serious games serious games Respective post owners and feed distributors Thu, 02 Aug 2018 19:12:07 +0000 Feed Informer Melanoma prevention using an augmented reality-based serious game. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:3e51dffc-acc1-1898-e0b1-d0fad14871ac Sat, 01 Jun 2024 04:00:00 +0000 Patient Education & Counseling; 06/01/2024<br/>(AN 176408256); ISSN: 07383991<br/>CINAHL Complete Serious Games in Medical Education: What it Adds? How to Go about It? serious game urn:uuid:1130a5ca-6017-fc10-2bc3-ee486ec9c77c Thu, 25 Apr 2024 08:32:18 +0000 <div class="field" > <strong>Author Names:</strong> <span>Shrivastava S.R.B.L.,Shrivastava P.S.,Mishra V.H.</span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Database Source:</strong> <span>Embase Daily Updates</span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Journal Title:</strong> <span>Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences,Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences</span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Article Title:</strong> <span><a href=";CSC=Y&amp;MODE=ovid&amp;PAGE=fulltext&amp;NEWS=n&amp;D=emedx%2cemexb%2cempp&amp;AUTOALERT=322827148%7c1">Serious Games in Medical Education: What it Adds? How to Go about It?</a></span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Year:</strong> <span>2024</span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Issue:</strong> <span>Suppl 2</span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Volume:</strong> <span>16</span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Abstract:</strong> <span>Medical educators have adopted a number of teaching-learning methodologies to make their sessions interactive considering the need for active engagement of students to strengthen the process of learning. One among them is the use of serious games, wherein digital applications are used to enable the attainment of the intended learning objectives. A wide range of serious games can be designed to target different areas in healthcare training, which cumulatively provide a holistic and engaging approach for students to acquire knowledge and develop skills. Owing to the extensive areas and domains in medical education wherein we can use serious games, the benefits attributed to them are immense. The successful introduction of serious games into the medical curriculum depends on several factors and we must adopt a systematic approach to optimize the benefits. In conclusion, the introduction of serious games into medical education can benefit medical students by helping them master multiple skills required for successful clinical practice. Acknowledging the changing landscapes in medical education, there is an immense need that teachers and administrators to explore the possibility of integrating these games into medical schools.&lt;br/&gt;Copyright &amp;#xa9; 2024 Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences &lt;br/&gt; Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow.</span> </div> Serious game "learning from our medication errors". Interview with the winners of the APinnov Soignant innovant 2023 award serious game urn:uuid:167e79ce-a610-2f7e-3b29-43e92650885c Thu, 25 Apr 2024 08:32:18 +0000 <div class="field" > <strong>Author Names:</strong> <span>Le Jouan M.,Kabiche S.,Woillez B.,Clarenne J.,Jouhanneau E.,Matusik E.,Belhadj S.</span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Database Source:</strong> <span>Embase Daily Updates</span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Journal Title:</strong> <span>Pharmacien Clinicien</span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Article Title:</strong> <span><a href=";CSC=Y&amp;MODE=ovid&amp;PAGE=fulltext&amp;NEWS=n&amp;D=emedx%2cemexb%2cempp&amp;AUTOALERT=322827148%7c2">Serious game &quot;learning from our medication errors&quot;. Interview with the winners of the APinnov Soignant innovant 2023 award,Serious game &lt;&lt; apprendre de nos erreurs medicamenteuses &gt;&gt;. Interview des laureats du prix APinnov Soignant innovant 2023</a></span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Year:</strong> <span>2024</span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Issue:</strong> <span></span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Volume:</strong> <span></span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Abstract:</strong> <span></span> </div> Development and evaluation of serious games for diagnosis and cognitive improvement of patients with mild cognitive impairment: A study protocol serious game urn:uuid:bb54b776-6237-77c0-c087-47156aa0d359 Sat, 20 Apr 2024 08:30:24 +0000 <div class="field" > <strong>Author Names:</strong> <span>Sabermahani F.,Almasi-Dooghaee M.,Sheikhtaheri A.</span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Database Source:</strong> <span>Embase Weekly Updates</span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Journal Title:</strong> <span>Informatics in Medicine Unlocked</span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Article Title:</strong> <span><a href=";CSC=Y&amp;MODE=ovid&amp;PAGE=fulltext&amp;NEWS=n&amp;D=emedx%2cemexb%2cempp&amp;AUTOALERT=322657656%7c1">Development and evaluation of serious games for diagnosis and cognitive improvement of patients with mild cognitive impairment: A study protocol</a></span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Year:</strong> <span>2022</span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Issue:</strong> <span></span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Volume:</strong> <span>32</span> </div> <div class="field" > <strong>Abstract:</strong> <span>Introduction: Early diagnosis of cognitive impairment and improving cognitive function of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) are of particular importance for preventing Alzheimer&apos;s disease (AD). Health-oriented serious games (SGs) could be innovative tools for evaluating and improving cognitive status. In this study, a SG will be developed to evaluate and improve cognitive status of patients with MCI based on different cognitive aspects of mini-mental state examination (MMSE) and Addenbrooke&apos;s cognitive examination-revised version (ACE-R). Furthermore, the SG will be validated and assessed in diagnosing and improving the cognitive status of patients with MCI. &lt;br/&gt;Material(s) and Method(s): This qualitative and quantitative study includes four steps. In the first step, the literature is reviewed systematically. In the second step, game stories and scenarios are designed for the proposed game series based on the results of step 1 in collaboration with the clinical experts. Then, a game will be designed for the different cognitive aspects of MMSE and ACE-R. The third step includes the technical design and development of the game and usability evaluation. 60 participants in two healthy or patient (who are at the MCI stage) groups will be selected using convenience and purposive sampling methods based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. In the fourth step, evaluation of the serious game for patients with MCI is performed. We will conduct correlation analysis to evaluate the degree of coordination between the game and the cognitive test results. Moreover, we will evaluate the effect of the game on improving cognitive status through a before-after study. &lt;br/&gt;Result(s): The correlation between the game and MMSE/ACE-R results will be calculated. Furthermore, the MMSE/ACE-R mean difference before and after playing the game will be examined. The results of machine learning algorithms and indicators such as sensitivity and specificity to evaluate the effectiveness of the game in disease diagnosis will also be reported. &lt;br/&gt;Conclusion(s): Medical staff who intend to use SGs for diagnosing MCI can choose the game based on the results of correlation between different games and aspects of psychological tests. Moreover, examining the impact of each game on the cognitive status could help therapists choose games that could improve the cognitive status of people with MCI. The results could also be useful for technical designers who intend to design suitable games for the patients with MCI.&lt;br/&gt;Copyright &amp;#xa9; 2022</span> </div> Is video games' effect on attitudes universal? Results from an empirical study comparing video games' impact on the attitude change of players with different backgrounds. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:16 PM urn:uuid:b3fd4246-e37c-321b-4774-179c614d137b Mon, 01 Apr 2024 04:00:00 +0000 Journal of Computer Assisted Learning; 04/01/2024<br/>Background: Existing studies confirm that some video games can change players' attitudes. However, since we do not know the specific elements responsible for attitude change, the potential of video games to achieve desired educational or behavioural outcomes often remains unfulfilled. Objectives: To fill the research gap, our study examined whether the perspective‐taking game mechanic in the serious game Czechoslovakia 38–89: Borderlands, which had previously been shown to affect attitudes, would have the same effect on another sample of players with different characteristics. Methods: We have assessed the effect of a historical video game using a perspective‐taking mechanic on players' explicit and implicit attitudes. Explicit attitude changes were measured at a general level, meaning a broad evaluation of a depicted historical event, and at a specific level, meaning a more detailed evaluation of specific aspects of the event. Simultaneously, we measured the effect of players' perceived attitude importance on attitude change. The study used a sample of 137 young adults. Results and Conclusions: This study's results indicate a significant pretest‐posttest explicit attitude change on the general level and on a specific level in comparison to the control group. Perspective‐taking game mechanics is particularly important for explicit attitude change. No change was found in implicit attitudes. The effect of the perceived attitude importance on attitude change was not confirmed. Takeaways: As one of the first to focus on the effects of specific game mechanics on attitudes, this study confirmed that perspective‐taking has stable, short‐term effects on attitude change even across different research samples. Lay Description: What is currently known about the subject matter: It is unclear why some video games can change players' attitudes while others do not.Several studies confirm video games' effect on explicit, but not on implicit, attitudes.Research on the effects of game mechanics on attitude changes is in its infancy.Very few studies focus on what role player characteristics play in their attitude changes. What our paper adds to this: Perspective‐taking as game mechanics changes explicit attitudes across populations.Perceived importance of players' attitudes towards topics not necessarily affects attitude changes.We show that only some facets of attitudes are influenced by the video game. Implications of study findings for practitioners: Particular game mechanics seem to be essential for attitude changes in players.Attitude importance and other player characteristics need further research in the video game context.DIF‐C analysis can provide more detailed information on changes in more complex explicit attitude concepts.Video games can affect the way we interpret the world around us.<br/>(AN 176012475); ISSN: 02664909<br/>CINAHL Complete The impact of goal assignment in a game‐based learning environment. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:16 PM urn:uuid:a08ecbb6-e8a1-496b-66b1-de45f9eb4f8b Mon, 01 Apr 2024 04:00:00 +0000 Journal of Computer Assisted Learning; 04/01/2024<br/>Background: Goal setting has been established in the literature as a critical component of self‐regulated learning and for effective problem‐solving. Yet, surprisingly little attention has been focused on goal‐directed behaviour in digital game‐based learning environments (GBLEs) despite their expanding use in educational contexts. Objectives: The current study examined the impact of goal assignment in a GBLE aligned with curricular objectives and played in a classroom context. Methods: Eighth‐grade students (N = 59) in the experiment were randomly assigned to either a mastery goal condition or a performance goal condition before playing Crystal Island—Outbreak. Goal orientation was measured before gameplay, monitoring judgements assessed during gameplay, and enjoyment was measured after game play. Results and Conclusions: Two important results emerged that contribute to the existing literature on goals and GBLEs. First, assignment to the mastery goal condition resulted in significantly higher enjoyment ratings and monitoring judgements but not game performance while considering the influence of pre‐existing goal‐orientation. Second, self‐reported mastery goal orientation and videogame play frequency predicted enjoyment in the game. Implications: The results suggest that enjoyment can be facilitated by orienting students to adopt mastery goals and that developers should consider integrating mastery‐based instructions in their GBLEs. Moreover, instructional goals can influence students regardless of incoming goal orientations. Lay Description: What is already known about this topic: Goal setting has been understudied in game‐based learning environments.Goal setting is a critical component of developing self‐regulated learning skills. What this paper adds: Evidence that assignment to a mastery goal leads to higher reported enjoyment.Evidence that assignment to a mastery goal leads to higher monitoring judgements.Evidence that incoming goal orientations predict enjoyment in a serious game. Implications for practice and/or policy: Enjoyment can be facilitated by orienting students to adopt mastery goals.Serious game developers should consider integrating mastery‐based instructions.Instructional goals can influence students regardless of incoming goal orientations.<br/>(AN 176012482); ISSN: 02664909<br/>CINAHL Complete Development and effects of advanced cardiac resuscitation nursing education program using web-based serious game: application of the IPO model. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:ed6436c1-5e0f-0ac3-14e8-a16eb79d6bdd Wed, 27 Mar 2024 04:00:00 +0000 BMC Nursing; 03/27/2024<br/>Background: The significant rise in cardiac arrest cases within hospitals, coupled with a low survival rate, poses a critical health issue. And in most situations, nurses are the first responders. To develop nursing students' competencies in advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation, systematic and repetitive learner-centered self-directed education that can promote the integration of knowledge and practice is necessary. Objectives: To develop an advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation training program using a web-based serious game for nursing students and verifying its efficacy. Design: The program was developed based on the stages of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation, and the Input Process Outcome Model of Serious Game Design formed the theoretical basis. Settings and participants: The research design employed a before-and-after non-equivalent control group, and data collection took place among 2nd and 3rd year nursing students at K University in D City, Korea, from March 2, 2023, to March 24, 2023. Methods: The program consisted of a 120-min video lecture, 30 min of a web-based serious game, 30-min of written self-reported debriefing, and individual feedback using a video conference system. The effectiveness of the program was measured for both groups using an 89-item structured questionnaire regarding knowledge, confidence in performance, problem-solving ability, and learning transfer expectations. Results: The program was effective in improving nursing students' advanced cardiopulmonary knowledge, confidence in performance, problem-solving ability, and learning transfer expectation immediately after intervention. Conclusions: This program underscores the necessity of a new direction in nursing education, emphasizing learner-centered approaches, rather than the traditional focus on the mere transmission of basic knowledge and skills, to cultivate nurses with advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation capabilities.<br/>(AN 176300503); ISSN: 14726955<br/>CINAHL Complete Efficacy of serious games for chronic pain management in older adults: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:16 PM urn:uuid:da694bb3-f85c-b1f0-5096-9657567df9ac Fri, 01 Mar 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Journal of Clinical Nursing (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.); 03/01/2024<br/>Aims and Objectives: To synthesise and appraise the evidence of the efficacy of serious games in reducing chronic pain among older adults. Background: Chronic pain in older adults generally results in a substantial handicap due to decreased mobility, exercise avoidance and various concerns that affect their overall quality of life. While serious games have been widely used as a pain management approach, no reviews have thoroughly examined their efficacy for chronic pain management in older adult populations. Design: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Methods: The CINAHL, the Cochrane Library, Embase, Medline, PubMed and Web of Science databases were comprehensively searched to find articles published from their inception until 17 April 2023. RoB‐2 was used to assess the risk of bias in the included studies. The efficacy of serious games for pain management in older individuals was investigated using pooled standardised mean differences (SMDs) in pain reduction using a random effect model. Results: The meta‐analysis comprised nine randomised controlled trials that included 350 older adult patients with pain. Serious games effectively alleviated pain in this group (pooled SMD = −0.62; 95% confidence interval: −1.15 to −0.10), although pain‐related disability and fear require further investigation. Conclusions: Serious games tended to effectively reduce pain in this older adult group; however, due to a lack of randomised controlled trials, the analysis found lower effectiveness in reducing pain‐related disability and fear. Further studies are accordingly required to confirm these findings. Relevance to Clinical Practice: The findings of the study emphasise the importance of serious games to increase the motivation of older adults to exercise as one of the safe and extensively used pain management strategies. Serious games that effectively reduce chronic pain in older adults are characterised as consisting of diverse physical activities delivered through consoles, computer‐based activities and other technologies. Patient or Public Contributions: Serious games are recommended as being potentially useful and practical for reducing pain in older adults.<br/>(AN 175448010); ISSN: 09621067<br/>CINAHL Complete Teaching cardiopulmonary resuscitation using virtual reality: A randomized study. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:16 PM urn:uuid:ea1ffddd-1a68-6153-62f6-aa7748bad45a Fri, 01 Mar 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Australasian Emergency Care; 03/01/2024<br/>The main functions of healthcare professionals include training and health education. In this sense, we must be able to incorporate new technologies and serious game to the teaching cardiopulmonary resuscitation. a multicenter, comparative and cross-sectional study was carried out to assess the learning of resuscitation of a group that was trained with the use of serious gaming with virtual reality, as compared to a control group trained with conventional classroom teaching. the mean quality obtained in chest compressions for the virtual reality group was 86.1 % (SD 9.3), and 74.8 % (SD 9.5) for the control group [mean difference 11.3 % (95 % CI 6.6–16.0), p < 0.001]. Salivary Alpha-Amylase was 218.882 (SD 177.621) IU/L for the virtual reality group and 155.190 (SD 116.746) IU/L for the control group [mean difference 63.691 (95 % CI 122.998–4.385), p = 0.037]. using virtual reality and serious games can improve the quality parameters of chest compressions as compared to traditional training. • The European Resuscitation Council recommends training of the general population on basic life support. • The use of technology will help us to improve the training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). • Serious games have been shown to allow students develop and apply their learning. • Healthcare professionals must be able to incorporate new technologies and be at the forefront of teaching innovation. • VR simulation has been proven to be an interesting training tool in cardiopulmonary resucitation.<br/>(AN 175500179); ISSN: 25891375<br/>CINAHL Complete Serious Games for Developing Social Skills in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:16 PM urn:uuid:eef3b569-b130-459c-8e40-025d40011abb Fri, 01 Mar 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Healthcare (2227-9032); 03/01/2024<br/>(AN 175990232); ISSN: 22279032<br/>CINAHL Complete Co-design and evaluation of a digital serious game to promote public awareness about pancreatic cancer. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:5d4ca579-bede-3aa3-5208-c11ccb81ebde Thu, 22 Feb 2024 05:00:00 +0000 BMC Public Health; 02/22/2024<br/>(AN 175812298); ISSN: 14712458<br/>CINAHL Complete Gamification using technologies for occupational safety training in the civil construction sector. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:6a037bae-2864-9014-9a66-2a7b5ac18c46 Thu, 01 Feb 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Work; 02/01/2024<br/>BACKGROUND: Although regulatory norms on work safety offer guidelines for organizing and preventing accidents, the construction site is an environment susceptible to deviations, sometimes due to the lack of effective training. To this end, technologies such as virtual reality become possibilities for innovations with great advantages, as they allow simulations, modeling, exploratory environments and games, which allow the user to create a greater connection and interest in the subject in question. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to present the technological advances applied in safety-oriented training in the construction industry worldwide, emphasizing serious games through a systematic review of the literature. METHODS: The review was carried out using five scientific databases, with a research protocol to answer questions about the application of gamification to guarantee the safety of workers. RESULTS: Fifteen articles were evaluated, with descriptive, observational research and case studies. It was found that the use of technologies in construction safety is not yet a common reality in the sector, as it presents challenges and limitations, such as gameplay and issues related to cost. However, they show great potential as a dynamic solution in the training of civil construction workers, effectively collaborating in accident prevention and work safety. CONCLUSION: Several software programs and applications were found for creating three-dimensional scenes and for providing users with a customized experience according to the needs observed in the virtual interaction; building information modeling tools, which promote realistic project modeling; and equipment to visualize the scenes created. Furthermore, the possibility of combining traditional theoretical teaching with serious games was verified. However, gamification applicability is an alternative that still has limitations, in addition to the lack of flexibility in the rules imposed on the game, hampering users' authenticity in making decisions.<br/>(AN 175396963); ISSN: 10519815<br/>CINAHL Complete The Development of Response and Interference Inhibition in Children: Evidence from Serious Game Training. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:b5af061a-a8a7-563b-e1fb-096beec23d6f Thu, 01 Feb 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Children; 02/01/2024<br/>A serious game titled "Crossing the Jungle" was developed in this study to train children's inhibition skills using the Stroop task. The effects of inhibitory control on children were tested by a pre-test, post-test, and one-month follow-up test. In the control groups, children were asked to play a commercial game instead. In experiment 1, 48 participants chose either the training or control game voluntarily, whereas, in experiment 2, 44 participants were randomly assigned to either group. In both experiments, children exposed to the serious game demonstrated training effects from the Stroop spatial task and near-transfer effects from the Flanker task. However, transferring effects were not produced by the Go/No-go task. As a result, although the serious game "Crossing the Jungle" does not improve response inhibition, children aged 9 to 12 who play it may benefit from improved interference inhibition abilities. This provides evidence for the mutual independence of interference inhibition and response inhibition in children at this stage.<br/>(AN 175647686); ISSN: 22279067<br/>CINAHL Complete Mobile app-based interventions to improve the well-being of people with dementia: a systematic literature review. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:16 PM urn:uuid:50dea155-ec04-f20f-4feb-cac8998e81fe Mon, 01 Jan 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Assistive Technology; 01/01/2024<br/>As the global aging trend increases, dementia pressures families and society. Mobile apps that provide interventions and independence for people with dementia (PwD) may relieve this pressure. This study reviews mobile app-based interventions designed for use with PwD, focusing on the type, design, and evaluation of mobile apps. This study searched PubMed, Web of Science, SpringerLink, Taylor & Francis, and IEEE Xplore databases for mobile applications designed for people with disabilities and reported the evaluation results. This study aimed to find out what types of mobile apps developed for people with dementia were marketed during the COVID-19 pandemic, to find out what relevant studies have been done to evaluate mobile apps, and whether users have benefited. Twenty papers were eligible, covering four different intervention types and assessment methods. This review found that Serious games can improve the cognitive abilities of PwD and contribute to the mental recovery of patients. Recall therapy and musical mobile apps help PwD slow down memory loss. Personal life mobile apps are effective in assisting PwD to improve independent living.<br/>(AN 174235162); ISSN: 10400435<br/>CINAHL Complete Effectiveness of the mentalisation‐based serious game 'You & I' for adults with mild to borderline intellectual disabilities: A randomised controlled trial. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:16 PM urn:uuid:ee94efd7-93e1-e422-7bdb-b50d70d9b0b6 Mon, 01 Jan 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities; 01/01/2024<br/>Background: Mentalising and stress regulation pose challenges for adults with mild to borderline intellectual disabilities (MBID), emphasising the importance of an intervention program. The study examined the effectiveness and social validity of the serious game 'You & I' in enhancing mentalising and stress regulation among adults with MBID. Method: A randomised controlled superiority trial with experimental and waitlist‐control groups was conducted with 159 adults with MBID (Mage = 36) at baseline, post‐test, and follow‐up. Analyses investigated the effects on aspects of mentalising, stress regulation, and social validity. Results: The experimental group showed decreased stress from negative interpersonal relations, while the control group experienced increased stress (d = 0.26). There were no significant effects on mentalising, but positive user expectations and experiences were reported. Conclusions: This initial study on 'You & I' provides limited evidence of its effectiveness for people with MBID, warranting further examination of the potential of serious games.<br/>(AN 174237728); ISSN: 13602322<br/>CINAHL Complete Updating the Foodbot Factory serious game with new interactive engaging features and enhanced educational content. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:16 PM urn:uuid:59a00d58-7eb4-33c2-0ec1-343b2a818880 Mon, 01 Jan 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Training prosthesis users to switch between modes of a multi-articulating prosthetic hand. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:16 PM urn:uuid:1df165e4-2fe3-e04d-5799-32eef7e74c75 Mon, 01 Jan 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Implementation of serious games in nursing student education: A systematic review. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:f1082630-31cc-235b-9564-04d915b04534 Mon, 01 Jan 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Teaching & Learning in Nursing; 01/01/2024<br/>• The usefulness of serious games (SGs) for developing competencies in nursing education. • The heterogeneity of specializations, goals, and implementation strategies of SGs among nursing students. • The scarcity of studies on the use of SGs in nursing education, specifically, those aimed to analyze the applicability for the development of students' soft skills, such as emotional intelligence. The aim was to evaluate the degree to which Serious Games have been implemented in nursing student training and their effectiveness in achieving competencies. A systematic review was reported following PRISMA guidelines. A total of 8 studies were obtained. It is concluded that Serious Games could be used not only for training in technical skills, but also for the development of competencies related to interpersonal skills, thereby boosting motivation for meaningful learning among nursing students.<br/>(AN 174787177); ISSN: 15573087<br/>CINAHL Complete The effect of a serious game-based web application on stoma care education for nursing students: A randomized controlled trial. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:f77f050e-5bc7-1f98-4428-0f8cae5edeec Mon, 01 Jan 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Teaching & Learning in Nursing; 01/01/2024<br/>• Nursing students may face many challenges or threats in clinical settings. • Simulation techniques can be used to lessen teaching challenges comparable to this one. • Students that participate in serious game have the chance to test their knowledge, make mistakes, and try again. This study was carried out in a randomized controlled manner to determine the effect of a serious game based web application on stoma care education for nursing students. The learning styles and digital game motivation levels of the students in the study were determined, and aprior knowledge test was performed. While the website of the serious game-based application was open to the access of the intervention group for two weeks, no intervention was made for the control group. Second knowledge and skil lmeasurements were performed after two weeks for all students in the study, and evaluations of retention were performed four weekslater. The analyses revealed that the second and retention stoma care and colostomy irrigation knowledge test and skill scores of the intervention group were significantly higher than those of the control group (p<0.05). As the students' time to use the serious game increased, their knowledge tests and skill scores also increased significantly. Therefore, it was concluded that serious game technology had a positive effect on teaching nursing students the practice of stoma care.<br/>(AN 174787200); ISSN: 15573087<br/>CINAHL Complete Parenting Styles and Psychosocial Factors of Mother–Child Dyads Participating in the ENDORSE Digital Weight Management Program for Children and Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:16 PM urn:uuid:bb7d3510-db31-33a7-5133-9770824dd618 Mon, 01 Jan 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Children; 01/01/2024<br/>Childhood obesity is a complex disease with multiple biological and psychosocial risk factors. Recently, novel digital programs were developed with growing evidence for their effectiveness in pediatric weight management studies. The ENDORSE platform consists of mobile applications, wearables, and serious games for the remote management of childhood obesity. The pilot studies included 50 mothers and their children aged 6–14 years and resulted in a clinically significant BMI z-score reduction over 4 to 5 months. This secondary analysis of the ENDORSE study focuses on parenting styles and psychosocial factors. Methodology: Semi-structured clinical interviews were conducted with all participating mothers pre-and post-intervention. The Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) evaluated the mothers' parenting styles. The psychosocial functioning of the participating children was assessed with the parental version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The relationship between parenting styles, psychosocial parameters, and weight outcomes was investigated using a linear regression analysis. Results: Weight-related stigma at school (56%), body image concerns (66%), and difficulties in family relationships (48%) were the main concerns documented during the initial psychological interviews. According to the SDQ, there was a significant decrease in children's conduct problems during the study's initial phase (pre-pilot group). A decrease in maternal demandingness (i.e., strict parenting style) was associated with a decrease in BMI z-score (beta coefficient = 0.314, p-value = 0.003). Conclusion: Decreasing parental demandingness was associated with better weight outcomes, highlighting the importance of assessing parenting factors in pediatric weight management programs.<br/>(AN 175052408); ISSN: 22279067<br/>CINAHL Complete Therapeutic games to reduce anxiety and depression in young people: A systematic review and exploratory meta‐analysis of their use and effectiveness. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:f1deed0c-6177-2af3-6c18-55237e9a3f65 Mon, 01 Jan 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy; 01/01/2024<br/>Objective: The development of serious games for mental wellbeing is a topic of growing interest. The increase in acceptance of games as a mainstream entertainment medium combined with the immersive qualities of games provides opportunities for meaningful support and intervention in mental wellbeing. Method: We conducted a systematic review and exploratory meta‐analysis to examine if aspects of the interventions influenced outcomes as measured via overall effect sizes. We employed a multilevel meta‐analytic approach to accommodate the interdependency of effect sizes (18 effect sizes from 14 studies, with 2027 participants). Results: Overall, the main effect for gaming interventions on any outcome variable was small to medium sized, d =.35 (confidence interval [.23, 47], p <.001). Results revealed that the only significant moderator was the nature of the intervention. Specifically, only interventions that included a rational emotional behavioural focus significantly predicted an improvement in depression and/or anxiety in participants. Conclusion: The findings reveal promising effects for therapeutic games for mental health, but replications are needed, alongside the addressing of methodological and procedural concerns.<br/>(AN 175704196); ISSN: 10633995<br/>CINAHL Complete Jeux sérieux au service de la ludification de l'apprentissage de la masso-kinésithérapie : étude préliminaire réalisée auprès des étudiants. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:16 PM urn:uuid:a1e97497-e828-fe65-564b-70563d920fcb Fri, 01 Dec 2023 05:00:00 +0000 Kinésithérapie Revue; 12/01/2023<br/>L'objet de ce travail est de permettre aux étudiants masseurs-kinésithérapeutes en formation initiale d'appréhender l'apprentissage du métier dans une dimension ludique et entre pairs. Pour cela, la littérature pédagogique contemporaine propose aux enseignants de s'orienter vers la ludification de jeux sérieux (serious game). Dans le but de développer un jeux sérieux adapté aux compétences des masseurs-kinésithérapeutes, nous proposons une étude préliminaire visant à recueillir l'avis des étudiants, futurs utilisateurs du jeux sérieux, sur l'aspect ludique de leur apprentissage. Cette étude d'enquête par questionnaire a été réalisée auprès des étudiants des instituts de formation en masso-kinésithérapie de France. Parmi les 383 réponses obtenues, une majorité (63 %) des étudiants-répondants estiment que l'apprentissage des gestes du métier n'est pas abordé de façon ludique dans les instituts de formation en masso-kinésithérapie. Les résultats statistiques obtenus par test du Chi-deux semblent confirmer ces données. Pour répondre à la nécessité de ludification des apprentissages en formation de masso-kinésithérapie, nous proposons de construire un dispositif pédagogique innovant : un jeux sérieux, suivant les modèles développés dans la littérature scientifique. NC. The aim of this work is to enable student masseurs-kinésithérapeutes (masseur-physiotherapists) in initial training to learn the profession in a playful, peer-to-peer dimension. To achieve this, contemporary pedagogical literature suggests that teachers turn to the gamification of serious games. With the aim of developing a serious game tailored to the skills of masseur-physiotherapists, we propose a preliminary study to gather the opinions of students, future users of the serious game, on the playful aspect of their learning. This questionnaire survey is being carried out among students at physiotherapy training institutes in France. Among the 383 responses obtained, a majority (63%) of student respondents felt that learning the skills of the profession is not approached in a playful way in masso-kinésithérapie training institutes. Statistical results obtained by Chi-square test seem to confirm these data. To respond to the need to make learning in physiotherapy training more fun, we propose to build an innovative teaching device: a serious game, based on models developed in the scientific literature. NC.<br/>(AN 173722704); ISSN: 17790123<br/>CINAHL Complete Prototyping Process and Usability Testing of a Serious Game for Brazilian Children With Type 1 Diabetes. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:16 PM urn:uuid:20b3c7f1-e249-2a76-4418-06434c573961 Fri, 01 Dec 2023 05:00:00 +0000 CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing; 12/01/2023<br/>This study aims to describe the prototype development and testing of a serious game designed for Brazilian children with diabetes. Following an approach of user-centered design, the researchers assessed game's preferences and diabetes learning needs to develop a Paper Prototype. The gameplay strategies included diabetes pathophysiology, self-care tasks, glycemic management, and food group learning. Diabetes and technology experts (n = 12) tested the prototype during audio-recorded sessions. Next, they answered a survey to evaluate the content, organization, presentation, and educational game aspects. The prototype showed a high content validity ratio (0.80), with three items not achieving the critical values (0.66). Experts recommended improving the game content and food illustrations. This evaluation contributed to the medium-fidelity prototype version, which after testing with diabetes experts (n = 12) achieved high content validity values (0.88). One item did not meet the critical values. Experts suggested increasing the options of outdoor activities and meals. Researchers also observed and video-recorded children with diabetes (n = 5) playing the game with satisfactory interaction. They considered the game enjoyable. The interdisciplinary team plays an important role guiding the designers in the use of theories and real needs of children. Prototypes are a low-cost usability and a successful method for evaluating games.<br/>(AN 174179227); ISSN: 15382931<br/>CINAHL Complete Perceived contribution of a hybrid serious game to the development of collaborative problem solving among undergraduate nursing students: A mixed method design. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:16 PM urn:uuid:de6f1b08-fa07-b0f2-3aa7-dec3a04aada8 Wed, 01 Nov 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Nurse Education in Practice; 11/01/2023<br/>Community health nurses collaborate in teams to address client care, organise services, and conduct preventive activities. Hence, it is crucial for students in this work context, to practise and enhance their collaborative problem-solving (CPS) skills. To facilitate this, a hybrid serious game called "Carion" was developed, immersing second-year nursing students in a semester-long experience of working as district nurses in self-managed teams. The game challenges them to collectively tackle authentic and fictional problems. However, the extent and manner in which this hybrid serious game contributes to students' CPS skill development is unknown. The aim of this study is to explore how students perceive the development of CPS by doing assignments carried out in the learning context of the hybrid serious game Carion. Two teams each consisting of five second-year nursing students, were selected for the qualitative case study. Two lecturers acting as team coaches also participated in this study. 110 (response rate 61 %) second-year students participated in the quantitative survey at the beginning of the semester, 109 students at the end of the semester. The study is a mixed method design. The qualitative component involves a case study while the quantitative component consists of an online survey. Qualitative and quantitative data regarding collaborative problem solving was collected at different time points using focus group interviews, one-on-one interviews, digital logbooks and an online self-assessment tool. Qualitative analysis revealed insights into three key themes: (1) Collaboration, encompassing consulting with each other, and capitalising on each other's qualities and strengths; (2) Problem solving, encompassing quicker and easier problem solving, allocating assignments, coming to a joint solution, and problem-solving method; and (3) Learning from each other, encompassing learning from each other's knowledge and experience, and from each other's ideas. No growth in collaborative problem-solving development was statistically shown in the group. This study gives an ambiguous view on students' perception of their CPS development through involvement in various Carion assignments. Based on this exploratory investigation, prematurely labelling Carion as a potential educational environment for developing CPS among undergraduate nursing students in community healthcare would be unwarranted. Further research is needed, particularly in scrutinising the interplay between CPS and diverse learning activities, assignments and learning outcomes within this specific hybrid serious game context. • Hybrid serious game Carion may offer to help develop collaborative problem-solving skills of nursing students. • Learning from each other contributes to the collaborative problem-solving construct. • Serious games in nursing education are promising learning contexts.<br/>(AN 173948024); ISSN: 14715953<br/>CINAHL Complete More Results... serious games on 2018-08-02 03:16 PM urn:uuid:e867cd9b-9d56-8007-3147-01b1573c0b1a Thu, 19 Oct 2023 14:10:24 +0000 We have found more results for your search A serious game to evaluate throwing performance in altered gravity conditions. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:16 PM urn:uuid:5c0dd85e-5df5-0651-6498-a098c8426b87 Mon, 02 Oct 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Gait & Posture; 10/02/2023<br/>(AN 173117980); ISSN: 09666362<br/>CINAHL Complete The feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of a self‐advocacy serious game for women with advanced breast or gynecologic cancer. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:ee43e612-00d8-ee21-81d2-7cb64f76f244 Sun, 01 Oct 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Cancer (0008543X); 10/01/2023<br/>(AN 171348468); ISSN: 0008543X<br/>CINAHL Complete A randomised proof‐of‐concept trial on the effectiveness of a game‐based training of phoneme‐grapheme correspondences in pre‐readers. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:90fe4cc0-5aa0-0618-ae0c-8d7da2ed00b7 Sun, 01 Oct 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Journal of Computer Assisted Learning; 10/01/2023<br/>Background: Learning which letters correspond to which speech sounds is fundamental for learning to read. Based on previous experimental studies, we developed a serious game aiming to boost letter‐speech sound (L‐SS) correspondences in a motivational game environment. Objectives: The goal of this study was to determine the efficacy of this game in training L‐SS correspondences in pre‐readers. Additionally, an extended version of the game was developed given the importance of handwriting in audio‐visual integration. We established whether including a motoric component in the game boosted the letter‐speech sound training on top of the effect of the game without the motoric component. Methods: One‐hundred forty‐five kindergartners were randomly allocated to play either the standard audio‐visual version of the game, the motoric version or a control math game. All children were pre‐ and post‐tested on L‐SS knowledge and reading accuracy. Results and conclusions: We found that playing the game enhanced pre‐readers' L‐SS knowledge, but not reading accuracy, after a short, intensive intervention period of 3 weeks. However, children who played the motoric version of the game did not differ significantly from either the standard or the control condition. Implications: This game was efficient in training L‐SS correspondences in pre‐readers. These results suggest that this game might be useful as a preventive evidence‐based intervention for at‐risk children in kindergarten who might benefit from a head start before learning how to read. Future studies are needed to examine whether a longer intervention period results in L‐SS knowledge being translated into reading skills. Lay Description: What is already known about this topic: Automatised and fluent reading requires much exposure and practice, but intensive teacher support for all at‐risk readers is economically and practically unfeasibleHandwriting movement likely to enhance coupling of auditory and visual informationOne way to provide high exposure is with game‐based interventionsLack of studies examining the efficacy of these interventions What this paper adds: Serious game enhances letter‐speech sound knowledge in pre‐readers after 3 weeks of intensive interventionThis effect did not transfer to reading performanceNo additional effect of the handwriting movement, possibly due to the short intervention periodIn‐game measures slightly mediated intervention progress Implications for practice and/or policy: Growing evidence of game‐based interventions as promising tools to support reading developmentGame can possibly serve as evidence‐based intervention for at‐risk children in kindergarten who might benefit from a head start before learning how to read<br/>(AN 171903680); ISSN: 02664909<br/>CINAHL Complete Teaching health equity through gaming. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:6677e560-0518-fb8e-3adb-a78021af6009 Sun, 01 Oct 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Teaching & Learning in Nursing; 10/01/2023<br/>• Health equity can be a challenging topic to teach nursing students. • Serious gaming is an innovative way to teach health equity and inclusion. • Nurse educators must apply and evaluate health equity content using humility. • Serious gaming can foster learning in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. Inclusion of social determinants of health (SDOH) and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in nursing education is essential for preparing future nurses to care for patients through a lens of health equity. To effectively teach nursing students about SDOH and DEI, nurse educators should consider innovative strategies, such as incorporating games into the curriculum, also known as serious gaming. This modality allows students to learn about SDOH and DEI in a safe and inclusive environment that is both engaging and impactful. When designing serious games to teach SDOH and DEI, nurse educators must plan for their application and evaluation accordingly. This article discusses how nurse educators can use serious gaming in nursing curricula to teach SDOH and DEI.<br/>(AN 172774418); ISSN: 15573087<br/>CINAHL Complete Serious game with electromyography feedback in children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy and equinus gait: a prospective open-label study. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:ae377116-77c9-1c6d-681a-b294b44dea50 Sat, 02 Sep 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Gait & Posture; 09/02/2023<br/>(AN 171920755); ISSN: 09666362<br/>CINAHL Complete Serious game as oral histology learning strategy for undergraduate dental students; crossover randomized controlled trial. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:b9de8511-539f-b4a9-9dbf-1fe61f1830cb Wed, 23 Aug 2023 04:00:00 +0000 BMC Oral Health; 08/23/2023<br/>Background: Oral histology is perceived by dental students as a challenging subject and often struggle to recognize the long-term relevance of understanding the cells and tissues at the microscopic level. Serious games have been reported to have a positive effect on student cognitive skills and learning motivation. However, there is still a limited amount of research supporting the effectiveness of serious games as a learning method in dentistry. The present study aimed to evaluate the impact of serious game of HistoRM as a complementary learning strategy for oral histology. Methods: The study design was a crossover randomized controlled trial. A total of 74 first year dental students of Universitas Indonesia participated in the study and divided into 2 groups. Study intervention included HistoRM game for 3 days followed by a combination of HistoRM and script-based handouts for another 4 days. The groups represented different intervention sequences. Evaluation was performed using pre-test, post-test on day 3 and 7 and a questionnaire. Results: The data showed significant improvement of student cognitive skills (p < 0.001) and it was influenced by the number of game missions completed. Students who completed the whole 15 missions have a higher day-7 post-tests scores (p = 0.03). Perception of dental students on HistoRM was positive in all domains tested, the learning content, games and learning experience domains. Immediate feedback given after each gameplay helped the students understand the subject matters. Conclusion: Serious game of HistoRM effectively improved students' understanding of oral histology learning outcome and provided more interesting learning experiences. This innovative learning can be recommended as a complementary learning strategy of oral histology for dental students.<br/>(AN 170080919); ISSN: 14726831<br/>CINAHL Complete sEMG-controlled forearm bracelet and serious game-based rehabilitation for training manual dexterity in people with multiple sclerosis: a randomised controlled trial. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:300626e2-7325-3516-cb09-8b537a8fb515 Sat, 19 Aug 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Journal of NeuroEngineering & Rehabilitation (JNER); 08/19/2023<br/>(AN 170029236); ISSN: 17430003<br/>CINAHL Complete Developing a serious game for gaze stability rehabilitation in children with vestibular hypofunction. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:16 PM urn:uuid:65488ff9-1265-bf79-9edc-64832ec42ca7 Fri, 04 Aug 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Journal of NeuroEngineering & Rehabilitation (JNER); 08/04/2023<br/>(AN 173770090); ISSN: 17430003<br/>CINAHL Complete The REThink Online Therapeutic Game: A Usability Study. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:8d24bd86-6ac5-6cf2-b2b1-7bc52329f510 Tue, 01 Aug 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Children; 08/01/2023<br/>Background: Children and adolescents' help-seeking behaviors are often limited by fear, uncertainty, and stigma, as well as challenges with finding the right intervention, help, and a lack of familiarity with the process. A promising direction for the development of therapeutic interventions targeted at children is embedding them into gamified interventions, known as therapeutic or serious games. The aim of this paper is to describe the protocol of the beta REThink therapeutic game and to evaluate the usability of the game in a sample of children and adolescents. Methods: The study was delivered in schools, where 137 children and adolescents aged between 9 and 16 years old played the levels of the REThink game, followed by filling in the usability questionnaire. Findings: The results show above average evaluations for all levels of the game, for every dimension evaluated, namely presence/immersion, enjoyment, learning effectiveness, narratives, goal clarity, adequacy of learning material, and motivation. This study contributes to the literature on the usability of cognitive behavioral therapy-based therapeutic games for improvements in the emotion regulation abilities of children and adolescents, which can guide researchers interested in testing the REThink game in different protocols, as well to encourage its use by mental health specialists and parents.<br/>(AN 170738549); ISSN: 22279067<br/>CINAHL Complete Sideffect GamePlan: Development of an alcohol and other drug serious game for high school students using a systematic and iterative user-centred game development framework. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:a726e79a-c839-c4e8-4ba7-84197f12cdb4 Tue, 01 Aug 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Computers in Human Behavior; 08/01/2023<br/>Serious games have shown to be effective in improving motivation to learn, knowledge and retention, thus are being increasingly used for alcohol and other drug (AOD) education. This paper outlines the development of an online AOD serious game for in-class use by Australian secondary school teachers for students in Years 9–10. Adapted from Edwards et al. (2018), the seven-step systematic and iterative user-centred development framework included: (1) Forming an expert multidisciplinary design team, (2) Defining the problem and establishing user preferences, (3) Incorporating the evidence base, (4) Serious game design, (5) Incorporating behavioural and psychological theory, (6) Developing a logic model and investigating causal pathways, and (7) User testing. High school students (n = 8), health and physical education teachers (n = 7), and parents (n = 8) were engaged throughout different stages of the development process to inform development and provide feedback on considerations for promoting engagement, acceptability, and usability of the game amongst both students and teachers. Overall, participants rated game acceptability and usability favourably and would recommend the game for learning about AOD. Constructive feedback and suggestions for improvements from user testing sessions were implemented to form the final version of the game and module. The next step is to test Sideffect GamePlan in a simulated classroom environment before piloting in school settings. [Display omitted] • A six-lesson alcohol and other drug education package for high school teachers to use in-class with Year 9 and 10 students. • Serious game development process outlining conceptual and theoretical approaches. • An interactive narrative serious game and in-class activities aligned to Australian health education curriculum. • Content focused on alcohol and other drug harm reduction and real-life scenarios. • User-centred design approach to promote end-user engagement and adoption.<br/>(AN 163469876); ISSN: 07475632<br/>CINAHL Complete Primary Schoolers' Response to a Multisensory Serious Game on Cartesian Plane Coordinates in Immersive Virtual Reality. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:4f452def-90c0-83e1-8d1a-4618ae4b367c Tue, 01 Aug 2023 04:00:00 +0000 CyberPsychology, Behavior & Social Networking; 08/01/2023<br/>The Cartesian coordinate system is a fundamental concept for mathematics and science and poses a teaching challenge at primary school level. Learning the Cartesian coordinate system has the potential to promote numerical cognition through number–space associations, as well as core geometric concepts, including isometric transformations, symmetry, and shape perception. Immersive virtual reality (VR) facilitates embodied forms of teaching and learning mathematics through whole-body sensorimotor interaction and offers benefits as a platform to learn the Cartesian coordinate system compared with "real world" classroom activities. Our goal was to validate the Cartesian-Garden, a serious game designed to provide an educationally robust but engaging vehicle to teach these concepts in primary-level mathematics in a multisensory VR environment. In the game, the child explores a Cartesian-Garden, that is, a field of flowers in which each flower corresponds to x and y coordinates. Specifically, we tested whether exploring numbers spatially represented improved spatial and numerical skills independently from the use of VR. Children (n = 49; age 7–11 years old) were divided into experimental and age-matched control groups. The experimental group explored the Cartesian-Garden and picked flowers corresponding to target coordinates; the control group played a VR game unrelated to Cartesian coordinates. To quantify potential improvements, children were tested before and after training with perceptual tests investigating number line and spatial thinking. The results point toward differential age-related improvements depending on the tested concept, especially for the number line. This study provides the guidelines for the successful use of the Cartesian-Garden game, beneficial for specific age groups.<br/>(AN 169712871); ISSN: 21522715<br/>CINAHL Complete A serious game for engaging older adults in end-of-life care discussion: A mixed method study. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:9620e57c-1ca1-9cf3-829e-0f0f40590430 Tue, 01 Aug 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Patient Education & Counseling; 08/01/2023<br/>(AN 164049171); ISSN: 07383991<br/>CINAHL Complete The performance of serious games for enhancing attention in cognitively impaired older adults. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:360904a1-a5f2-4d94-29e0-ee937c7f67fb Sat, 08 Jul 2023 04:00:00 +0000 NPJ Digital Medicine; 07/08/2023<br/>(AN 164783050); ISSN: 23986352<br/>CINAHL Complete FISHERMAN: A Serious Game for Executive Function Assessment of Older Adults. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:7b82e033-9d14-581c-0802-ed9185b9906e Sat, 01 Jul 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Assessment; 07/01/2023<br/>Executive functions (EFs) are essential for daily living activities but decline with age. Convenient assessment and timely intervention have particular significance for older adults. However, the traditional laboratory tasks of EFs are typically monotonous and inconvenient. The current study aimed to develop an interesting and convenient supplementary tool to assess EFs for older adults. According to the theory of EFs, we developed a serious game, FISHERMAN, to assess EFs. The game includes three subgames, Cautious Fisherman, Agile Fisherman, and Wise Fisherman, targeting core components of inhibition, shifting, and working memory, respectively. The current study aims to verify the reliability and validity of the game. One hundred and eight healthy older adults participated in this study and were tested through the FISHERMAN game and a battery of cognitive tests. The results show that the FISHERMAN game has high internal consistency reliability and good construct validity as well as criterion-related validity, suggesting that the game design is valid and can be used in EFs assessment for older adults. Future studies are warranted to establish the norm of the FISHERMAN game in older adults and investigate whether the FISHERMAN game can be generalized to other populations.<br/>(AN 164110047); ISSN: 10731911<br/>CINAHL Complete Pharmacists' perspectives on MedSMA℞T: A serious game to educate youth about opioid safety. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:c02362be-0abd-344c-0172-d2078b3c91d2 Sat, 01 Jul 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Journal of the American Pharmacists Association: JAPhA; 07/01/2023<br/>(AN 165041490); ISSN: 15443191<br/>CINAHL Complete Effectiveness of Digital Health Interventions in Reducing Bullying and Cyberbullying: A Meta-Analysis. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:d12f2aef-1a30-7f0a-662d-17342b85603d Sat, 01 Jul 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Trauma, Violence & Abuse; 07/01/2023<br/>Bullying and cyberbullying bring adverse physical and psychological impacts on individuals and an economic burden for society. Scholars have developed anti-bullying intervention programs to combat these problems. This meta-analysis aims to examine and compare the effectiveness of digital health interventions (DHIs) in reducing bullying and cyberbullying. A comprehensive search was conducted using databases (PsycINFO, Social Service Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, MEDLINE, ERIC, and EMBASE). Quasi-experimental and randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published before 31 January 2021 that reported the effects of DHIs in reducing bullying or cyberbullying were included. The 16 studies included in the synthesis reported overall random effect sizes (Cohen's d) for bullying and cyberbullying reduction were 0.41 and 0.19, respectively. The results provide evidence on the effectiveness of DHIs, comparable to that of face-to-face interventions. The subgroup analysis revealed that the critical components of effective DHIs include training on bystander and bully–victim dual roles, coping skills, and interactive serious games. It highlights the promising effects of digital health approaches in bullying and cyberbullying interventions. Our review identifies avenues for future research on the development of more effective DHIs to reduce bullying and cyberbullying.<br/>(AN 164077859); ISSN: 15248380<br/>CINAHL Complete Research progress of serious game intervention in the elderly with mild cognitive impairment. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:fe97bdc8-8d07-b274-da08-b245a2099039 Sat, 10 Jun 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Journal of Nurses Training; 06/10/2023<br/>(AN 164731640); ISSN: 10026975<br/>CINAHL Complete MEDICAL STUDENTS' EVALUATION BY SERIOUS GAME IN THE ERA OF COVID-19 INFECTION. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:65c31f3d-57df-1f9a-ce9f-91ea089d1d5a Fri, 02 Jun 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Journal of Hypertension; 06/02/2023<br/>(AN 164182762); ISSN: 02636352<br/>CINAHL Complete Development and Beta Testing of Serious Game-Based Auditory Training Application to Enhance Perceptual Learning of Speech in Cochlear Implant Recipients. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:eb4ee9e7-0f75-a20f-3b66-2855d78c977a Thu, 01 Jun 2023 04:00:00 +0000 American Journal of Audiology; 06/01/2023<br/>Purpose: Computer-based applications became a popular option for auditory training, but their efficacy can be compromised by lack of users' compliance. Serious games are a new emerging field that promotes the use of games for purposes other than entertainment. The purpose of this clinical focus article was to describe the design and development of a new serious game-based auditory training application that aims at enhancing perceptual learning of speech in cochlear implant (CI) recipients. Method: Using a participatory action research protocol, three phases were used in the process of development of this application to ensure its appropriateness for the target population. There were eight participants in Phase I, 16 participants in Phase II, and 51 participants in Phase III. In Phase III, participants were required to provide feedback using an online questionnaire after a 1-week trial period. Results: Participants' feedback and reflection from each phase were used to enhance the design and functionality of the final application. Results from Phase III demonstrated that greater than 90% of participants in both groups rated their satisfaction with several features of the games 4 or more on a 5-point Likert scale, with 1 being very dissatisfied and 5 being very satisfied. Differences in mean ratings for some features were significantly different between the two groups, perhaps reflecting differences in their auditory abilities. Conclusion: Results demonstrated that participants were highly satisfied with several features of the application, suggesting its potential to offer CI users a unique training opportunity by presenting repetitive and structured listening exercises using serious games.<br/>(AN 164040704); ISSN: 10590889<br/>CINAHL Complete Development and Contribution of a Serious Game to Improve Nursing Students' Clinical Reasoning in Acute Heart Failure: A Multimethod Study. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:77f6e4ae-eb43-4f67-27c8-93ff8fa61165 Thu, 01 Jun 2023 04:00:00 +0000 CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing; 06/01/2023<br/>Clinical reasoning is essential for nurses and nursing students to recognize and intervene when hospitalized patients present acute heart failure. Serious games are digital educational interventions that could foster the development of clinical reasoning through an engaging and intrinsically motivating learning experience. However, elements from a playful approach (eg, rewards, narrative elements) are often absent or poorly integrated in existing serious games, which may limit their contribution to learning. Thus, we developed and studied the contribution of a novel serious game on nursing students' engagement, intrinsic motivation, and clinical reasoning in the context of acute heart failure. We adopted a multimethod design and randomized 28 participants to receive two serious game prototypes in a different sequence, one that fully integrated elements of a playful approach (SIGN@L-A) and one that offered only objectives, feedback, and a functional aesthetic (SIGN@L-B). Through self-reported questionnaires, participants reported higher levels of engagement and intrinsic motivation after using SIGN@L-A. However, negligible differences in clinical reasoning scores were found after using each serious game prototype. During interviews, participants reported on the contribution of design elements to their learning. Quantitative findings should be replicated in larger samples. Qualitative findings may guide the development of future serious games.<br/>(AN 164081921); ISSN: 15382931<br/>CINAHL Complete The Grow It! app—longitudinal changes in adolescent well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: a proof-of-concept study. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:ccaa8495-accf-49f1-1c11-0d340887ffbc Thu, 01 Jun 2023 04:00:00 +0000 European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry; 06/01/2023<br/>Adolescent mental health and well-being have been adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this preregistered longitudinal study, we evaluated whether adolescents' well-being improved after playing the multiplayer serious game app Grow It! During the first lockdown (May–June 2020), 1282 Dutch adolescents played the Grow It! app (age = 16.67, SD = 3.07, 68% girls). During the second lockdown (December–May 2020 onwards), an independent cohort of 1871 adolescents participated (age = 18.66, SD = 3.70, 81% girls). Adolescents answered online questionnaires regarding affective and cognitive well-being, depressive symptoms, anxiety, and impact of COVID-19 at baseline. Three to six weeks later, the baseline questionnaire was repeated and user experience questions were asked (N = 462 and N = 733 for the first and second cohort). In both cohorts, affective and cognitive well-being increased after playing the Grow It! app (t = − 6.806, p < 0.001; t = − 6.77, p < 0.001; t = − 6.12, p < 0.001; t = − 5.93, p < 0.001; Cohen's d range 0.20–0.32). At the individual level, 41–53% of the adolescents increased in their affective or cognitive well-being. Adolescents with higher risk profiles (i.e., more depressive symptoms, lower atmosphere at home, and more COVID-19 impact) improved more strongly in their well-being. Positive user evaluations and app engagement were unrelated to changes in affective and cognitive well-being. This proof-of-concept study tentatively suggests that Grow It! supported adolescents during the pandemic.<br/>(AN 163797325); ISSN: 10188827<br/>CINAHL Complete Evaluation of a dementia awareness game for undergraduate nursing students in Northern Ireland: a Pre-/Post-Test study. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:d9e5421c-bfe5-178a-2994-785be7cacc1e Mon, 22 May 2023 04:00:00 +0000 BMC Nursing; 05/22/2023<br/>Introduction: Although it is possible to live well with dementia and many individuals with dementia lead active lives with the help of family, friends, and communities, the general impression of dementia is frequently negative. Dementia is a global health issue. Despite this, little research has been done on the effects of innovative dementia education strategies among undergraduate nursing students. The aim of this study was therefore to assess if this serious digital game, originally intended for the public, could increase knowledge about dementia in first-year nursing students. Methods: The intervention was a digital serious game called “The Dementia Game”, which was available to students throughout February 2021, to a convenience sample of first-year undergraduate nursing students (n = 560) completing a BSc Honours Nursing Degree programme in one university in Northern Ireland. The game was evaluated using a pretest-posttest design. The questionnaire comprised of a 30- item true- false Alzheimer’s Disease Knowledge Scale (ADKS), which covers risk factors, assessment and diagnosis, symptoms, course, life impact, caregiving and treatment and management. Data were analysed using paired t-tests and descriptive statistics. Results: Overall dementia knowledge increased significantly after playing the game. Pre-test to post-test increases were observed across a range of seven categories of dementia knowledge (life impact, risk factors, symptoms, treatment, assessment, caregiving and trajectory), with particularly large increases in knowledge of trajectory and risk factors, as shown using paired t-tests. All pre-test to post-test comparisons were significant at the p < 0.001 level. Conclusions: A short serious digital game on dementia improved first-year student’s knowledge about dementia. Undergraduate students also expressed that this approach to dementia education was effective in improving their knowledge about the disease.<br/>(AN 163936446); ISSN: 14726955<br/>CINAHL Complete Stereoptic serious games as a visual rehabilitation tool for individuals with a residual amblyopia (AMBER trial): a protocol for a crossover randomized controlled trial. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:7c253c3e-d7d5-e977-bda8-a56e9dd2a99c Wed, 17 May 2023 04:00:00 +0000 BMC Ophthalmology; 05/17/2023<br/>(AN 163762075); ISSN: 14712415<br/>CINAHL Complete Design and Prototyping of a Serious Game on Interactive Tabletop with Tangible Objects for Disability Awareness in Companies...7th International Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe, August 30- September 1, 2 serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:67b97901-768e-01af-f5d1-fe318fb5ca79 Mon, 01 May 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 05/01/2023<br/>This paper presents elements of user-centered design and prototyping of a serious game. Produced within the framework of the SG-HANDI project, the serious game aims to raise awareness about integration, prevention of professional displacement and job retention of people with disabilities. This serious game is developed on an interactive RFID tabletop with tangible objects. It is intended to be used in a collective context involving one or more facilitators specialized in employment and disability, as well as the company's stakeholders to be made aware of the issue.<br/>(AN 171360942); ISSN: 09269630<br/>CINAHL Complete O.30.4 - Use of a serious game in teaching bovine veterinarians clinical communication skills: a pilot study: Presenter(s): Linda Dorrestein, University of Calgary, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Canada. serious games on 2018-08-02 03:30 PM urn:uuid:e35ab349-643e-cc4c-5904-79681ffdc905 Sun, 02 Apr 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Patient Education & Counseling; 04/02/2023<br/>(AN 162361393); ISSN: 07383991<br/>CINAHL Complete