CS Dentist Tumblr
CS Dentist TumblrRespective post owners and feed distributorsWed, 13 Apr 2016 23:00:37 -0600Feed Informer http://feed.informer.com/To help dental professionals in need, the CDA Foundation has established a Disaster Relief Grant for individuals — a one-time, single-installment grant that provides financial assistance of up to $5,000 per California dentist, dental staff member currentl
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:4d3c75ae-b0f5-2f8f-dff7-58c877e86257Thu, 31 Jan 2019 12:20:33 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259775193634/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/df/bb/fd/dfbbfdc87911133dd72e9c63d840322d.jpg"></a>To help dental professionals in need, the CDA Foundation has established a Disaster Relief Grant for individuals — a one-time, single-installment grant that provides financial assistance of up to $5,000 per California dentist, dental staff member currently employed in the dental field or CDA component dental society staff member. The grant is for immediate and emergency needs as a direct result of the 2018 California wildfires.The Supreme Court of California recently ruled that employers must ask themselves three questions as part of an “ABC” test to determine whether someone working for the company should be classified as an employee or an independent contractor. Dentists in C
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:0ec700f7-a4c2-c800-da5b-892eb12b9169Thu, 31 Jan 2019 12:20:30 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259775193633/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/9c/0f/12/9c0f12b6018031278ec3a1f4d13e32c0.jpg"></a>The Supreme Court of California recently ruled that employers must ask themselves three questions as part of an “ABC” test to determine whether someone working for the company should be classified as an employee or an independent contractor. Dentists in California should be aware of the new guidelines as they are more narrow than what dentists may have been used to in the past.Rethinking pain management in our dental practices
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:5b3db282-193a-81a0-ed81-bc35fe448654Thu, 31 Jan 2019 12:20:26 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259775193632/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/db/a9/08/dba908331d9616a99e7fd738e852288a.jpg"></a>Rethinking pain management in our dental practicesTooth Fairy Kit
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:befb8b13-713b-c9c2-16d0-ef07d451e3f4Thu, 31 Jan 2019 12:19:22 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259775193621/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d1/76/17/d1761752c80eef2c478b5aa2c74ea171.jpg"></a>Tooth Fairy KitMake Your Mouth More Kissable for Valentine's Day! | Dentist Fairfield CA | Mark J. Warner DDS Inc. General Dentistry | (707) 422-7633
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:f6ebfd5d-0139-e12a-4a0e-617b17d383edThu, 31 Jan 2019 12:18:27 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259775193613/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/30/13/1d/30131d4707b7865f0caa1b7c5cd31c38.jpg"></a>Make Your Mouth More Kissable for Valentine's Day! | Dentist Fairfield CA | Mark J. Warner DDS Inc. General Dentistry | (707) 422-7633Fun ideas for Valentine's Day cards for dental professionals.
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:97366195-fae0-5572-3c34-ee0e3ef31902Thu, 31 Jan 2019 12:17:59 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259775193610/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/e7/5e/a0/e75ea04730d7ee901b68f0d2b8310327.jpg"></a>Fun ideas for Valentine's Day cards for dental professionals.braces color combinations for valentine's day More
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:9aba6021-43bf-33e0-107a-3ae24a877421Thu, 31 Jan 2019 12:17:48 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259775193607/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/4b/17/5c/4b175c3658f5c9ff3ff67d3c0142e451.jpg"></a>braces color combinations for valentine's day MoreValentine's Day meme for dentists #DentalHumor #SocialMedia www.rosemontmedia.com
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:83eecd43-e35f-961e-4d77-5fb486f5a2ceThu, 31 Jan 2019 12:17:42 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259775193605/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/ac/d7/ee/acd7ee916d3dceabf419fd7786f8471e.jpg"></a>Valentine's Day meme for dentists #DentalHumor #SocialMedia www.rosemontmedia.comValentine's Day 2
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:acb7b4aa-5799-70e1-4bab-c4f05a996202Thu, 31 Jan 2019 12:17:40 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259775193604/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/4e/4e/f7/4e4ef7389338169af74eb03c8a5ca315.jpg"></a>Valentine's Day 2Happy Valentine's Day!
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:893b87a5-cc33-ee24-2a1e-5d05bea3a291Thu, 31 Jan 2019 12:17:35 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259775193602/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/dd/41/11/dd4111b615298575536ae84928358239.jpg"></a>Happy Valentine's Day!The April 2018 Journal contains reports on current advances in endodontic treatment procedures in the management of bacterial contamination, the use of cone beam computed tomography, replacement of necrotic pulp in immature teeth and the balance between e
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:860065b4-3999-5c8a-3010-c7ca5bcd8881Wed, 28 Mar 2018 12:34:06 -0600<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259773629683/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/c3/cd/0e/c3cd0edda4a9e629ade3174afdf376e4.jpg"></a>The April 2018 Journal contains reports on current advances in endodontic treatment procedures in the management of bacterial contamination, the use of cone beam computed tomography, replacement of necrotic pulp in immature teeth and the balance between endodontics and dental implants. Click through to read the full issue. #dentistryThe March 2018 issue of the CDA Journal provides readers with a collaborative approach to advance oral health equity, particularly in pediatrics, through utilization of nontraditional dental clinics such as school-based oral health clinics. Click through
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:60b447de-c355-9e6f-8d26-75d82e68adbcFri, 09 Mar 2018 14:00:22 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259773519577/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d7/24/e4/d724e42affb799388123564bb3427644.jpg"></a>The March 2018 issue of the CDA Journal provides readers with a collaborative approach to advance oral health equity, particularly in pediatrics, through utilization of nontraditional dental clinics such as school-based oral health clinics. Click through to read the full issue now. #dentistry #oralhealthThe second in a two-issue series, the February 2018 Journal of the California Dental Association features silver diamine fluoride and discusses how it can be incorporated into a dental practice, its successful use as a preventive agent among pediatric pat
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:141e2413-08c8-c6e2-1963-520703f7c70eWed, 07 Feb 2018 16:13:24 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259773333073/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/1b/a0/4a/1ba04ab9256c3b54f68fe39f8517da40.jpg"></a>The second in a two-issue series, the February 2018 Journal of the California Dental Association features silver diamine fluoride and discusses how it can be incorporated into a dental practice, its successful use as a preventive agent among pediatric patients and how it can be used to care for the elderly. #dentistry #dental
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:79395f9e-0ed7-bfed-6170-12fd128e2593Tue, 19 Dec 2017 16:41:57 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259773010810/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/e8/1b/c8/e81bc8ceb7497f2a5fb9871fe0539863.jpg"></a>
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:e94b9e34-b132-1f9e-9aab-a5d8f7ab94b4Tue, 19 Dec 2017 16:41:21 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259773010808/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/18/51/76/185176e8d40562701bb742e1a90d1cef.jpg"></a>
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:0c561a9d-2b03-9b03-b329-b50116ea5f71Tue, 19 Dec 2017 16:36:58 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259773010798/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/72/69/1a/72691aad2e3b52a05d370845ed3a73ee.jpg"></a>
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:d1d65dfe-0e27-9080-84e6-c5ff454310ceTue, 19 Dec 2017 16:34:20 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259773010787/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/32/d9/50/32d9501344acde72a2d67dab2083157e.jpg"></a>
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:9b9c8455-68c6-9f4d-a2de-d73b18b446bbTue, 19 Dec 2017 16:32:52 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259773010783/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/03/3f/74/033f74d1bb00313559988b46e2587a80.jpg"></a>
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:cda2799d-2a08-af40-6603-1fd1569cd99cTue, 19 Dec 2017 16:31:44 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259773010780/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/2b/ca/29/2bca2993a68c2cb7ac745e65320b00e7.jpg"></a>
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:f62bc6fd-8d85-67b7-2225-08acd5d677e9Tue, 19 Dec 2017 16:31:15 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259773010777/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/66/ee/54/66ee54331f59136c406d5c55bf408ba6.jpg"></a>
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:6c4f9f44-b9eb-5271-3f92-9c6bd05cc19eTue, 19 Dec 2017 16:27:37 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259773010754/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/9b/4f/11/9b4f11256431c4212399a8928f8252eb.jpg"></a>
California Dental Association
urn:uuid:5ce90b79-9b8c-7e68-2d6b-24cb939fa602Tue, 19 Dec 2017 16:26:40 -0700<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259379259773010750/"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/236x/b2/94/b8/b294b8023f8e14a0bf31835fcbc72dd6.jpg"></a> Share a smile. Its the same in any language! #worldsmiledaypic.twitter.com/2TZ6wp40Xk
Twitter Search / 1800dentist
urn:uuid:bba2fac2-067a-f093-a0d6-75b6d8babfbeFri, 06 Oct 2017 10:38:47 -0600<p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="en">Share a smile. Its the same in any language! <a class="twitter-hashtag pretty-link js-nav" dir="ltr" href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/worldsmileday?src=hash">#<b>worldsmileday</b></a> <a class="twitter-timeline-link u-hidden" dir="ltr" href="https://pic.twitter.com/2TZ6wp40Xk">pic.twitter.com/2TZ6wp40Xk</a></a></p> <img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DLeALJvUEAAi8Ee.jpg" width="250" />Another gums & overall health connection! https://twitter.com/AAOSHconnect/status/900402662516170753 …
Twitter Search / 1800dentist
urn:uuid:183b3368-92f9-a10c-e259-ea644220bbe6Thu, 24 Aug 2017 09:12:51 -0600<p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="en">Another gums & overall health connection! <a href="https://twitter.com/AAOSHconnect/status/900402662516170753">https://twitter.com/AAOSHconnect/status/900402662516170753 …</a></p>American soda stat. #teeth #decay https://twitter.com/Dr_Krakora/status/898175258859012098 …
Twitter Search / 1800dentist
urn:uuid:a265e8bc-4a4c-1f07-6323-9dce65c43236Thu, 17 Aug 2017 11:25:47 -0600<p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="en">American soda stat. <a class="twitter-hashtag pretty-link js-nav" dir="ltr" href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/teeth?src=hash">#<b>teeth</b></a> <a class="twitter-hashtag pretty-link js-nav" dir="ltr" href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/decay?src=hash">#<b>decay</b></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/Dr_Krakora/status/898175258859012098">https://twitter.com/Dr_Krakora/status/898175258859012098 …</a></p>Couldn't agree more! https://twitter.com/HarmonyDentalPA/status/897065572499959809 …
Twitter Search / 1800dentist
urn:uuid:68389d34-43cc-5bc4-26bc-f624157659bfWed, 16 Aug 2017 10:06:35 -0600<p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="en">Couldn't agree more! <a href="https://twitter.com/HarmonyDentalPA/status/897065572499959809">https://twitter.com/HarmonyDentalPA/status/897065572499959809 …</a></p>Protecting your oral health is also important when you have a cold or flu, here are 5 ways to do just that: http://ow.ly/1vQx30aV0Gn pic.twitter.com/eyTgEUgdQ9
Twitter Search / 1800dentist
urn:uuid:bc0844ab-4d10-2f87-66e4-c55681031b37Mon, 07 Aug 2017 17:00:37 -0600<p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="en">Protecting your oral health is also important when you have a cold or flu, here are 5 ways to do just that: <a href="http://ow.ly/1vQx30aV0Gn">http://ow.ly/1vQx30aV0Gn </a> <a class="twitter-timeline-link u-hidden" dir="ltr" href="https://pic.twitter.com/eyTgEUgdQ9">pic.twitter.com/eyTgEUgdQ9</a></a></p> <img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DGqYLcXW0AArv9_.jpg" width="250" />Did you know that 25% of the general population in the United States has never heard of dental implants?
Twitter Search / 1800dentist
urn:uuid:6463706c-857f-8a26-46e9-c859f5edf6d8Fri, 07 Jul 2017 14:50:47 -0600<p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="en">Did you know that 25% of the general population in the United States has never heard of dental implants?</p>George Washington: The Man, The Myth & The Teeth http://bit.ly/2lM2ViN
Twitter Search / 1800dentist
urn:uuid:44be2d56-42c2-6796-782f-4d1df619e9f9Tue, 04 Jul 2017 10:57:01 -0600<p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="en">George Washington: The Man, The Myth & The Teeth <a href="http://bit.ly/2lM2ViN">http://bit.ly/2lM2ViN </a></p>WEIRD DENTAL FACT: Neanderthals used toothpicks crafted out of bone, wood or grass 130,00 years ago. http://bit.ly/2s3x0dF
Twitter Search / 1800dentist
urn:uuid:53e9a44b-cd3d-bf85-5c7d-bfd0f24f25e9Wed, 28 Jun 2017 18:31:48 -0600<p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="en">WEIRD DENTAL FACT: Neanderthals used toothpicks crafted out of bone, wood or grass 130,00 years ago. <a href="http://bit.ly/2s3x0dF">http://bit.ly/2s3x0dF </a></p>Over 25 million root canal procedures are performed in the United States every
Twitter Search / 1800dentist
urn:uuid:0af52d7d-6e67-3723-007e-5ab2648540b4Sun, 25 Jun 2017 11:51:01 -0600<p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="en">Over 25 million root canal procedures are performed in the United States every
year.</p>Inflammation caused by periodontal disease may prevent ovulation or could stop the embryo implanting. http://dailym.ai/2tD1HHV
Twitter Search / 1800dentist
urn:uuid:b988697b-0d88-ae90-7c02-153943ba9700Sat, 24 Jun 2017 11:46:01 -0600<p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="en">Inflammation caused by periodontal disease may prevent ovulation or could stop the embryo implanting. <a href="http://dailym.ai/2tD1HHV">http://dailym.ai/2tD1HHV </a></p>Shout-out to the dental professionals who are volunteering their time & skills to help the nation's veterans http://bit.ly/2sLwPot
Twitter Search / 1800dentist
urn:uuid:60f4a03d-11cc-fa2a-7d9e-f5adb2fcc4daFri, 23 Jun 2017 17:44:18 -0600<p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="en">Shout-out to the dental professionals who are volunteering their time & skills to help the nation's veterans <a href="http://bit.ly/2sLwPot">http://bit.ly/2sLwPot </a></p>Great tips for picking out the perfect toothbrush https://www.1800dentist.com/how-to-pick-a-toothbrush/ …pic.twitter.com/YoMFU4z1x1
Twitter Search / 1800dentist
urn:uuid:272f2668-19f3-e4d6-d804-ebcf0359728fWed, 21 Jun 2017 11:22:36 -0600<p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="en">Great tips for picking out the perfect toothbrush <a href="https://www.1800dentist.com/how-to-pick-a-toothbrush/">https://www.1800dentist.com/how-to-pick-a-toothbrush/ …</a> <a class="twitter-timeline-link u-hidden" dir="ltr" href="https://pic.twitter.com/YoMFU4z1x1">pic.twitter.com/YoMFU4z1x1</a></a></p> <img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DC3IFsGUwAQKPwS.jpg" width="250" />Here's to all the great dads out there. Check this out if your father's on the senior side of things https://www.1800dentist.com/dental-care-checklist-seniors/ …pic.twitter.com/Ew3zivkNHY
Twitter Search / 1800dentist
urn:uuid:d2f5434d-75c8-6510-9a4e-d141418c0885Sun, 18 Jun 2017 09:03:03 -0600<p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="en">Here's to all the great dads out there. Check this out if your father's on the senior side of things <a href="https://www.1800dentist.com/dental-care-checklist-seniors/">https://www.1800dentist.com/dental-care-checklist-seniors/ …</a> <a class="twitter-timeline-link u-hidden" dir="ltr" href="https://pic.twitter.com/Ew3zivkNHY">pic.twitter.com/Ew3zivkNHY</a></a></p> <img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DCnLYOSUAAEoamm.jpg" width="250" />Are your teeth strong enough to pass the Wallenda test? http://dailym.ai/2rkR9eV
Twitter Search / 1800dentist
urn:uuid:56e8d302-08f2-8b65-4de4-e1b632eaa16cSat, 17 Jun 2017 11:57:01 -0600<p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="en">Are your teeth strong enough to pass the Wallenda test? <a href="http://dailym.ai/2rkR9eV">http://dailym.ai/2rkR9eV </a></p>Got yellow teeth? Blame your folks http://bit.ly/2sxlgnC
Twitter Search / 1800dentist
urn:uuid:25de01ce-7201-0319-362c-dba8ddce70b8Thu, 15 Jun 2017 12:00:58 -0600<p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="en">Got yellow teeth? Blame your folks <a href="http://bit.ly/2sxlgnC">http://bit.ly/2sxlgnC </a></p>"Thank God for modern dentistry." Demi Moore http://dailym.ai/2sYEUWr
Twitter Search / 1800dentist
urn:uuid:79a6d29c-551b-b568-092f-92d2370e1fd3Tue, 13 Jun 2017 13:43:39 -0600<p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="en">"Thank God for modern dentistry." Demi Moore <a href="http://dailym.ai/2sYEUWr">http://dailym.ai/2sYEUWr </a></p>Stress can do a real number on your teeth. Just ask Demi Moore http://bit.ly/2rXFxRS
Twitter Search / 1800dentist
urn:uuid:f8f036dd-93ee-8d9c-5b5a-bce84e95b351Tue, 13 Jun 2017 13:24:49 -0600<p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="en">Stress can do a real number on your teeth. Just ask Demi Moore <a href="http://bit.ly/2rXFxRS">http://bit.ly/2rXFxRS </a></p>Researchers were surprised to find that recreational cannabis users may be at risk of periodontal disease http://bit.ly/2rjdLjI
Twitter Search / 1800dentist
urn:uuid:db8a0e83-2457-7364-3675-931646b55545Mon, 12 Jun 2017 11:31:45 -0600<p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="en">Researchers were surprised to find that recreational cannabis users may be at risk of periodontal disease <a href="http://bit.ly/2rjdLjI">http://bit.ly/2rjdLjI </a></p>NIH scientists found that the primary teeth of autistic children contain more lead & less zinc & manganese than those of other children
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urn:uuid:9277e79d-f141-e474-9511-6b05dc82da54Mon, 12 Jun 2017 11:21:50 -0600<p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="en">NIH scientists found that the primary teeth of autistic children contain more lead & less zinc & manganese than those of other children</p>Once again teeth provide critical clues to the origins of humankind http://nyti.ms/2r2wK20
Twitter Search / 1800dentist
urn:uuid:80fed0d1-731d-1761-b20c-0795568daf18Thu, 08 Jun 2017 12:04:01 -0600<p class="TweetTextSize TweetTextSize--normal js-tweet-text tweet-text" lang="en">Once again teeth provide critical clues to the origins of humankind <a href="http://nyti.ms/2r2wK20">http://nyti.ms/2r2wK20 </a></p>The Cause and Prevention of Toothbrush Abrasion
My Reading List: Read and Unread
urn:uuid:ae0ff414-f228-3c99-82e7-e8953d77c05fWed, 30 Nov 2016 18:53:36 -0700The Cause and Prevention of Toothbrush Abrasion
Colorado Springs Front Range Dental Care
urn:uuid:41657997-2c9f-2671-9bd6-9eab35033613Wed, 30 Nov 2016 17:45:58 -0700<h1>How to Avoid Tooth Enamel Damage</h1>
<p>We all know regular brushing is critical for healthy teeth and gums. But it can be overdone by brushing too hard or too much. When this happens, over brushing results in what is called toothbrush abrasion. The result will be sensitive teeth and possible receding gums.</p>
<p>Excessive and hard brushing will wear down the tooth’s enamel and possibly damage the gums back. Receding gums can themselves lead to other problems including cavities on the roots and periodontal disease. Treatments such as root canals, fillings and even tooth extraction could be further consequences.</p>
<p>Ironically, this often occurs with those that care too much about their oral care. It is this group of patients that attack their oral care with gusto and force. But their over zealousness actually can become destructive.</p>
<p>This can often result from being told previously by a dental office that they need to do a “better job” in oral care, or that they have been neglectful. The genuine desire to do a better job then becomes an over-zealous attack on the problem.</p>
<h2>The Oral Care Mindset</h2>
<p>The problem is really what a person thinks about what is required. The mental approach is that it is a difficult task and requires great effort. But in fact the opposite is true.</p>
<p>In the following articles Delta points out how easy plaque actually is to remove:</p>
<p><img src="http://www.deltadentalins.com/_assets/DeltaDentalInsuranceLogo.gif" alt="deltadentalins.com"/></p>
<blockquote class="curated_content">
<h3>Overbrushing: Watch out for too much of a good thing - Delta Dental</h3>
<p>The people most at risk for tooth or gum damage from overbrushing are those who are particularly diligent about their oral care and those who use medium- or hard-bristled toothbrushes.</p></blockquote>
<blockquote class="curated_content"><p>Other factors, such as a genetic predisposition to receding gums, clenching or grinding your teeth or having had your teeth straightened with braces, can increase your risk for damage from overbrushing.</p>
<p>Brushing vigorously isn’t necessary to remove plaque. “Plaque is so soft that you could remove it with a rag if you could reach all the surfaces where it hides,” says Dr. Kevin Sheu, managing dental consultant for Delta Dental. “Thoroughness is what is required for plaque removal, not aggressive brushing. You’re not going to achieve any extra benefit by brushing hard.” <a class="cs_link" href="https://www.deltadentalins.com/oral_health/overbrushing.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Overbrushing: Watch out for too much of a good thing - Delta Dental</a></p></blockquote>
<p>Plaque is a soft material which can build up. However, it is very soft and relatively easy to remove. Plaque could in fact be removed by using a soft cloth if the cloth could reach all areas of the teeth. The following article from Dental Partners of Boston agrees:</p>
<p><img class="" src="http://coloradosprings.frontrangedentalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/abrasion-300x300.png" alt="dentalpartnersofboston.com" width="216" height="216"/></p>
<blockquote class="curated_content">
<p>We tend the think that significant effort is required to keep our teeth healthy, when in fact plaque is easy to remove. Plaque is a soft deposit that sticks to the tooth’s surface and builds up over time, and while it needs to be regularly disrupted, this does not take a great deal of pressure.</p></blockquote>
<blockquote class="curated_content"><p>Those most at risk for toothbrush abrasion are those who are meticulous at attending to their daily dental care. Other factors can be at play such as a genetic predisposition to receding gums or clenching and grinding your teeth.</p>
<p>Stopping toothbrush abrasion mostly involves a change in mindset about home dental care. You should approach brushing with the mindset that you need to be thorough and gentle.</p></blockquote>
<blockquote class="curated_content"><p>Also, brush your teeth in a soft circular motion as opposed to a back and forth ‘sawing’ motion across the teeth. Brushing is only meant to remove food and debris; therefore it only takes light pressure. A trick to help you remember and to brush more lightly is to switch to brushing with your non-dominant hand. <a class="cs_link" href="http://www.dentalpartnersofboston.com/blog/how-to-prevent-toothbrush-abrasion/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">How to Prevent Toothbrush Abrasion | Dental Partners of Boston</a></p></blockquote>
<p>A recent Wall Street Journal article shared a dentist survey estimating that between 10 and 20 percent of patients have damaged gums and teeth as a result of over brushing.</p>
<p>This is certainly a widespread problem and if you are unsure of how to brush properly, you are not alone. It is the excessive force used that is the main problem.</p>
<p>Dr. mark Backhus shares this on his website as an example of how Not to approach oral care:</p>
<p><img src="http://www.drbackhus.com/files/2016/09/toothbrushes.jpg" alt="drbackhus.com"/></p>
<blockquote class="curated_content">
<p>You can overdo anything. Even brushing your teeth.</p>
<p>Take a stiff-bristled brush. Scrub back and forth compulsively for five minutes, as though you were trying to get tar off the sidewalk. It’s possible you’ll end up with “toothbrush abrasion.” <a class="cs_link" href="http://www.drbackhus.com/patient-education/much-good-thing/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Toothbrush Abrasion | Dr. Mark Backhus | Carmichael, CA Dentist</a></p></blockquote>
<p>Florida Smile Maker website has the following tips to share on proper oral in a gentle manner:</p>
<p><img class="" src="http://floridasmilemaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/ah-toothbrush.jpg" alt="floridasmilemaker.com" width="229" height="152"/></p>
<ul><li class="curated_content"> Use a soft or extra-soft bristled toothbrush to prevent gum damage and wear on the soft tooth dentin</li>
<li class="curated_content">Keep in mind which direction bristles face when you brush. They should be perpendicular, not parallel. Place the head of your toothbrush with the tips of the bristles at a 45-degree angle to the gum line and brush away!</li>
<li class="curated_content">Move the toothbrush with short strokes and a scrubbing motion, several times in each spot – don’t saw back and forth across the teeth with your toothbrush.</li>
<li class="curated_content">Apply just enough pressure to feel the bristles against the gums. If you are squashing the bristles, you’re brushing too hard.</li>
<li class="curated_content">Brush for two minutes at a time <a class="cs_link" href="http://floridasmilemaker.com/avoid-toothbrush-abrasion/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">How to Avoid Toothbrush Abrasion - Dentists Serving South Florida</a></li>
</ul><p>Keeping these tips in mind will help prevent damage to the enamel.</p>
<h2>How does Abrasion affect the Teeth?</h2>
<p>This will affect both gums and teeth in negative ways. The first sign is often developing a little indentation or ledge at the gum line. When this is touched by fingernail or bristles, there is a sharp sensation. Sometimes sensitivity to cold develops as well.</p>
<p>The gums will then begin receding away from this area and the process keeps repeating itself and becomes much more noticeable.</p>
<p>This is a potentially damaging to your oral and overall health. Our <a style="color: #0000ff;" href="http://coloradosprings.frontrangedentalcare.com/cosmetic/" target="_blank">cosmetic dentists</a> can help you learn how to easily avoid this. If you have been one to attack the task of oral care with vigor, remember to take it easy. Use a soft bristle brush and remember to be gentle to your gums and mouth. You will benefit greatly from this change in mindset.</p>
<p>Images from deltadentalins.com, dentalpartnersofboston.com, drbackhus.com, floridasmilemaker.com</p>
<p>Read More Here: <a href="http://coloradosprings.frontrangedentalcare.com/cosmetic/tooth-abrasion/" target="_blank">The Cause and Prevention of Toothbrush Abrasion</a></p>5 DIY Children’s Costumes
Bright Now Dental blogs
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<p><a href="http://www.brightnow.com/our-blog/5-diy-children%E2%80%99s-costumes" target="_blank">read more</a></p>Warning Signs of Breast Cancer
Bright Now Dental blogs
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<p><a href="http://www.brightnow.com/our-blog/warning-signs-breast-cancer" target="_blank">read more</a></p>Tips to Keep Your Teeth Healthy This October
Bright Now Dental blogs
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<p><img src="http://www.brightnow.com/sites/default/files/images/content/tips-to-keep-your-teeth-healthy-this-october-bright-now-dental.jpg" alt="Girl with braces smiling" title="Tips to Keep Your Teeth Healthy This October" width="1200" height="800" style="float: left;" /></p>
<p><a href="http://www.brightnow.com/our-blog/tips-keep-your-teeth-healthy-halloween" target="_blank">read more</a></p>Colorado Springs Porcelain Dental Veneers – A New Smile
My Reading List: Read and Unread
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Bright Now Dental blogs
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<p><img src="http://www.brightnow.com/sites/default/files/images/content/bright-now-dental-who-knew-honey-helps_0.jpg" alt="Honey and honey dipper" title="Bright Now! Dental Who Knew Honey Helps Blog" width="1200" height="797" style="float: left;" /></p>
<p><a href="http://www.brightnow.com/our-blog/who-knew-honey-helps" target="_blank">read more</a></p>Colorado Springs Porcelain Dental Veneers – A New Smile
Colorado Springs Front Range Dental Care
urn:uuid:904d990a-4f5c-ae95-8d0d-3c05cbd8afd8Sat, 24 Sep 2016 17:48:23 -0600<p>You want to look your best. You may be one of the millions that want to dramatically improve your smile. Maybe there is just one tooth that is a bit out of place or twisted. You wonder if even small issues can be fixed or made to look perfect. If this is you, then perhaps dental veneers might be right for you.</p>
<h2>So What Are Veneers?</h2>
<p>These are simply thin layers of porcelain laid over the enamel of your existing tooth. This can help alter size, shape or color. So what issues can be fixed with this procedure?</p>
<ul><li>Broken or chipped teeth</li>
<li>Twisted or crooked teeth</li>
<li>Odd-sized teeth</li>
<li>Older fillings that have become stained and discolored</li>
<li>Gaps in your pearly whites (which might not be so white)</li>
<li>A tooth that has moved backward</li>
</ul><p><img class="aligncenter" src="http://www.samdental.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Porcelain-Veneers.jpg" alt="image"/></p>
<p>Unlike a crown, much less tooth is lost or altered to attach the cap. But this is not a reversible procedure. Some of the tooth is removed to attached the cap and to make it appear natural.</p>
<p>In the past, ceramic was the material that was previously used for this procedure. However ceramic does not have the translucency of a more modern material, which gives a much more realistic appearance.</p>
<p>There are times when a composite veneer may be an option. The composite variety can actually be built up inside the mouth instead of only being crafted outside and cemented in place. Your dentist will explain the different options and which is right for you.</p>
<h2>Initial Consultation</h2>
<p>An initial consultation will be performed by your dentist. This will involved X-Rays and a full mouth examination. It will be important to determine if your teeth are healthy enough for this cosmetic procedure. This is one area where communication is critical to achieve the desired result. Take your time determining exactly what improvements you would like to make and the options for each.</p>
<p>While it is true many celebrities in Hollywood, athletics and the music industry have porcelain which gives them their Hollywood smile, every mouth is different. You will first have a full mouth analysis to determine which steps need to be taken to begin the process. You may also be able to “try on’ some temporary caps to help you in your decision.</p>
<p>Cosmetic imaging will provide you will photos of what your smile just might look like. This can often be a very helpful step in your decision of what you hope to achieve.</p>
<p>As mentioned previously, a small amount of enamel will be removed. Usually this is less than one millimeter. This allows for the tooth to look natural and fit in place. However, it is this step that makes the process irreversible.</p>
<h2>First Steps</h2>
<p>As mentioned, the enamel will be trimmed back. The amount is about the thickness of a eggshell. A mold will then be taken of the affected tooth. At times, a temporary piece can be placed over the trimmed back area. Usually this is not needed as the permanent porcelain will be ready in about one week.</p>
<p>The enamel is then etched using a gel or other method to provide a rough surface for the cement. The cement used will be matched to the color of your other enamels. Then it is simply a matter of waiting a week until your new smile arrives and is in place.</p>
<h3>What About No-Prep Veneers?</h3>
<p>If you have researched this topic much, you may have heard of minimal prep or no prep procedures. This is described clearly in the follow article from yoursmilebecomesyou.com, authored by The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry:</p>
<p><img src="http://yoursmilebecomesyou.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/prepless-veneer.jpg" alt="yoursmilebecomesyou.com"/><img src="http://yoursmilebecomesyou.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/traditional-veneer.jpg" alt="yoursmilebecomesyou.com"/></p>
<blockquote class="curated_content">
<p>Some patients are looking for an alternative to traditional dental veneers or bonding, but be aware that this treatment option is not appropriate for everyone.</p>
<p>Just as with porcelain veneers, “no-prep” or minimal preparation veneers— so called because they typically don’t require the dentist to remove as much tooth material—are bonded to the front surface of your teeth.</p>
<p>Your AACD member dentist will let you know if you are a good candidate for minimal preparation or “no-prep” veneers and if this option makes a sensible treatment plan. <a class="cs_link" style="color: #0000ff;" href="http://yoursmilebecomesyou.com/procedures/porcelain-veneers/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Porcelain Veneers | Dental Veneers | Cosmetic Dentistry</a></p></blockquote>
<p>At times the gums may also need to be altered a bit to give the desired appearance. Overall the aesthetics and functionality of your teeth will be greatly improved. There are even times when no enamel preparation will be needed. As this is a personal procedure, <a style="color: #0000ff;" href="http://coloradosprings.frontrangedentalcare.com/cosmetic/" target="_blank">our cosmetic dentists will explain the options and which procedure is right</a> for you. Each mouth is different and requires different steps for each person.</p>
<p>The end result for you will appear very natural. It will be stain resistant, very strong and scratch resistant. Your entire mouth structure can actually become even stronger.</p>
<p>Gums usually tolerate porcelain very well unlike some of the other compounds used for restoration. The procedure is pain free and the results are almost immediate.</p>
<h3>Care of the Veneers</h3>
<p>The porcelain will usually last from between 5-15 years but can last even longer if properly taken care of and maintained. The maintenance is almost exactly as you are used to already. Brush twice per day. Floss every day. And have your annual checkups.</p>
<p>The cost can vary widely depending on numerous factors. At times insurance can pay for some of the restoration.</p>
<p>Image credits:</p>
<p>porcelainneveers.jpg image from http://www.samdental.org/</p>
<p>prepless image from yoursmilebecomesyou.com</p>
<p>traditional image from yoursmilebecomesyou.com</p>
<p>Originally Published Here: <a href="http://coloradosprings.frontrangedentalcare.com/cosmetic/porcelain-veneers/" target="_blank">Colorado Springs Porcelain Dental Veneers – A New Smile</a></p>