in communication, presentation, change management, performance management, conflict resolution, and more.</p> <p>If your organization hasn't yet embarked on identifying and developing your emerging leaders, consider doing so. Not only will it help you prepare for future management and leadership openings, but it will also help you engage and retain these critical employees that you likely can't afford to lose.</p> <div class="noPadding"><img class="img-responsive" src="/img/emerging-leaders.jpg" alt="Emerging Leader Training Series" /></div> <div class="container-fluid noPadding backgroundLightGray"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-10 offset-md-1 col-xs-12 trainingDescription backgroundWhite"> <h2 class="text-center gibsonHeavy">Emerging Leader Training Series</h2> <p class="text-center">Have the emerging leaders within your organization been identified? Do they have the skills and knowledge needed to best represent your organization?&nbsp;In this 3-part series, participants will learn tools to present themselves more effectively and enhance their contribution to the organization.</p> <p class="text-center"><a class="buttonPurpleSmall" href="">Learn More about Emerging Leader Training</a></p> </div> </div> </div> Employee Relations &#38; Performance Management Leadership &#38; Management Admin Being Black in Japan | TokyoBlackChick - YouTube Delicious/scavengerhuntdc urn:uuid:f4d47f7a-06a0-c92a-15f2-160e441a3402 Sun, 20 Nov 2016 09:12:34 -0500 Being Black in Japan | TokyoBlackChick YouTube scavengerhuntdc wordpress Delicious/scavengerhuntdc urn:uuid:ac89b479-a05f-d270-48dc-757b7ed10b73 Wed, 19 Oct 2016 03:16:45 -0400 scavengerhuntdc