Best Remodeling Home Improvment Tips!
Best Remodeling Home Improvment Tips!Respective post owners and feed distributorsThu, 13 Aug 2015 19:57:18 -0500Feed Informer seam valley design - Latest posts
urn:uuid:58d2943e-de43-ec53-8367-fbdbe2de41cdSat, 17 Apr 2021 17:01:33 -0500 <p>This is a picture of the ends of the panels that they took off. I have to believe that it was only a matter of time before all of that muck that collected in the “leaf and dirt catcher” would have caused corrosion, let alone a nasty buildup that was visible to the naked eye. Thank you to all who commented on the design.<div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/tYlZ8fm62BhmG6cCYGjJupPMzrq.jpeg?dl=1" title="IMG_2923(1)" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><img src="" alt="IMG_2923(1)" data-base62-sha1="tYlZ8fm62BhmG6cCYGjJupPMzrq" width="690" height="298" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x" data-small-upload=""><div class="meta">
<svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename">IMG_2923(1)</span><span class="informations">2531×1096 903 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg>
</div></a></div></p> @polar59 TomStanding seam valley design - Latest posts
urn:uuid:0601e694-73fc-1eeb-1370-9b0fab88ee36Sat, 17 Apr 2021 16:57:52 -0500 <p>Before and after pictures. Much better! <div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/loUjhYoZVERLn7FBfv8JRtUZiHy.jpeg?dl=1" title="Before" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><img src="" alt="Before" data-base62-sha1="loUjhYoZVERLn7FBfv8JRtUZiHy" width="483" height="500" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x" data-small-upload=""><div class="meta">
<svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename">Before</span><span class="informations">954×987 251 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg>
</div></a></div> <div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="/uploads/short-url/5x2amGRgBqZmEjFA8oQEDLVcAoQ.jpeg?dl=1" title="after" rel="noopener nofollow ugc"><img src="" alt="after" data-base62-sha1="5x2amGRgBqZmEjFA8oQEDLVcAoQ" width="542" height="499" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x" data-small-upload=""><div class="meta">
<svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-far-image svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#far-image"></use></svg><span class="filename">after</span><span class="informations">939×866 252 KB</span><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-discourse-expand svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#discourse-expand"></use></svg>
</div></a></div></p> @polar59 TomNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:4c4ce96e-606e-ee5b-3b9a-e77f5f82ea4dSat, 17 Apr 2021 04:42:03 -0500 <p>Concern is 100 percent legit.</p>
<p>Now have them tear off ALL the ridge vent on that ridge.<br>
Fix, replace wood All the way across that ridge.<br>
Why? Because all their ridge vent and shingle cap nails are hitting directly into that tiny little sheeting strip<br>
They should have cut the plywood back and replaced it back at least one foot. ( others will claim more)</p>
<p>Horrible work,<br>
Sorry to see…<br>
Replace the shingles underneath the ridge vents also.</p>
<p>These roofers are about to learn something.</p>
<p>Remove all the shingles above 13 1/4 inches from the ridge on that one side.<br>
Install one foot strips of wood.<br>
You will get 32 feet with one sheet.</p>
<p>The split wood you originally thought was a problem is really not.<br>
But nailing ridge vent directly into where two sheets meet IS a problem, a big one.</p> @roof_lover SingletrackinNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:d3634743-3899-e5c6-974d-8962dacb0ef3Fri, 16 Apr 2021 18:19:12 -0500 <p>Hear hear … A truce! Until the next time we meet on the battlefield.</p>
<p>Edit: I have chosen to delete my previous posts as I too then become an “asshat” for shaving someone down for little purpose other than everyone else’s entertainment. It is abundantly clear you have an overwhelming pride in your craft and who am I to undermine that. If you feel the need to berate me because I approach issues differently than you, that is your choice. Lashing back is simply not the direction I see as beneficial towards my goals and the foundation of this community.</p>
<p>I apologize.</p>
<p>Ivoman (Sometimes Mr. Teesla ??? … Mwahaha)</p> @IvomanNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:cffa99b1-9a30-0bea-274e-6e48a906b871Fri, 16 Apr 2021 18:17:27 -0500 <p>I’m done thanks for the entertainment.</p> @TilemanNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:60784419-5e8c-4c9b-0d19-a76b09234d2bFri, 16 Apr 2021 17:30:25 -0500 <p>(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)</p> @IvomanNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:c5169638-5309-6199-a834-d2180dbfaf74Fri, 16 Apr 2021 17:04:50 -0500 <p>We get 300$ per square for 5-12 new construction comp and $425-450 for single layer comp tear off. $800 for basic 24 gauge metal and about the same for standard walkable tile. 65% margin on all repairs. We work an area where all of our jobs are in a 30-40 mile area with little traffic congestion.These numbers are considerably higher than our local market standard but that is our long term reputation allowing for it. And you don’t even want to know what we get on steep difficult jobs. I will offer you my training for free because I feel pity for you. By the way, what’s wrong with torn barstools? It makes it harder to fall off.</p> @TilemanNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:a907d5a7-cee8-f9cc-519b-e38a93276894Fri, 16 Apr 2021 11:43:43 -0500 <p>Ol shitty board is what we call it. To OP’s issue, quite a few times we’ve cut out 13.5 in and put back 12 in to get rid of that narrow, fragile strip at the ridge</p> @roofermann Roofermann64New roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:4a7903c7-3a87-62a0-c6c9-b8d59922b268Fri, 16 Apr 2021 11:16:01 -0500 <p>OSB = Ohh Somna Bitch</p> @DarkthirtyNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:2cf563d5-acd7-151e-0cca-7ff40484219aFri, 16 Apr 2021 10:02:18 -0500 <p>Looks broken and based upon the image, your concern is legitimate.</p> @IvomanNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:e624596b-914a-9e08-5593-86cfd3175122Fri, 16 Apr 2021 09:53:05 -0500 <p>Here are a few pictures that I was able to take.</p>
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@sn002 SonyEPDM flat roof job - functional? - Latest posts
urn:uuid:a2f00978-6d67-8048-2eb3-5632c00df8d6Fri, 16 Apr 2021 09:34:47 -0500 <p>You can get a rep, but it’ll cost you.</p> @DarkthirtyNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:2214e1eb-8e32-b591-b4e9-1b49c2b03478Fri, 16 Apr 2021 09:04:18 -0500 <p>(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)</p> @IvomanEPDM flat roof job - functional? - Latest posts
urn:uuid:d80cd582-eb36-b6ae-4b4a-ce571c5902dcFri, 16 Apr 2021 08:36:10 -0500 <p>You will probably not be able to get a material rep out unless they used mulehide or another store brand. Flat roof manufacturer’s won’t warrant their products beyond a material only warranty on residences.</p>
<p>The specs call for any wrinkle over 1/2" to be cut out and patched with a slider you make from field membrane and splice tape.</p>
<p>The wrinkles are from a combination of probably not allowing the glue to flash and just being bad.</p>
<p>If he glued over asphalt it could also cause wrinkles as epdm bonding adhesive dissolves asphalt. This means no adhesion and asphalt and rubber should not be left in direct contact as over time the asphalt eats the rubber up.</p>
<p>The seams are covered with a flashing roll or cover tape. Cover tape is not stretchy and should be used to cover the drip edge flange and seams. If it is stretchy it is flashing and can be used over seams but is not as good, and should not be used over drip edge flanges.</p>
<p>This flashing is pressure sensitive and only needs to have the membrane primed and rolled in. However the correct way to do a seam is with seam tape between the lap. Hard to tell if he did a proper seam below the cover tape he put on.</p>
<p>Ponding water and EPDM do not mix. Constant ponding will destroy your seams and peel off the cover tape in a couple years. The water sitting in the sun and heating up and sitting on the membrane is the primary cause for this. It will also bake the membrane and cause it to get brittle prematurely.</p>
<p>Then if you have 3" of standing water that is thousands of lbs weight on a compromised structure. I hope no one lives under that space. A 10x10 area with 3" deep water is holding almost 500 gallons of water at close to 4000 lbs.</p>
<p>I hope you are ready to spend some money. The roof needs to be removed, bad wood fixed, and the ponding issue needs addressed by either framing a slope into the roof or using tapered insulation. You have a safety issue if you think you have a broken rafter holding that much water.</p> @Dtris JustinNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:98114853-29b1-57e6-7335-fce99a6adb2bFri, 16 Apr 2021 08:23:38 -0500 <p>“Assuming the problem is legitimate “ is the key phrase that you always omit in your rush to always provide free stuff. We would tear off an entire roof of ours if done incorrectly and have done so after installing the wrong color before. We have ALWAYS made our mistakes right without any need for combat or even tension, and we part with our customers amicably on every job. The point I’m making that the student of human nature doesn’t grasp, is that I don’t honor unreasonable requests if our work is done properly. By the way our reputation is golden in our area and our customers love us. Yes, when a customer mistakenly thinks we dinged his gutter I will usually fix it if I forgot to take before pictures. No I will not jump through unnecessary hoops to placate someone trying to get something for free. Worked really well for me all these years. When you’re ready for my class send me a couple hundred bucks and I’ll sign you up. It will teach you how to have a spine and control your customers properly while still getting great reviews and references.</p> @TilemanNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:514099e0-1eab-4984-d4da-38565610df74Fri, 16 Apr 2021 07:59:39 -0500 <p>(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)</p> @IvomanNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:b4bddf16-4819-6608-9569-88ba73be7b26Thu, 15 Apr 2021 21:42:52 -0500 <p>And I would agree with that strategy. Explain things in an honest and reasonable manner first. If the customer is dead set on a minor repair then we would always do it. Some people (no names mentioned) just capitulate to every request and it is absolutely not necessary to establish a great reputation. There are a lot of passive/aggressive people (again no names mentioned) who feel whole by boxing a contractor in and winning a meaningless battle that costs the contractor money and does not improve the quality of the job. I am so thankful that we don’t have to validate our existence by sucking up to an unreasonable customer to get them to approve of our top notch work on social media. The only bad reviews we have after 25 years in business are based on me or one of my trucks cutting someone off in traffic (they deserved it) or some jerkoff neighbor of one of our jobsites who got woke up and complained saying “the owner is extremely rude”, which is also true.</p> @TilemanNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:83bdc219-e34c-1e4d-4a8c-3ffa901c8893Thu, 15 Apr 2021 19:21:35 -0500 <p>If it were my roof would i have them pull it up? No.</p>
<p>If i was your contractor and my explanation didn’t put this to bed then more than likely i would be replacing the plywood. Some folks just wont sleep at night if they think there is a potential issue and i get that vibe from your posts.</p>
<p>If it was two sheets hell NO, you seen the prices lately <img src="" title=":wink:" class="emoji" alt=":wink:"></p> @andywrs As45 70New roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:baf2f431-49af-25de-d3fc-85f4775ecbaeThu, 15 Apr 2021 12:19:19 -0500 <p>Damn … my true identity has been compromised!</p> @IvomanNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:d507298c-c2d6-791e-d1f6-b807c062119aThu, 15 Apr 2021 12:07:25 -0500 <p>Mr Teesla! Wondered where you’ve been!</p> @DarkthirtyNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:f8f4baac-8c85-d925-de4a-94e5e741fc08Wed, 14 Apr 2021 22:50:59 -0500 <p>Ouch. Sorry and let me know how I can help if needed. I feel guilty now.</p> @TilemanNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:fc37f89c-5405-4297-b166-f369e2ff7b9fWed, 14 Apr 2021 22:47:08 -0500 <p>I wake up in the morning and shove a coil of nails into my underwear just to feel I’m alive. Pour some Napalm into my coffee to keep it warm for hours and toss kittens into traffic to see how long they last.</p>
<p>Then I sit on my Gucci chair and assess how best to configure my preferences in Eagleview whilst I’m getting my nails done.</p>
<p>Oh … what was a that ladder thingy you were talking about again?</p> @IvomanNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:52c46c43-b322-0acf-c861-98b31622a0adWed, 14 Apr 2021 22:41:54 -0500 <p>Self assessed superiority, student of human nature, nobody gives a crap how hard anyone works, help them feel assured, blah blah blah. Put on some nailbags and shed the knee pads. Have you even been up a ladder or does eagleview tell you everything you need to know?</p> @TilemanNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:998199d6-1108-7419-e37c-c3f0a3b72049Wed, 14 Apr 2021 22:34:08 -0500 <p>If you feel every conflict is an opportunity to demonstrate your self assessed superiority, you’ll be sadly disappointed at the opportunities that pass you by. I have been a student of human nature for far many more years than I care to recall. Pick the battles worth fighting and be intelligent enough to recognize the ones that are not worth it. Petty skirmishes leave lasting residue that resurfaces when you least expect it and at the most inopportune times. Nobody gives a crap at how hard anyone works, or what they proclaim to have done when they are dismissed as a nuisance who is trivial and whiney. A customer is your customer and the privilege granted you through compensation and opportunity should never forgotten. Taking a small step to help them feel assured yields far better outcomes than being a belligerent self inflated prima donna who refuses to budge at the risk of bruising their fragile ego.</p>
<p>Nice chatting with you again …</p> @IvomanNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:26a641b6-591b-d008-ed82-341bfe9f4a4aWed, 14 Apr 2021 22:13:00 -0500 <p>Sorry, hit reply prematurely. I agree about making sure every customer is satisfied when we leave but if you fall into this rhythm of customer always being right without showing any spine you will always be subservient to them and will become a victim to everyone threatening a bad review. Never read a book on “how to close the deal”! but we leave every job with a great review/referral waiting for us, even when we had to resolve conflict.I don’t ever have to kowtow to some passive/aggressive asshat. Reward for all those bundles and hot tar buckets I hauled up ladders I guess. Not willing to take shit from people unnecessarily when we did everything we said we’d do.</p> @TilemanXactimate Estimate Example - Latest posts
urn:uuid:706447c2-9ac7-6005-703c-d9eed883cbe9Wed, 14 Apr 2021 22:07:14 -0500 <p>Can anyone refer an Xactimate professional for estimating? I’m looking for someone to do my Xactimates.</p>
<p>Ben Landa<br>
7206351970</p> @Blanda79 Benjamin LandaNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:2d9e0e5e-dad8-daad-6b3e-48610511a9b2Wed, 14 Apr 2021 22:04:27 -0500 <p>Do you bend over for every customer that complains?</p> @TilemanNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:f0a17403-cbe1-d2e2-0ad7-4e2dd8a91a0cWed, 14 Apr 2021 04:11:45 -0500 <p>One of the reasons i try to steer away from ridge venting…<br>
We are cutting away the support from the top of the roof…</p>
<p>Sometimes the ridge vent hole sheeting can look pretty beat up and cracked from the inside.</p>
<p>But no one stands on the ridge vent once its<br>
There is no load to worry about.</p> @roof_lover SingletrackinNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:1c660a8f-2c0d-a927-88ff-927951ce1308Tue, 13 Apr 2021 23:03:02 -0500 <p>Enduring customer anxiety vs a simple fix of a small piece of plywood. Fix the wood.</p>
<p>IMO, the issue is less the probability the wood will fail but rather the acknowledgement this has pissed you off and you want it fixed.</p>
<p>Solution? Beer and dueling lawn darts at 10 paces!</p> @IvomanNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:57884799-49f9-78d5-c0b0-5d66c2f3c3f7Tue, 13 Apr 2021 21:28:11 -0500 <p>If there is any deflection on the damaged section it will leak during blowing rains.</p> @DarkthirtyNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:5fcd80a9-a552-cda4-72c8-74a8aaa6db7aTue, 13 Apr 2021 19:24:08 -0500 <p>andywrs,</p>
<p>Is there a way to upload a picture on here?</p>
<p>Supporting snow and strong wind.</p> @sn002 SonyNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:5e3f9913-a1d3-bedb-fb49-b57e179a8c96Tue, 13 Apr 2021 17:19:58 -0500 <p>Weak spot for what? It’s supporting about zero load where it’s located. I’d leave it alone.</p> @Authentic_Dad MtcraneyNew roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:80507baf-7672-97ce-4049-562a68411314Tue, 13 Apr 2021 15:45:46 -0500 <p>My gut say no big deal and i would agree with them. A pic of the issue would enable a better evaluation.</p> @andywrs As45 70New roof and cracked/split plywood - Latest posts
urn:uuid:d7028326-1d3f-3826-fc0c-141e27c90c85Tue, 13 Apr 2021 15:20:28 -0500 <p>We just had a new roof installed and one thin piece of plywood around 4"x8’ at the peak of the roof where the ridge vent is split up and cracked when roofers nailed shingles/ridge vent down.</p>
<p>The roof company claimed it is going to be fine and all the warranty still hold and refused<br>
to replace the damaged plywood as it would need to remove the ridge vent system and all. I personally want them to replace since the cracked plywood is a weak spot. Not only that, I expect the roof to last 2 decades that it has to endure wind, snow and sun. Please advice.</p> @sn002 SonyInsurance/drip edge - Latest posts
urn:uuid:aed7947c-fa3c-d983-b55e-7dc5cc733d72Mon, 12 Apr 2021 23:20:31 -0500 <p>First, rather than basing your frustration on a verbal requirement, ask the adjuster to email you the request in a clearly worded statement. Either the adjuster miscommunicated, or you have misunderstood what was asked. Based on your statement, several things come to mind. Citing IRC code is not unreasonable and can be somewhat easily referenced as long you are clear on what you are looking for. Fascia is indeed solid if it is wood fascia, but is that the case with aluminum fascia? Does solid mean it is not a liquid or a gas or does it mean it is durable and can support weight? Drip edge can be installed when no fascia is present and is typically fastened through the wood decking and not through the fascia board. Same can be said about gutters hung on rafter ends where no wood fascia exists.</p>
<p>Your frustration is obvious and I can appreciate that. I have learned better questions yield better answers. Ask the adjuster to clarify the request and use direct reference to the aspect in question. If they are willing to do so, you’ll reciprocate their commitment by sourcing the exact reference they need. Everyone will win and there may be a beer in it for everyone afterwards.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p> @IvomanInsurance/drip edge - Latest posts
urn:uuid:3892ffa3-897c-17d8-d0fa-bd5ea3bbe842Mon, 12 Apr 2021 21:27:08 -0500 <p>How would you guys go after insurance adjuster says, Can you provide with the IRC codes from the county stating you need fascia to be solid to install drip edge and gutters, i was lost at first like it’s common sense to install drip edge and gutter to something solid especially if fascia is falling down and damaged. Or am I missing something ?</p> @TrejoRoofer Francisco Home TrejoBest of Success 2017: On Demand Seminars
Roofing Contractor
urn:uuid:dc94dffb-7a2b-e630-95dc-bc9e0b212290Wed, 13 Dec 2017 11:00:00 -0600
Seminars from the 2017 Best of Success conference will be available on demand.
Millennial-Panel.jpgIn an attempt to bridge the gap between Baby Boomers and Millennials, a panel of roofing experts from both age groups engaged in an enlightening, and informative discussion.
Construction Creditors in Bankruptcy
Roofing Contractor
urn:uuid:0c4632c0-1190-f973-43ff-ef4ef2e82472Wed, 13 Dec 2017 11:00:00 -0600
Bankruptcy is a court-supervised system to oversee the payment of debts and to assure that a debtor can reorganize and start fresh.
iStock-612372074.jpgBankruptcy is a court-supervised system to oversee the payment of debts and to assure that a debtor can reorganize and start fresh. Contractor Profile: Titan Contractors
Roofing Contractor
urn:uuid:78b5702a-d45f-4ff0-0f58-e209c0cbc7d4Wed, 13 Dec 2017 07:00:00 -0600
The company, Titan Contractors, is located in Midlothian, Texas, and specializes in both residential (60 percent) and commercial (40 percent) roofing.
Team-Pic---2017.jpgBrothers Troy (second from right) and Scott (second from left) Cruthers founded their roofing business, Titan Contractors, on New Year’s Day in 2010. Currently, the business is home to 25 non-union employees. Troy explained that the working atmosphere at Titan is casual, friendly and filled with dedicated workers, “Our employees are vested in the business and treat it like their own,” he said. Photos courtesy of Titan Contractors.
Thank You Ladies: My Husband is Procrastinating His Roofing Company Exit Plan
Roofing Contractor
urn:uuid:00f450d0-1060-ac49-d40a-d5f219e512f5Wed, 13 Dec 2017 07:00:00 -0600
To be perfectly fair to their partners, planning for the exit is complicated, especially when the owner is preoccupied with the day-to-day business.
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Roofing Contractor
urn:uuid:6e6764ce-af44-9971-383c-3e455d92e9b2Wed, 13 Dec 2017 07:00:00 -0600
MFM Building Products launched a new corporate website on Oct. 1.
Reid Ribble Looks to Inspire Change in the Roofing Industry
Roofing Contractor
urn:uuid:c917f9e4-656f-d06d-0d35-eec24444b161Tue, 12 Dec 2017 07:00:00 -0600
Ribble is getting ready to unveil what he believes could be a watershed moment in the roofing industry's history and he's looking for roofing contractors to buy in.
DEWALT Partners with Habitat for Humanity on Hurricane Recovery Efforts
Roofing Contractor
urn:uuid:a4d32c44-391b-1e7f-012b-17c5f8f4c725Tue, 12 Dec 2017 07:00:00 -0600
DEWALT recently announced its partnership with Habitat for Humanity and contribution of over $800,000 in tools and monetary support for Habitat’s recovery and rebuilding efforts.
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Roofing Contractor
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Lao, who's worked for Google since 2011, explained the importance of the ever-changing digital world.
Kevin-Lao.jpgLao, who’s worked for Google since 2011, explained the importance of the ever-changing digital world.
SRS Distribution Launches Online Credit Application
Roofing Contractor
urn:uuid:4dd3ad44-3688-fc7d-7383-adb5e78db8c2Mon, 11 Dec 2017 08:00:00 -0600
Roofing Contractors across the country can access important credit information and services wherever and whenever they want.
Foam-Control® PLUS+®
Roofing Contractor
urn:uuid:351ee6a6-4bfa-8a4c-92ea-654d3833bfa9Mon, 11 Dec 2017 08:00:00 -0600
Foam-Control® PLUS+® performs better, is less expensive than extruded foam insulations and is backed by ACH Foam Technologies’ 50-year R-value warranty.
National Women in Roofing Announces Association Staff
Roofing Contractor
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Roofing Contractor
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Following the sudden death of her husband, Dave Spencer, Laurie made the decision to leave behind a successful career as a salon owner, and take over Dave's roofing business.
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Roofing Contractor
urn:uuid:197be5b1-38b3-c7a7-ba23-bf002b0d7f76Fri, 08 Dec 2017 11:00:00 -0600
Trent Cotney's presentation at this year's conference detailed how marijuana legalization, both recreational and medicinal, is impacting the roofing industry.
Best of Success Seminars: How (and Why) to Build an Advisory Board of Non-Industry Professionals
Roofing Contractor
urn:uuid:562021bb-5088-77fa-4a6d-c3ecdce2ef97Fri, 08 Dec 2017 07:00:00 -0600
Jack Scalo provided attendees with an informative session on building an advisory board within your roofing business.