video production RSS Digest video production RSS Digest Respective post owners and feed distributors Thu, 19 May 2016 15:42:48 +0000 Feed Informer Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (April 2024) urn:uuid:24019387-3989-d483-51a8-5e056d8dcbe0 Mon, 22 Apr 2024 13:00:20 +0000 <p>It’s time for another edition of our collection of fresh tools and resources for our fellow designers and developers. This time around, we’ve got a little bit of everything, from demos showcasing the latest CSS features to some nifty JavaScript libraries you won’t want to miss. So, let’s jump right in and explore what’s new!&#8230;</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (April 2024)</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> <p>It’s time for another edition of our collection of <a href="">fresh tools and resources</a> for our fellow designers and developers. </p> <p>This time around, we’ve got a little bit of everything, from demos showcasing the latest CSS features to some nifty <a href="">JavaScript libraries</a> you won’t want to miss. So, let’s jump right in and explore what’s new!</p> <h4><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">caniemail</a></h4> <p>Akin to <a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">CanIUse</a>. <strong>CanIEmail</strong> provides a comprehensive reference for email client support of HTML and CSS features. It helps you understand which HTML and CSS features are supported across different email clients to create compatible and accessible email designs.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="CanIEmail feature compatibility chart" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="CanIEmail feature compatibility chart" width="720" height="480" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:720px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">JSON Viewer editor</a></h4> <p>This tool makes it easy for you to create, edit, validate, and preview JSON data. It offers features like syntax highlighting, formatting, error checking, and even a structure preview in a chart format. A handy solution for anyone needing to work with and preview JSON data efficiently.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="JSON Viewer Editor interface" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="JSON Viewer Editor interface" width="720" height="480" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:720px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">Anchor Tool</a></h4> <p><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">CSS Anchor Positioning</a>, featuring the new CSS <code>insert-area</code> property, is soon to arrive in the browsers. This site shows a hands-on demonstration of this new specification in action. You can see various anchor positions and how surrounding elements dynamically adjust.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="CSS Anchor Position demo" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="CSS Anchor Position demo" width="720" height="480" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:720px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">Pragmatic Drag-n-Drop</a></h4> <p>Developed by Atlassian, <strong>Pragmatic Drag-n-Drop</strong> is a JavaScript library to make adding drag-and-drop functionality on the web easy. It provides a range of features such as custom drag handles, support for touch devices, and compatibility with modern web frameworks including React, Vue, and Angular.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Drag-n-Drop interface example" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Drag-n-Drop interface example" width="720" height="480" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:720px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">WordPress Plugin Readme Parser</a></h4> <p>It’s a handy Composer package that you can use this package to read the <strong>readme.txt</strong> or <strong></strong> file in a WordPress plugin and gather information about the plugin, like the plugin name, required PHP version, tested WordPress version, and description. </p> <p>It’s based on <a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">’s readme parser</a>, with some tweaks to ensure compatibility with more PHP versions.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="WordPress Plugin Readme Parser UI" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="WordPress Plugin Readme Parser UI" width="720" height="360" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:50%;max-width:720px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">PhosphorIcons</a></h4> <p><strong>PhosphorIcons</strong> offers a flexible icon set with 1000+ icons in six weights: <em>Thin</em>, <em>Light</em>, <em>Regular</em>, <em>Bold</em>, <em>Fill</em>, and <em>Duotone</em>. Designed to look sharp at any size, these icons are available for various platforms and frameworks including React, Vue, Flutter, and Elm.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="PhosphorIcons various weights display" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="PhosphorIcons various weights display" width="720" height="480" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:720px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">Cascade</a></h4> <p><strong>Cascade</strong> is a free open-source SaaS boilerplate, providing a minimal setup for starting your SaaS projects. It includes essential tech stack such as Next.js, Prisma, PostgreSQL, and TailwindCSS. It also includes authentication, payments, SEO enhancements, and analytics integration. </p> <p>With Cascade, you can quickly build SaaS applications efficiently.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Cascade SaaS boilerplate setup" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Cascade SaaS boilerplate setup" width="720" height="480" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:720px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">Dark Design</a></h4> <p>This site provides a curated collection of websites featuring <a href="">dark-themed designs</a>. It showcases websites from various industries and categories, including Education, Commerce, and Agency.</p> <p>Whether you’re working on a website, app, or interface, this site could provide you with some inspiration.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Collection of dark-themed designs" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Collection of dark-themed designs" width="720" height="480" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:720px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank" href="">Cloudflare AI Playground</a></h4> <p><strong>Cloudflare AI Playground</strong> is a online Playground allows you to experiment with different LLM models like Mistral, Llama, OpenChat, and DeepSeek Coder. A handy tool if you plan to run your AI-based application on Cloudflare Workers AI, where you can run these models on its global network using serverless GPUs, bringing AI applications closer to your users.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Cloudflare AI Playground interface" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Cloudflare AI Playground interface" width="720" height="480" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:720px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">RunJS</a></h4> <p>RunJS is an online JavaScript playground where you can write and run code with instant live feedback. This makes it a convenient tool for quickly trying out ideas, testing algorithms, or debugging code.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="RunJS JavaScript playground interface" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="RunJS JavaScript playground interface" width="720" height="480" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:720px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">Valkey</a></h4> <p>Valkey is a high-performance key/value data structure, aiming to resume development on the previously open-source Redis project. Similarly, it supports various native structures and an extendable plugin system.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Valkey data structure interface" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Valkey data structure interface" width="720" height="480" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:720px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">Elmo</a></h4> <p><strong>Elmo</strong> is a <a href="">Chrome extension</a> that can help you condense web content into concise summaries. It also provides instant answers to specific questions from the page, saving you time and effort. It seamlessly integrates into your browsing experience, making it ideal for research or learning without leaving your current webpage.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Elmo Chrome extension in action" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Elmo Chrome extension in action" width="720" height="480" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:720px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">Banal</a></h4> <p>Banal provides an easy way to check the bundle size of NPM dependencies directly within VSCode. It allows you to identify and assess the impact of each dependency on the overall size of the project. This helps you make informed decisions about which dependencies to include or remove to optimize performance and resource usage.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="VSCode Banal extension usage" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="VSCode Banal extension usage" width="720" height="480" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:720px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">Eloquent JavaScript</a></h4> <p><strong>Eloquent JavaScript</strong> is an online book that teaches you <a href="">JavaScript programming</a> from the basics to advanced topics like functional programming and asynchronous programming. Whether you’re new or want to sharpen your skills, this book is a valuable resource for learning JavaScript.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Eloquent JavaScript book cover" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Eloquent JavaScript book cover" width="720" height="480" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:720px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">Firebolt</a></h4> <p>Firebolt is a <a href="">React framework</a> for building high-performance, full-stack web applications quickly. It provides a streamlined directory structure, first-class CSS-in-JS support, and an intuitive routing system for pages, assets, virtual files, APIs, and more.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Firebolt React framework interface" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Firebolt React framework interface" width="720" height="413" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:57%;max-width:720px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">Grep by Example</a></h4> <p><strong>“Grep by example”</strong> is an interactive guide for learning the <code><a href="">grep</a></code> CLI, the text search tool commonly found on Linux systems. It offers step-by-step tutorials and allows users to experiment with examples by modifying commands in real-time.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Interactive Grep CLI tutorial interface" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Interactive Grep CLI tutorial interface" width="720" height="480" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:720px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">A11y Myths</a></h4> <p><strong>A11yMyths</strong> is a website that aims to debunk common misconceptions about <a href="">web accessibility</a>. It provides information and resources to help you build more inclusive and user-friendly experiences on the Web.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="A11y Myths debunking common misconceptions" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="A11y Myths debunking common misconceptions" width="720" height="480" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:720px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">AnalogJS</a></h4> <p><strong>Analog</strong> is a meta-framework for building websites and apps with <a href="">Angular</a>; it’s similar to Next.js or Nuxt, but made for Angular. Key features include support for Vite, Vitest, Playwright, file-based routing, integration of markdown for content routes, API/server route handling, and hybrid SSR/SSG capabilities.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="AnalogJS Angular meta-framework interface" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="AnalogJS Angular meta-framework interface" width="720" height="480" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:720px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">WordPresser on Github</a></h4> <p>This Chrome extension will add profile links next to GitHub usernames. It helps you easily recognize WordPress users or contributors on Github and collaborate more efficiently. It is available on both Chrome and Firefox.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="WordPresser GitHub Chrome extension" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="WordPresser GitHub Chrome extension" width="720" height="480" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:720px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href=""> Studio</a></h4> <p><strong> Studio</strong> is a new desktop app for WordPress users, simplifying local development. It allows you to easily share the local work to collaborate with team members or clients, creating patterns and templates, and customize the site with just a few clicks.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src=" Web Design Tools for Designers & Developers Thoriq Firdaus How to Download Envato Elements Files for Free urn:uuid:4f2a6027-2b8b-63e7-1bb6-76036cfb9110 Fri, 19 Apr 2024 10:00:19 +0000 <p>Envato Elements is a subscription-based platform offering a vast library of digital assets for various creative projects. This service includes graphic templates, fonts, photos, 3D content, and videos. It is particularly beneficial for designers, marketers, and other creative professionals, providing unlimited access to these resources for a set monthly or annual fee. Envato Elements is&#8230;</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">How to Download Envato Elements Files for Free</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> <p><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Envato Elements</a> is a subscription-based platform offering a vast library of digital assets for various creative projects. This service includes graphic templates, fonts, photos, 3D content, and videos. </p> <p>It is particularly beneficial for designers, marketers, and other creative professionals, providing unlimited access to these resources for a set monthly or annual fee. Envato Elements is renowned for its cost-effectiveness and extensive, continuously updated collection, making it an indispensable tool in the creative industry. </p> <p>In this post, I’ll explore several methods to legally download content from Envato Elements at no cost.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Envato Elements Homepage Display" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Envato Elements Homepage Display" width="2525" height="1621" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:64%;max-width:2525px"></span></span></figure> <h5>Monthly Free Files</h5> <p>Envato Elements provides a selection of free files every month, including fonts, videos, graphics, templates, and more. Visit <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">this page</a> to discover what is available for free each month. </p> <p>To download these files, you will need to create a free Envato Elements account.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Envato Free Monthly Files Preview" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Envato Free Monthly Files Preview" width="2507" height="2091" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:83%;max-width:2507px"></span></span></figure> <h5>Free Trials</h5> <p><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Envato Elements</a> offers a 7-day free trial, during which you can download unlimited files. To start the trial, you must create an account and provide your credit card details. Rest assured, you will not be charged if you cancel the trial before the seven days expire.</p> <h5>Discounts for Students</h5> <p>If you’re a student, you can enjoy a 30% discount on an Envato Elements subscription. While it’s not free, it is significantly cheaper. To qualify for the student discount, you will need to verify your student status with Envato.</p> <h5>Giveaways</h5> <p>Envato Elements occasionally hosts giveaways on social media and other platforms. To participate, follow Envato Elements and meet the entry requirements specified in the giveaway.</p> <h4>Alternative Free Resources</h4> <p>Beyond these options, there are additional sites where you can find free files similar to those offered on Envato Elements. For instance, to download <strong>free high-quality images</strong>, consider exploring these sites:</p> <ul> <li><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">Unsplash</a></li> <li><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">Burst</a></li> <li><a rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank" href="">Pexels</a></li> <li><a rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank" href="">Pixabay</a></li> </ul> <p>For additional resources, view our post on <a href="">Best Sites to Download High Quality Royalty-Free Images</a> for more details.</p> <p>To download <strong>free stock videos</strong>, visit the following sites:</p> <ul> <li><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">Freepik</a></li> <li><a rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank" href="">Pixabay</a></li> <li><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href=""></a></li> </ul> <p>For more options, check out our post on <a href="">Sites to Download Free High Quality Stock Videos</a>.</p> <p>We have also published comprehensive lists of sites where you can <a href="">download free vectors</a>, <a href="">download free illustrations</a>, and <a href="">download free SVG icons</a>. I recommend checking these out as well.</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">How to Download Envato Elements Files for Free</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> Toolkit Apple Car Key Supported Cars urn:uuid:01130e43-2997-5d2b-1c86-09add23d7d99 Thu, 18 Apr 2024 15:00:28 +0000 <p>Apple introduced the Car Key feature at the WWDC 2020, which lets users unlock and start their cars using the Wallet app on their iPhone or Apple Watch. Here’s a complete list of cars that are compatible with Apple’s Car Key integration. But first, let’s take a quick look at what Apple Car Key is,&#8230;</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Apple Car Key Supported Cars</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> <p>Apple introduced the Car Key feature at the <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">WWDC 2020</a>, which lets users unlock and start their cars using the Wallet app on their iPhone or Apple Watch. Here’s a <a href="#list">complete list</a> of cars that are compatible with Apple’s Car Key integration.</p> <p>But first, let’s take a quick look at <a href="apple_car_key" rel="nofollow">what Apple Car Key is</a>, and <a href="howto_add" rel="nofollow">how to get it added to your iPhone</a>.</p> <figure data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Apple Car Key demonstration" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Apple Car Key demonstration" width="1600" height="900" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:56%;max-width:1600px"></span></span></figure> <h4 id="apple_car_key">What is Apple Car Key?</h4> <p>Apple Car Key is a feature distinct from Apple CarPlay. It is integrated within the Wallet app on your iPhone or Apple Watch, allowing you to add your car keys digitally. Once added, you can lock, unlock, and start your car by simply raising your device near the vehicle’s handle.</p> <p>You can also share your car keys with friends or family via Messages, Mail, or AirDrop, enhancing convenience. Additionally, Car Key supports Express Mode, which lets you use your car key without needing to unlock your device or authenticate with Face ID, Touch ID, or a passcode.</p> <figure data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Sharing Apple Car Key" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Sharing Apple Car Key" width="2546" height="1426" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:56%;max-width:2546px"></span></span></figure> <h4 id="howto_add">How to Add Apple Car Key to iPhone</h4> <p>To use your iPhone or Apple Watch as your car key, you need to ensure compatibility with your vehicle. Check with your car manufacturer or dealership to see if your vehicle supports this feature. </p> <p>You will need an iPhone XS or later, or an iPhone SE (2nd generation), running the latest version of iOS; or an Apple Watch Series 5 or later, or an Apple Watch SE, with the latest version of watchOS. Make sure you are signed into your device with your Apple ID.</p> <p>Here’s how to set it up:</p> <ol class="steps"> <li>Ensure that your car is associated with the account provided by the car’s manufacturer.</li> <li>Set up your key using the car manufacturer’s app or via your car’s display screen. Follow the instructions to set up your key.</li> <li>When you are sent to the Wallet app, tap ‘Continue’.</li> <figure class="screenshot-mobile-portrait" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Car keys added in Apple Wallet" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Car keys added in Apple Wallet" width="640" height="1294" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:202%;max-width:640px"></span></span></figure> <li>When prompted with on-screen instructions, place your phone near the key reader while your phone and car pair.</li> </ol> <p>Please note that when you pair your car key with your iPhone, it might also be automatically paired with your Apple Watch.</p> <h4 id="list">Car Models Supporting Apple Car Key</h4> <div class="su-table su-table-alternate"> <table> <tr> <th>Brand</th> <th>Model Years and Types</th> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="20">BMW</td> <td>2021 – 2023 1 Series</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2021 – 2023 2 Series</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2021 – 2023 3 Series</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2021 – 2023 4 Series</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2021 – 2023 5 Series</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2021 – 2023 6 Series</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2021 – 2023 8 Series</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2021 – 2023 X5</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2021 – 2023 X6</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2021 – 2023 X7</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2021 – 2023 X5 M</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2021 – 2023 X6 M</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2021 – 2023 Z4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2022 – 2023 i4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2022 – 2023 iX</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2022 – 2023 iX1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2022 – 2023 iX3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2023 i3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2023 i7</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2024 i5</td> </tr> <tr> <td>BYD</td> <td>2022 – 2023 HAN</td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="2">Genesis</td> <td>2023 GV60</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2023 G90</td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="3">Hyundai</td> <td>2023 Palisade</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2023 IONIQ 6</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2024 Kona EV</td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="4">Kia</td> <td>2023 Telluride</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2023 Niro</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2024 Seltos</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2024 EV9</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Lotus</td> <td>Emeya EV</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mercedes-Benz</td> <td>2024 E-Class</td> </tr> </table> </div> <h4>Is There an Official List?</h4> <p>There isn’t an official list of car models that support Apple Car Key by Apple yet, but here’s one that’s closest if you want to keep yourself updated. This is a list of <a href="">cars that support CarPlay</a> by Apple, and alongside each of the models that support Apple Car Key, a key icon is added.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Key icon next to CarPlay models" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Key icon next to CarPlay models" width="1060" height="682" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:64%;max-width:1060px"></span></span></figure> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Apple Car Key Supported Cars</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> Gadgets Apple Workplace Communication: Why It Is More Important Than Ever urn:uuid:22fd826b-e0a4-bf16-d304-c752155c59ad Thu, 18 Apr 2024 10:00:14 +0000 <p>Workplace communication is a living term with dynamic nuances. At its worst, the absence of effective communication can lead to negative consequences such as absenteeism, employee turnover, increased conflicts, low morale, and compromised productivity. According to David Grossman’s findings in ‘The Cost of Poor Communication,’ inadequate information in an organization results in an average loss&#8230;</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Workplace Communication: Why It Is More Important Than Ever</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> <p>Workplace communication is a living term with dynamic nuances.</p> <p>At its worst, the absence of effective communication can lead to negative consequences such as absenteeism, employee turnover, increased conflicts, low morale, and compromised productivity.</p> <div class="ref-block ref-block--post" id="ref-post-1"> <a href="" class="ref-block__link" title="Read More: 5 Characteristics of A Positive Work Environment" rel="bookmark"><span class="screen-reader-text">5 Characteristics of A Positive Work Environment</span></a> <div class="ref-block__thumbnail img-thumb img-thumb--jumbo" data-img='{ "src" : "" }'> <noscript> <style>.no-js #ref-block-post-16190 .ref-block__thumbnail { background-image: url(""); }</style> </noscript> </div> <div class="ref-block__summary"> <h4 class="ref-title">5 Characteristics of A Positive Work Environment</h4> <p class="ref-description"> Aside from the job scope itself, one factor that significantly influences how employees feel about work is the... <span>Read more</span></p> </div> </div> <p>According to David Grossman’s findings in ‘<a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">The Cost of Poor Communication</a>,’ inadequate information in an organization results in an average loss of $62.4 million per year.</p> <p>That’s absurd.</p> <p><em>And yet, often, we simply allow poor communication to take the wheel.</em></p> <p>If you are letting it happen, it’s high time you reconsider your communication strategy, no matter the scale and sector in which you operate.</p> <p>So, without further ado, let’s find out why you should invest more heavily in workplace communication and how you can achieve it.</p> <h4><strong>What Is Workplace Communication?</strong></h4> <p>Workplace communication is the foundation of a strong work culture. Whether remote or hybrid, effective workplace communication serves as an insightful manual for how your teams <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">interact with each other</a>.</p> <p>Whether synchronous or asynchronous, these concepts refer to the exchange of information, such as providing and receiving feedback, sharing project information, statuses, and updates, or presenting ideas. Defining your company goals, <a href="">fostering teamwork</a>, and coordinating various aspects of work are influential factors that drive effective workplace communication.</p> <p>Some examples of workplace communication include:</p> <ul> <li>1:1 sessions</li> <li>Quick dial-ins</li> <li>Quick messages</li> <li>Team or group meetings</li> <li>Project or task updates</li> <li>Formal presentations</li> <li>Written documents</li> <li>Informative emails</li> <li>Video conferences</li> <li>Non-verbal communication</li> </ul> <h4><strong>Why Do You Need to Focus on Improving Workplace Communication?</strong></h4> <p><em>Effective workplace communication is the backbone of a successful organization.</em></p> <p>It ensures smooth operations and synergy among team members, preventing misunderstandings and confusion from evolving into chaotic quagmires.</p> <p>As a leader, you should not allow these disruptions to waste employees’ potential and efforts.</p> <p>Investing time in refining your communication strategy yields both short-term and long-term benefits, empowering individuals and teams, and benefiting the organization as a whole.</p> <p>Let’s explore other ways effective communication can elevate a company’s success standards.</p> <h5>Increases Productivity</h5> <p>According to Harris Poll’s <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">The State of Business Communication</a> in 2023, effective communication is trusted by 72% of business leaders to increase productivity, with 50% of workers agreeing. Improved communication strategies make employees feel empowered, understand their roles, fulfill duties efficiently, and seek collaboration opportunities, leading to smoother operations and faster achievement of results.</p> <h5>Enhanced Engagement</h5> <p>Effective communication fosters an environment where employees feel valued, heard, and respected, increasing trust in management and commitment to the organization. Transparent and regular communication across teams builds cohesion, motivating employees towards achieving company goals.</p> <h5>Reduces Conflict</h5> <p>Lack of communication or clashes of diverse perspectives, cultures, and beliefs can lead to conflicts, misinterpretation, and miscommunication, adversely impacting employee relationships and organizational environment. Refining communication styles prevents the workplace from becoming toxic and ensures information is conveyed and understood accurately.</p> <h5>Improves Retention</h5> <p>According to the <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Work Institute’s Retention report</a>, the average replacement cost for an employee earning a median salary of $50,000 a year is $16,500. Promoting effective workplace communication is cost-effective as it enhances employee retention, reducing the need for frequent recruiting and training.</p> <h5>Better Collaboration</h5> <p>Effective communication is the basis for collaboration. When everyone is aware of each other’s needs, preferences, strengths, and weaknesses, it fosters a supportive environment. Tools like <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">ProofHub</a> enhance collaboration by providing a centralized platform for team communication, project management, file sharing, and task tracking, ensuring seamless teamwork and unified project progression.</p> <h4>5 Key Tips to Improve Workplace Communication</h4> <p>Now that you have a complete understanding of effective workplace communication and its importance, let’s move forward and examine practical tips to enhance communication within your organization.</p> <figure data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Improve workplace communication" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Improve workplace communication" width="1000" height="667" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:1000px"></span></span></figure> <h5>1. Know What to Say and to Whom</h5> <p>Communication is an art that requires understanding of different communication styles. Being aware of your audience allows you to select your words carefully to be considerate. Consider the medium of communication that best suits the message and the audience, whether it be face-to-face interaction, email, or messaging. Establish clear communication guidelines to ensure messages align with the intended context and content, fostering a close-knit community.</p> <h5>2. Practice Two-Way Communication</h5> <p>Effective communication is bidirectional. It involves listening as much as talking. Keep an open perspective, understand the contributions of others, and provide a space for everyone to be heard without prejudice. Ensure that you reach out to acknowledge and consider every unique perspective, as not everyone will proactively share their thoughts.</p> <h5>3. Be Mindful of Your Non-Communicative Gestures</h5> <p>Non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions, body language, and voice tone, can unintentionally convey messages. Be mindful of these non-communicative gestures during conversations to avoid misunderstandings and project approachability, sincerity, and empathy, especially during challenging discussions.</p> <h5>4. Create a Collaborative Environment</h5> <p>Assess the quality of engagement within your team to ensure it’s genuine and not just superficial politeness. A healthy communicative environment prioritizes psychological safety, encouraging open exchange of ideas, feedback, and thoughts without fear of judgment. Modern workplaces benefit from enterprise communication solutions for internal collaboration, promoting an open dialogue exchange beyond traditional ideations.</p> <h5>5. Use Technological Applications</h5> <p>The adoption of remote and hybrid work setups globally has presented challenges in managing effective communication, especially in a distributed workforce. Utilizing technological tools like <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Chanty</a> or <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Slack</a> can streamline communication, serving as efficient alternatives for face-to-face interactions and ensuring everyone is aligned and informed.</p> <h4>Takeaway</h4> <p>Workplace communication has significantly evolved over the years, yet predicting its definitive future remains challenging. Remaining in the comfort zone is not conducive to progress.</p> <p>Despite uncertainties, improving workplace communication is crucial to ongoing success, as its significance has grown beyond simply exchanging information.</p> <p>In conclusion, continually enhancing your communication skills is essential to transforming your organization into a productivity powerhouse.</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Workplace Communication: Why It Is More Important Than Ever</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> Office workplace Vartika Kashyap 100+ Zapier Zaps (and Recipes) to Boost Productivity urn:uuid:5a353089-6d46-b9bf-0e8a-8a751703e875 Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:00:03 +0000 <p>Master automation with Zapier - explore over 100 Zaps and recipes for productivity.</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">100+ Zapier Zaps (and Recipes) to Boost Productivity</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> <p>Automation is a hot topic in the technology sector today, and for good reason. It’s a key driver of productivity, enabling maximum efficiency in various tasks, particularly when it comes to web services. This is where <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Zapier</a> comes into play – it’s one of the simplest tools for automation.</p> <p>Zapier stands out as a highly popular automation tool. It’s compatible with hundreds of web services and even supports conditional workflows. Plus, you can start using it for free! While the free version does have some limitations (like missing out on conditional workflows), it’s definitely worth exploring. Intrigued yet?</p> <div class="ref-block ref-block--post" id="ref-post-1"> <a href="" class="ref-block__link" title="Read More: 9 Tools Every Project Manager Should Know" rel="bookmark"><span class="screen-reader-text">9 Tools Every Project Manager Should Know</span></a> <div class="ref-block__thumbnail img-thumb img-thumb--jumbo" data-img='{ "src" : "" }'> <noscript> <style>.no-js #ref-block-post-26331 .ref-block__thumbnail { background-image: url(""); }</style> </noscript> </div> <div class="ref-block__summary"> <h4 class="ref-title">9 Tools Every Project Manager Should Know</h4> <p class="ref-description"> From task automation to team collaboration, explore the top project management tools that cater to diverse needs. Streamline... <span>Read more</span></p> </div> </div> <h4>How does Zapier function?</h4> <p>Zapier operates by establishing links between various web applications and services. These links are referred to as “Zaps”, which are based on the concept of cause and effect, or more specifically, triggers and actions. In Zapier’s terminology, a “Zap” is a connection that binds a trigger and an action together.</p> <p>To illustrate, suppose you post an image on Twitter, which is set as a trigger. Zapier recognizes this activity and then executes the corresponding action. For instance, it might take the image from your tweet and save it to your Google Drive. Fascinating, isn’t it?</p> <div class="ref-block ref-block--post" id="ref-post-2"> <a href="" class="ref-block__link" title="Read More: Integromat vs. Zapier: Features, Prices, Pros & Cons" rel="bookmark"><span class="screen-reader-text">Integromat vs. Zapier: Features, Prices, Pros & Cons</span></a> <div class="ref-block__thumbnail img-thumb img-thumb--jumbo" data-img='{ "src" : "" }'> <noscript> <style>.no-js #ref-block-post-57558 .ref-block__thumbnail { background-image: url(""); }</style> </noscript> </div> <div class="ref-block__summary"> <h4 class="ref-title">Integromat vs. Zapier: Features, Prices, Pros & Cons</h4> <p class="ref-description"> Compare Integromat and Zapier for task automation with insights on features, pricing, and usability. <span>Read more</span></p> </div> </div> <h4>How to create and use zaps?</h4> <p>Before talking about the useful zaps, let’s see how to create and use them:</p> <ol class="steps"> <li>First of all, open and <strong>log in to Zapier</strong> (or sign up if required).</li> <figure data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Log in to or sign up at Zapier" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img src="" width="1200" height="671" alt="Log in to or sign up at Zapier" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:55%;max-width:1200px"></span></span></figure> <li>You’ll see the home screen asking you to create your first zap. <strong>Type and search for the apps</strong> you wish to connect. Next, select a trigger and an action from their dropdown and click “<strong>Use Zap</strong>“. <p> <strong>Note:</strong> Alternatively, you can <strong>click the links</strong> given below to check out those zaps directly, and then, you can continue below to configure them.</p></li> <figure data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Select the services to connect using Zapier" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" width="1200" height="526" alt="Select the services to connect using Zapier" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:43%;max-width:1200px"></span></span></figure> <li>In the zap editor, click “<strong>Connect an Account</strong>” to connect the trigger app or service first. Then, click the “<strong>Save + Continue</strong>” button.</li> <figure data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Connect your account to Zapier" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" width="1200" height="498" alt="Connect your account to Zapier" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:41%;max-width:1200px"></span></span></figure> <li>Now, pick a sample (if asked) to test the zap and click <strong>Continue</strong>.</li> <li>Then, <strong>select the app or service</strong> to carry out the action when the trigger happens. You need to select this again even if you picked it earlier.</li> <figure data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Choose an action app inside Zapier" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" width="1200" height="365" alt="Choose an action app inside Zapier" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:30%;max-width:1200px"></span></span></figure> <li>Now, select an action to perform in the zap. Of course, if you selected it before, it will be pre-selected for you. So, just click <strong>Continue</strong>.</li> <figure data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Select the action for your zap" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" width="993" height="711" alt="Select the action for your zap" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:71%;max-width:993px"></span></span></figure> <li>Then, press “<strong>Connect an Account</strong>” to connect the app or service you wish to perform an action. After you connect it, click <strong>Test</strong> to check its connection with Zapier, and finally, click “<strong>Save + Continue</strong>“.</li> <figure data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Connect the action service to Zapier" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" width="1200" height="518" alt="Connect the action service to Zapier" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:43%;max-width:1200px"></span></span></figure> <li>Next, you must <strong>configure the options</strong> for the action. It will differ per the action in your zap, but it will be simple as shown here. For example, I am creating a zap for saving my tweets’ links to a text file in Dropbox.</li> <figure data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Set up the action details for your zap" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" width="892" height="1001" alt="Set up the action details for your zap" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:112%;max-width:892px"></span></span></figure> <li>Finally, on the next screen, test your zap before activating it. If you’re satisfied with it, click <strong>Finish</strong> to save and activate your zap.</li> <figure data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Test your zap then activate it in Zapier" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" width="893" height="910" alt="Test your zap then activate it in Zapier" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:101%;max-width:893px"></span></span></figure> </ol> <h4>Zaps for Google Apps & Services</h4> <p>Allow me to introduce you to the concept of “zaps”, a tool for automating Google apps and services. While Google Apps Scripts offer a more customizable approach to automation, Zapier provides a quick and easy alternative.</p> <p>For those seeking greater flexibility, we recommend exploring our collection of <a href="">handy Google Apps Scripts</a>. These scripts can help you <a href="">master Gmai</a>l and <a href="">automate tasks in Google Drive</a>.</p> <h5>Gmail</h5> <div class="su-table su-table-alternate"> <table> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Save new Gmail attachments to Google Drive</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Send email notifications or follow-ups from new Typeform entries</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Create Trello cards from new Gmail emails</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Save Gmail attachments to Dropbox as original file format</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Get new Gmail emails in Slack (full email)</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Create Wunderlist tasks from starred emails in Gmail</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Add new starred emails to Todoist as tasks</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> <h5>Google Calendar</h5> <div class="su-table su-table-alternate"> <table> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Create new Trello cards from new Google Calendar events</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Add new Google Calendar events to Todoist as tasks</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Create Google Calendar events from new Trello cards</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Create new Google Calendar event from Toggl time entry</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Create new Asana tasks from new Google Calendar events</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Post approaching Google Calendar events to a Slack channel</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> <h5>Google Contacts</h5> <div class="su-table su-table-alternate"> <table> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Send new HubSpot contacts to Google Contacts</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Create Google Contacts from new Google Sheets rows</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Add Google Contacts to your Google Sheets</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Add new Google Contacts contacts to MailChimp</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Copy Google Contacts contacts to Office 365</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> <h5>Google Drive</h5> <div class="su-table su-table-alternate"> <table> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Copy new Google Drive files in a specific folder to Dropbox</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Print files from Google Drive Automatically with Google Cloud Print</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Copy new Google Drive files to OneDrive</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Create an RSS feed of new Google Drive files in a folder</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Create Trello cards from new Google Drive files</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> <h5>Google Forms</h5> <div class="su-table su-table-alternate"> <table> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Share Google Forms responses in a Slack channel</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Create MailChimp subscribers from Google Forms submissions</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Send email via Gmail for new Google Forms submissions</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">POST new Google Forms responses to a webhook URL</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Add Google Sheets rows for new Google Forms responses</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Update Google Sheets rows from new Google Forms responses</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Create JIRA issues from new Google Forms responses</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Get email notifications for new Google Forms responses</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> <h5>Google Sheets</h5> <div class="su-table su-table-alternate"> <table> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Save new Typeform entries to a Google Sheets spreadsheet</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Save Gmail emails matching certain traits to a Google Spreadsheet</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Create Trello cards from new Google Sheets rows</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Post a new message to Slack whenever a Google Sheets row is updated</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Create Google Calendar events from new Google Sheets spreadsheet rows</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Add info to a Google Sheet from new Webhook POSTs</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Add subscribers to MailChimp from a Google Sheets spreadsheet</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> <h4>Zaps for Productivity Tools</h4> <p>Next, let’s check out the zaps aka recipes for automating productivity apps like <a href="">Evernote</a> and <a href="">Slack</a>. Then, you can boost productivity even more.</p> <h5>HubSpot</h5> <div class="su-table su-table-alternate"> <table> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Send new HubSpot contacts to Google Contacts</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Add new HubSpot contacts to a MailChimp list</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Get Slack notifications for new HubSpot form submissions</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a rel="nofol Internet Productivity Tools Ashutosh KS Is Your iPad Displaying the ‘iPad Unavailable’ Message? Here’s How to Fix It urn:uuid:f26b3208-99f7-6d73-75d3-3118c2feeb5c Wed, 17 Apr 2024 07:00:17 +0000 <p>Are you wondering why your iPad is displaying the “iPad Unavailable” message and not accepting your passcode? It’s likely that the passcode has been entered incorrectly too many times, triggering the device’s security lock. This is a security feature designed by Apple to prevent unauthorized access. In this article, we’ll explore the "iPad Unavailable" message&#8230;</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Is Your iPad Displaying the &#8216;iPad Unavailable&#8217; Message? Here&#8217;s How to Fix It</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> <p>Are you wondering why your iPad is displaying the “<em>iPad Unavailable</em>” message and not accepting your passcode? It’s likely that the passcode has been entered incorrectly too many times, triggering the device’s security lock. </p> <p>This is a security feature designed by Apple to prevent unauthorized access. In this article, we’ll explore the "<em>iPad Unavailable"</em> message and provide several solutions to resolve it.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Illustrative image of an iPad showing an 'iPad Unavailable' message." srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Illustrative image of an iPad showing an 'iPad Unavailable' message." width="1500" height="835" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:55%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <div class="su-box su-box-style-default su-box-v7" id="" style="border-color:#000000;border-radius:3px"> <div class="su-box-title" style="background-color:#333333;color:#FFFFFF;border-top-left-radius:1px;border-top-right-radius:1px">Table of Content</div> <div class="su-box-content su-u-clearfix su-u-trim" style="border-bottom-left-radius:1px;border-bottom-right-radius:1px"> <ul> <li><a href="#understand_error">Understanding "iPad Unavailable" Messages</a></li> <li><strong>Ways to Fix It:</strong> <ul> <li><a href="#method_1">Enter The Correct Passcode</a></li> <li><a href="#method_2">Fix iPad Unavailable via Dedicated Tool</a></li> <li><a href="#method_3">Unlock an Unavailable iPad via Erase Option</a></li> <li><a href="#method_4">Erase an Unavailable iPad via iCloud</a></li> <li><a href="#method_5">Get Rid of iPad Unavailable Message via iTunes</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#summary">Summary</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="su-divider su-divider-style-list" style="margin:15px 0;border-width:3px;border-color:#999999"></div> <h4 id="understand_error">Understanding “iPad Unavailable” Messages</h4> <p>When your iPad displays an “<em>iPad Unavailable</em>” message, it typically results from multiple incorrect passcode entries. If you enter the wrong unlock code five times in succession, the device activates its Security Lock feature.</p> <p>The duration of this security lock increases with each incorrect attempt: starting at 1 minute and extending to 5, 15, 30, and finally 60 minutes. If incorrect attempts reach 10, the message changes to “<em><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">iPad unavailable</a></em>” without a timer, indicating that the device is completely locked.</p> <p>Under these conditions, remembering and entering the correct passcode may no longer unlock the device.</p> <div class="su-divider su-divider-style-list" style="margin:15px 0;border-width:3px;border-color:#999999"></div> <h4>Try These Few Ways to Fix It</h4> <h5 id="method_1">Method 1: Enter the Correct Passcode</h5> <p>This is the straightforward solution. If your device displays the message “<em>iPad Unavailable/Security Lockout, try again in X minutes</em>” on the lock screen, wait until it permits you to attempt entering the passcode again. </p> <p>Make sure to enter the correct passcode to avoid further waiting times for subsequent attempts.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Enter passcode" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Enter passcode" width="1500" height="1018" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:67%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <div class="su-divider su-divider-style-list" style="margin:15px 0;border-width:3px;border-color:#999999"></div> <h5 id="method_2">Method 2: Resolve ‘iPad Unavailable’ Using a Specialized Tool</h5> <p>If your iPad shows “<em>iPad is unavailable</em>” without a timer, or you prefer not to wait for the timer to expire, consider using a dedicated software solution to unlock it.</p> <p><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">iSunshare iPhone Passcode Genius</a> is a tool designed to remove various types of security locks from iOS and iPadOS devices, including screen lock passwords, MDM restrictions, Screen Time passwords, and Apple IDs. It supports a wide range of Apple devices, such as the latest iPhones, iPads, and iPods.</p> <p>To use iSunshare iPhone Passcode Genius to solve the problem, follow these steps:</p> <ol class="steps"> <li>Download and install iSunshare iPhone Passcode Genius on your PC. Launch the software and select the “<strong>Unlock Lock Screen</strong>” option.</li> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Unlock Lock Screen option in iSunshare iPhone Passcode Genius" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Unlock Lock Screen option in iSunshare iPhone Passcode Genius" width="1500" height="1010" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:67%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <li>Connect your iPad to your computer using a USB cable and click “<strong>Next</strong>” to proceed.</li> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Prompt to click 'Next' after connecting iPad" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Prompt to click 'Next' after connecting iPad" width="1500" height="1111" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:74%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <li>The software will automatically detect your device and prompt you to choose a location to save the firmware package. Click “<strong>Download</strong>” and wait for the download to complete.</li> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Downloading firmware package" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Downloading firmware package" width="1500" height="841" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:56%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <li>Once the firmware is downloaded, click “Unlock” to begin the unlocking process. The software will then immediately resolve the “iPad Unavailable” issue.</li> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Clicking 'Unlock' to fix iPad Unavailable" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Clicking 'Unlock' to fix iPad Unavailable" width="1500" height="931" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:62%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> </ol> <p>Wait for a few minutes, the software will notify you “<strong>Unlocked screen successfully</strong>“, your iPad will reboot and you can access it and restore data from backup. </p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="unlock process done" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="unlock process done" width="1500" height="907" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:60%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <p><strong>Pros: </strong>This method has a high success rate for resolving "<em>iPad Unavailable</em>" messages and other passcode-related issues on both iPads and iPhones.</p> <p><strong>Cons: </strong>It requires access to a computer to use (download and install) the software for unlocking the device.</p> <div class="su-divider su-divider-style-list" style="margin:15px 0;border-width:3px;border-color:#999999"></div> <h5 id="method_3">Method 3: Unlock an Unavailable iPad via Erase Option</h5> <p>No computer? No problem. Apple provides a solution for users who have accidentally triggered the iPad’s secure lock mode. The “<strong>Erase iPad</strong>” option on the iPad unavailable lock screen allows you to unlock your device without a computer. </p> <p>However, this method will completely erase all content on your device and requires your Apple ID and credentials.</p> <ol class="steps"> <li>Enter the incorrect passcode seven times consecutively until the iPad displays “<em>iPad unavailable</em>", try again in 15 minutes.” At this point, an “<strong>Erase iPad</strong>” button will appear in the bottom right corner of the screen.</li> <li>Tap the “<strong>Erase iPad</strong>” button, then tap it again to confirm that you want to erase all content.</li> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Erase iPad option on the lock screen" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Erase iPad option on the lock screen" width="1500" height="1033" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:68%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <li>Enter your Apple ID password when prompted, and tap “<strong>Erase iPad</strong>” again to begin the erasure process.</li> </ol> <p><strong>Pros: </strong>This method allows you to unlock your iPad without the need for a computer or iTunes.</p> <p><strong>Cons: </strong>It is only effective on certain devices running specific versions of iOS and requires a valid internet connection to work.</p> <div class="su-divider su-divider-style-list" style="margin:15px 0;border-width:3px;border-color:#999999"></div> <h5 id="method_4">Method 4: Erase an Unavailable iPad via iCloud</h5> <p>If the “<strong>Find My iPad</strong>” feature is enabled on your device, you can use iCloud to erase your iPad and when it’s erased, it’s automatically unlocked.</p> <p>Here’s how to do it:</p> <ol class="steps"> <li>Visit <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a> on another device, and log in with your Apple ID associated with the iPad.</li> <li>Click on “<strong>Find My</strong>” from the dashboard, and you’ll be prompted to re-enter your Apple ID and password for verification.</li> <li>From the “<strong>All Devices</strong>” list, select the locked iPad, click on “<strong>Erase iPad</strong>,” confirm the operation, and wait for the process to complete. The iPad will then be unlocked.</li> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Erasing an iPad via iCloud interface" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Erasing an iPad via iCloud interface" width="1500" height="716" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:47%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> </ol> <p><strong>Pros: </strong>This method does not require any software downloads.</p> <p><strong>Cons: </strong>You must have the Apple ID and password used on the locked iPad to perform this operation.</p> <div class="su-divider su-divider-style-list" style="margin:15px 0;border-width:3px;border-color:#999999"></div> <h5 id="method_5">Method 5: Remove ‘iPad Unavailable’ Message via iTunes</h5> <p>You can also resolve the "<em>iPad Unavailable</em>" issue using iTunes, which does not require internet access, nor does it require your Apple ID and credentials. Here’s how you can do it:</p> <ol class="steps"> <li>Update iTunes on your Windows PC to the latest version, then connect the unavailable iPad to your computer.</li> <li>Put the iPad into Recovery Mode.</li> <li>Once in Recovery Mode, iTunes will automatically detect the iPad. You will be prompted to either “<strong>Restore</strong>” or “<strong>Update</strong>” the device. Select “<strong>Restore</strong>” and wait for the factory reset process to complete.</li> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Restoring iPad via iTunes" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Restoring iPad via iTunes" width="1500" height="896" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:59%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> </ol> <p><strong>Pros: </strong>This method allows you to unlock an iPad without needing the Apple ID associated with it.</p> <p><strong>Cons: </strong>Entering Recovery Mode can be complex and may be challenging for some users.</p> <div class="su-divider su-divider-style-list" style="margin:15px 0;border-width:3px;border-color:#999999"></div> <h4 id="summary">Summary</h4> <p>Dealing with an “<em>iPad Unavailable</em>” message can be stressful, especially if you don’t remember your passcode or if the waiting time to retry is too long. So here’s a re-cap, depending on your situation, you can select the most convenient option:</p> <ul> <li><strong><a href="#method_1">Direct Passcode Entry</a>:</strong> The simplest method, which involves entering the correct passcode after waiting for the designated lockout period to expire.</li> <li><strong><a href="#method_2">Specialized Tool (iSunshare iPhone Passcode Genius)</a>:</strong> Useful for bypassing the lock without a waiting period, particularly if the device is completely locked. However, it requires a computer to operate.</li> <li><strong><a href="#method_3">Erase via iPad Options</a>:</strong> A viable option if no computer is available, though it results in the loss of all data on the iPad unless backed up.</li> <li><strong><a href="#method_4">iCloud Erasure</a>:</strong> Effective if “Find My iPad” is enabled, allowing remote erasure and unlocking of the iPad. This method also erases all contents on the device.</li> <li><strong><a href="#method_5">iTunes Recovery</a>:</strong> A method that doesn’t require internet or Apple ID credentials but involves complicated steps to enter Recovery Mode.</li> </ul> <p>Each method serves different needs and comes with specific requirements and drawbacks. Whether you have immediate access to a computer, whether your device has “Find My iPad” enabled, and whether you know your Apple ID and passcode can all influence your choice of method. </p> <p>Evaluate your circumstances and choose the approach that best fits your situation to efficiently restore access to your iPad.</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Is Your iPad Displaying the &#8216;iPad Unavailable&#8217; Message? Here&#8217;s How to Fix It</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> Mobile bc Kate Dagli 10+ Online Tools to Create Cartoon Characters of Yourself urn:uuid:40068831-5bcd-b955-e2c5-f7c6a9bfb1a5 Tue, 16 Apr 2024 13:00:11 +0000 <p>Transform yourself into a cartoon character with these online tools. Get creative and have fun with your online persona. Easy and free to use!</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">10+ Online Tools to Create Cartoon Characters of Yourself</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> <p>If you are <strong>not comfortable using real photos</strong> to represent yourself in any online profiles and avatars, why not create a cartoon character of yourself? It’ll be fun and unique to others when you are <strong>representing yourself in a cartoonized way in your online profiles</strong>.</p> <p>Thanks to many free web services, you don’t have to pay an artist for your cartoon illustrations. All you have to do is upload your photo or run some mix-and-match. Here are 13 websites that allow you to create a <strong>cartoon character of yourself</strong>.</p> <div class="ref-block ref-block--post" id="ref-post-3"> <a href="" class="ref-block__link" title="Read More: 10 Websites to Have Fun With Your Photos" rel="bookmark"><span class="screen-reader-text">10 Websites to Have Fun With Your Photos</span></a> <div class="ref-block__thumbnail img-thumb img-thumb--jumbo" data-img='{ "src" : "" }'> <noscript> <style>.no-js #ref-block-post-3884 .ref-block__thumbnail { background-image: url(""); }</style> </noscript> </div> <div class="ref-block__summary"> <h4 class="ref-title">10 Websites to Have Fun With Your Photos</h4> <p class="ref-description"> Getting a little bored with how your photos are presented online? How about injecting some fun and humor... <span>Read more</span></p> </div> </div> <h4><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Sapiens Character Builder</a></h4> <p>Explore a variety of customizable body parts, backgrounds, and poses in three styles to create character illustrations for your projects. Sapiens Character Builder by UI8 provides a straightforward way to assemble unique characters.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Sapiens Character Builder<" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Sapiens Character Builder<" width="1500" height="993" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href=""></a></h4> <p>Cartoonify is a straightforward online tool for creating cartoon avatars. You can choose from 300 different graphic elements to add to your character and save your creation in PNG, SVG, or upload to Gravatar. There’s also a how-to guide to help you create your character on the site. </p> <figure class="border-solid-1"><img src="" alt=""></figure> <h4><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">AI Cartoonizer</a></h4> <p>AI Cartoonizer can turn any photo into a cartoon-style image. It lets you turn your face into anime, caricature, or Disney-style characters within a few seconds. The tool is also available for Android and iOS. You can edit and tinker with the created characters and add text, frames, and additional effects. </p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="AI Cartoonizer" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="AI Cartoonizer" width="1500" height="752" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:50%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href=""></a></h4> <p> is an instant cartoon character maker that fast and free. Just upload your photo, start the process, and get an interesting image within seconds. You can give effects to your photos or turn them into caricatures and share the characters with friends or on social media. Plus, you don’t have to create an account to convert your photos. </p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="" width="1500" height="1183" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:78%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">VanceAI Toongineer</a></h4> <p>VanceAI Toongineer is an AI-powered tool that turns your normal photos into cartoons in the quickest way possible. You can give your pictures some amazing effects and artistic touch. The created images are high-quality, so you can easily get them printed.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="VanceAI Toongineer" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="VanceAI Toongineer" width="1500" height="801" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:53%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Image to Cartoon</a></h4> <p>Image to Cartoon enables you to turn your photos into cartoon characters and avatars with just a few clicks. You can add any interesting body (batman, superman, aviator) to your characters and add your characters to a cool background and have fun with it. The best part is, the image you’ll create will be deleted from the app within 3 hours. </p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Image to Cartoon" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Image to Cartoon" width="1500" height="652" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:43%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Bitmoji</a></h4> <p>Create realistic and creative cartoon characters with Bitmoji. On the website, you need to create an account and start making a perfect bitmoji adding your peculiar features. Moreover, you can share the created bitmoji in any iOS or Android app and add them to iMessage, Gboard, or as a Chrome extension to your browser. </p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Bitmoji" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Bitmoji" width="1500" height="807" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:53%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Photokako</a></h4> <p>Claiming to be one of the best online photo editors in Japan, Photokako lets you turn your photos into different effects and characters. Interestingly, the site features hundreds of effects or editing samples so you can easily pick the best for your photos. Plus, its free and really easy to use. </p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Photokako" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Photokako" width="1500" height="995" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Avatar Maker</a></h4> <p>Avatar maker can help you create an interesting avatar for yourself or for your projects. Through an interesting interface, you can add different elements to your avatar in terms of hair, face, eyes, clothes, and background. Once done, you can download your character in SVG or PNG format. </p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Avatar Maker" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Avatar Maker" width="1500" height="990" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:66%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href=""></a></h4> <p>An AI-powered tool,, can turn your portrait photos or selfies into 3D cartoon characters. You can drag-and-drop, upload, or paste the image URL and cartoonize it with one click. The website is also available as an Android and iOS app. </p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="" width="1500" height="855" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:56%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Befunky Photo to Cartoon</a></h4> <p>Befunky Photo to Cartoon lets you upload your photos on PNG, JPG, or BDF format and convert them into cartoon characters. There are different editing features for changing color, touchups and adding text, graphics, and frames etc. You can also choose from a number of pre-made effects and apply to your photos. </p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Befunky Photo to Cartoon" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Befunky Photo to Cartoon" width="1500" height="844" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:56%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Instructables craft</a></h4> <p>The site has detailed instructions how to create a drawing or cartoon of yourself in Photoshop or Illustrator. Note: you need to have Photoshop or Illustrator to follow the instructions and perhaps some drawing skills.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Instructables craft" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Instructables craft" width="1500" height="1081" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:72%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Portrait Illustration Maker</a></h4> <p>Portrait Illustration make is a free cartoon avatar generator. Just hit the “Randomizer” button and the site will automatically generate avatars randomly. You can save the Avatar image by right-clicking them and using the Save Image As option from the context menu.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Portrait Illustration Maker" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Portrait Illustration Maker" width="1500" height="786" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:52%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h4><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href=""></a></h4> <p>This awesome site can not only turn your landscape photo into a watercolor drawing, but also make your face morph. Just upload your photo to the website and get numerous changes of facial expressions.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="" width="1500" height="619" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:41%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">10+ Online Tools to Create Cartoon Characters of Yourself</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> Internet Cartoon Nancy Young 10 Best Support Ticketing Systems for 2024 (Free and Paid) urn:uuid:f0ad4e40-1c07-b4cc-7cd2-cff6349b36d5 Mon, 15 Apr 2024 13:15:23 +0000 <p>Whether you’re running a small online business or a large corporation, if your business revolves around customer service and interaction, adopting a ticketing system is a wise move, or at the very least, worth considering. These systems are more than mere tools; they’re vital lifelines for businesses dedicated to exceptional customer service and efficient support&#8230;</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">10 Best Support Ticketing Systems for 2024 (Free and Paid)</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> <p>Whether you’re running a small online business or a large corporation, if your business revolves around customer service and interaction, adopting a ticketing system is a wise move, or at the very least, worth considering. </p> <p>These systems are more than mere tools; they’re vital lifelines for businesses dedicated to exceptional customer service and efficient support processes. The ideal ticketing system can elevate your support strategy, transforming every customer interaction into a chance for growth and building loyalty. If your aim is to streamline and keep track of customer interactions, these systems are indispensable. </p> <p>In this post, we’re excited to spotlight the best support ticketing systems available, both free and paid. </p> <h5>Overview:</h5> <div class="su-table su-table-alternate su-table-fixed"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Zendesk logo" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Zendesk logo" width="1024" height="768" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:75%;max-width:1024px"></span></span></td> <td><strong>Zendesk</strong>: Great when integrated with other Zendesk products. <a href="#zendesk">See details ↓</a> <p> <small>Starts at $19/agent/mth.</small></p> <p> <a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#bc2f34;border-color:#97262a;border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:0px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:26px;border-color:#d16e71;border-radius:0px"> Try for free </span></a></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Atera logo" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Atera logo" width="1024" height="768" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:75%;max-width:1024px"></span></span></td> <td><strong>Atera</strong>: All-in-one IT management with flat-rate pricing <a href="#atera">See details ↓</a> <p> <small>Starts at $99/user/mth.</small></p> <p> <a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#bc2f34;border-color:#97262a;border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:0px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:26px;border-color:#d16e71;border-radius:0px"> Try for free </span></a></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="NinJaOne logo" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="NinJaOne logo" width="1024" height="768" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:75%;max-width:1024px"></span></span></td> <td><strong>NinjaOne</strong>: Boosts IT efficiency with rich features. <a href="#ninjaone">See details ↓</a> <p> <small>Visit site for pricing.</small></p> <p> <a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#bc2f34;border-color:#97262a;border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:0px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:26px;border-color:#d16e71;border-radius:0px"> Try for free </span></a></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Hiver logo" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Hiver logo" width="1024" height="768" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:75%;max-width:1024px"></span></span></td> <td><strong>Hiver</strong>: Integrates with Gmail. <a href="#hiver">See details ↓</a> <p> <small>Starts at $15/user/mth.</small></p> <p> <a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#bc2f34;border-color:#97262a;border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:0px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:26px;border-color:#d16e71;border-radius:0px"> Try for free </span></a></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Sysaid logo" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Sysaid logo" width="1024" height="768" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:75%;max-width:1024px"></span></span></td> <td><strong>SysAid Helpdesk</strong>: Easy to set up. <a href="#sysaid">See details ↓</a> <p> <small>Visit site for pricing.</small></p> <p> <a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#bc2f34;border-color:#97262a;border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:0px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:26px;border-color:#d16e71;border-radius:0px"> Check price </span></a></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Freshdesk logo" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Freshdesk logo" width="1024" height="768" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:75%;max-width:1024px"></span></span></td> <td><strong>Freshdesk</strong>: Free for up to 10 agents. <a href="#freshdesk">See details ↓</a> <p> <small>Starts at $15/agent/mth. Has free plan.</small></p> <p> <a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#bc2f34;border-color:#97262a;border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:0px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:26px;border-color:#d16e71;border-radius:0px"> Try for free </span></a></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Zoho Desk logo" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Zoho Desk logo" width="1024" height="768" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:75%;max-width:1024px"></span></span></td> <td><strong>Zoho Desk</strong>: Great choice for current Zoho users. <a href="#zohodesk">See details ↓</a> <p> <small>Starts at $14/user/mth.</small></p> <p> <a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#bc2f34;border-color:#97262a;border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:0px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:26px;border-color:#d16e71;border-radius:0px"> Try it </span></a></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="ManageEngine logo" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="ManageEngine logo" width="1024" height="768" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:75%;max-width:1024px"></span></span></td> <td><strong>ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus</strong>: Easy-to-use interface. <a href="#manageengine">See details ↓</a> <p> <small>Starts at $10/user/mth.</small></p> <p> <a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#bc2f34;border-color:#97262a;border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:0px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:26px;border-color:#d16e71;border-radius:0px"> Try it </span></a></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Salesforce logo" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Salesforce logo" width="1024" height="768" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:75%;max-width:1024px"></span></span></td> <td><strong>Salesforce Service Cloud</strong>: With the most comprehensive features. <a href="#salesforce">See details ↓</a> <p> <small>Starts at $25/user/mth.</small></p> <p> <a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#bc2f34;border-color:#97262a;border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:0px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:26px;border-color:#d16e71;border-radius:0px"> Try for free </span></a></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Deskpro logo" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Deskpro logo" width="1024" height="768" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:75%;max-width:1024px"></span></span></td> <td><strong>Deskpro</strong>: Install and run on the cloud or on-premise. <a href="#deskpro">See details ↓</a> <p> <small>Starts at $29/agent/mth.</small></p> <p> <a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#bc2f34;border-color:#97262a;border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:0px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:26px;border-color:#d16e71;border-radius:0px"> Try it </span></a></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Hesk logo" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Hesk logo" width="1024" height="768" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:75%;max-width:1024px"></span></span></td> <td><strong>Hesk</strong>: Free and self-hosted content management system. <a href="#hesk">See details ↓</a> <p> <small>Free.</small></p> <p> <a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#bc2f34;border-color:#97262a;border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:0px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:26px;border-color:#d16e71;border-radius:0px"> Download </span></a></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Tidio logo" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Tidio logo" width="1024" height="768" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:75%;max-width:1024px"></span></span></td> <td><strong>Tidio Ticketing System</strong>: Easy to set up, requiring no coding knowledge. <a href="#tidio">See details ↓</a> <p> <small>Starts at $29/agent/mth. Has free plan.</small></p> <p> <a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#bc2f34;border-color:#97262a;border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:0px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:26px;border-color:#d16e71;border-radius:0px"> Try for free </span></a></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="osTicket logo" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="osTicket logo" width="1024" height="768" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:75%;max-width:1024px"></span></span></td> <td><strong>osTicket</strong>: Free, open-source, and community-supported. <a href="#osticket">See details ↓</a> <p> <small>Free. Cloud-hosted starts at $12/agent/mth.</small></p> <p> <a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#bc2f34;border-color:#97262a;border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:0px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:26px;border-color:#d16e71;border-radius:0px"> Download </span></a></p></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="su-divider su-divider-style-list" style="margin:15px 0;border-width:3px;border-color:#999999"></div> <h4 id="zendesk"><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" class="js-aw-brand-link" data-feed="ZvisSGyMi3bXTxWP499DKvYqQKyC9zFK" target="_blank">Zendesk</a></h4> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" class="js-aw-brand-link" data-feed="ZvisSGyMi3bXTxWP499DKvYqQKyC9zFK" target="_blank"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Zendesk" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Zendesk" width="1000" height="697" data-lazy-src=""></a><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:69%;max-width:1000px"></span></span></figure> <p>The first in our list is Zendesk. It is a great tool created to cater to the requirements of customers, service agents, and managers. It has a user-friendly interface that lets customers raise their concerns or issues through different platforms such as websites, emails, phone calls, and even Facebook. Service agents can view customer details and participate in group discussions, while managers have access to important data and reports for analysis.</p> <p>Additionally, Zendesk can be used on Android and iOS devices.</p> <h5>Zendesk’s price:</h5> <p>Zendesk starts at <strong>$19/month</strong>. <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Try a demo.</a></p> <h5>What we like:</h5> <div class="su-list" style="margin-left:0px"> <ul> <li><i class="sui sui-check-circle" style="color:#b1d9a5"></i> There are many options for customer engagement.</li> <li><i class="sui sui-check-circle" style="color:#b1d9a5"></i> The tool supports a variety of file formats for upload.</li> <li><i class="sui sui-check-circle" style="color:#b1d9a5"></i> It offers a selection of community themes and a feature for global UI changes.</li> </ul> </div> <h5>What we don’t like:</h5> <div class="su-list" style="margin-left:0px"> <ul> <li><i class="sui sui-times-circle" style="color:#e5918f"></i> There isn’t much flexibility for structural modifications.</li> <li><i class="sui sui-times-circle" style="color:#e5918f"></i> The ticketing system lacks a feature for sorting.</li> <li><i class="sui sui-times-circle" style="color:#e5918f"></i> Integrations do not support two-way synchronization.</li> </ul> </div> <p><a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat js-aw-brand-link" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#bc2f34;border-color:#97262a;border-radius:0px;-moz-border-radius:0px;-webkit-border-radius:0px" target="_self" rel="nofollow noopener"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:7px 20px;font-size:16px;line-height:24px;border-color:#d16e71;border-radius:0px;-moz-border-radius:0px;-webkit-border-radius:0px;text-shadow:none;-moz-text-shadow:none;-webkit-text-shadow:none"><i class="sui sui-external-link" style="font-size:16px;color:#FFFFFF"></i> Check out Zendesk </span></a></p> <div class="su-divider su-divider-style-list" style="margin:15px 0;border-width:3px;border-color:#999999"></div> <h4 id="atera"><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" class="js-aw-brand-link" data-feed="8AEEe3JbvTyYZTGnPoTzw4yGxKxIdyyB">Atera Helpdesk</a></h4> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" class="js-aw-brand-link" data-feed="8AEEe3JbvTyYZTGnPoTzw4yGxKxIdyyB"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Atera Helpdesk" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Atera Helpdesk" width="1536" height="716" data-lazy-src=""></a><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:46%;max-width:1536px"></span></span></figure> <p>Atera Helpdesk is an all-in-one IT platform that combines remote monitoring and management with professional service automation. This powerful tool simplifies IT operations by integrating various functions into a single, easy-to-use interface. IT professionals can efficiently manage support tickets, monitor client networks, and conduct remote troubleshooting. </p> <p>Featuring real-time analytics and automated workflows, Atera optimizes efficiency and reduces response times. Its comprehensive set of tools supports everything from patch management to security monitoring, ensuring IT systems operate smoothly and securely. Atera’s predictive analytics enhance proactive maintenance and facilitate informed decision-making, improving customer satisfaction. </p> <p>Ideal for small to medium-sized IT businesses, Atera Helpdesk offers a cost-effective, flat-rate pricing model that allows for unlimited scalability, helping IT teams reduce manual tasks and focus on more strategic initiatives. </p> <h5>Atera’s price:</h5> <p>Atera offers a free 30-day trial with no credit card required.</p> <p>Its Pro paid plan starts at $99/month. Other paid plans include the Growth plan, starting at $129/month, and the Power plan at $169/month.</p> <h5>What we like:</h5> <div class="su-list" style="margin-left:0px"> <ul> <li><i class="sui sui-check-circle" style="color:#b1d9a5"></i> Combines RMM, PSA, and remote access.</li> <li><i class="sui sui-check-circle" style="color:#b1d9a5"></i> Unlimited devices, cost-effective for growth.</li> <li><i class="sui sui-check-circle" style="color:#b1d9a5"></i> Intuitive interface simplifies IT management.</li> <li><i class="sui sui-check-circle" style="color:#b1d9a5"></i> Quick and helpful customer service.</li> <li><i class="sui sui-check-circle" style="color:#b1d9a5"></i> Streamlines tasks like alerts and backups.</li> </ul> </div> <h5>What we don’t like:</h5> <div class="su-list" style="margin-left:0px"> <ul> <li><i class="sui sui-times-circle" style="color:#e5918f"></i> Mobile app less functional than desktop version.</li> <li><i class="sui sui-times-circle" style="color:#e5918f"></i> Takes time to master features.</li> </ul> </div> <p><a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat js-aw-brand-link" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#bc2f34;border-color:#97262a;border-radius:0px;-moz-border-radius:0px;-webkit-border-radius:0px" target="_ Internet appwiki gc Ashutosh KS 4 Strategies to Increase Low Average Order Value (AOV) in E-commerce urn:uuid:7ca4363f-4f7b-6020-e0d0-52485dbcc2fa Fri, 12 Apr 2024 07:00:44 +0000 <p>Dealing with a consistent stream of low-priced orders can be quite frustrating. This situation means the revenue per transaction is low, which hurts the bottom line and business growth. Could it be because of lackluster offers, or is there some hidden reason influencing shoppers not to fill up their carts with more products? Many stores&#8230;</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">4 Strategies to Increase Low Average Order Value (AOV) in E-commerce</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> <p>Dealing with a consistent stream of low-priced orders can be quite frustrating. This situation means the revenue per transaction is low, which hurts the bottom line and business growth. </p> <figure data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Increase Low Average Order Value" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Increase Low Average Order Value" width="1600" height="900" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:56%;max-width:1600px"></span></span></figure> <p>Could it be because of lackluster offers, or is there some hidden reason influencing shoppers not to fill up their carts with more products?</p> <p>Many stores miss out on potential earnings by not adequately incentivizing customers who have already shown an interest in their brand. Or perhaps they attempt to do so but leave a lot of money on the table.</p> <p>It’s essential to implement strategies to increase the average order value (AOV), which is the average value of all your sales transactions.</p> <h4>Factors Contributing to Low AOV</h4> <p>Let’s take the example of the famous <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Dollar Shave Club</a>, which skyrocketed to success by promoting one-dollar razor blades. </p> <p>Undoubtedly, they had great marketing from the very beginning on all fronts, such as creating winning video ads, which are still showcased as a shining example.</p> <p>However, their business wouldn’t have survived by selling one-dollar blades alone, not even at scale. The average order value (AOV) would have been way too low to make it a profitable venture. Their major profits come from other products, as they offer a range of men’s care products from electric trimmers and razors to shower gels and deodorants.</p> <p>You should similarly think about your store. Shoppers may come in for one enticing offer, possibly priced lower, but end up loving your brand and purchasing more than they originally planned.</p> <p>To increase average order value, there are a few key things to consider:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Pricing Strategies</strong> – Although they depend on the market and your ideal customer persona for whom the product is made, you still have control over many factors such as minimum order requirements, bundling, discounts, tiered pricing, cross-selling, and discount strategies. Be careful with discounts. If people see discounted offers too frequently, they may never purchase products at the normal price.</li> <li><strong>Product Assortment</strong> – Shoppers appreciate having a variety of options. Only if the website is difficult to navigate and customers feel overwhelmed by the abundance of products, could it pose a hurdle. To increase average order value (AOV), the product assortment must be well organized, especially with complementary products available for cross-selling.</li> <li><strong>Customer Behavior</strong> – You need to understand deeply how your customers buy. How do they come to your website? Is it from social media or Google? <strong>The behavior of visitors</strong> on your website can be easily monitored. By analyzing their user’s journey, you’ll be able to pinpoint hurdles and what stops them from buying more.</li> <li><strong>Industry Dynamics</strong> – Purchasing patterns and AOV depend on the industry you’re in, so it’s beneficial to understand AOV standards to gauge where you stand among the competition.</li> </ul> <h4>Strategies for Increasing Low Average Order Value</h4> <p>Here are successful strategies to implement to increase low AOV.</p> <h5>1. Product Bundling</h5> <p>To ensure success, package products that complement each other or make sense together, and offer them at a discounted price. </p> <p>For instance, you can pair shower gel with body lotion and deodorant, as these items are commonly used together.</p> <p>Additionally, consider creating themed bundles for special occasions like Christmas or Valentine’s Day, or invent your own themes like <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Jimmy Lion</a>, a renowned sock brand, has done with gift packs such as the <em>Dog Day Pack</em>, <em>Cat Night Pack</em>, and <em>Frida Kahlo Pack</em>.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Jimmy Lion socks bundle" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Jimmy Lion socks bundle" width="1344" height="636" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:47%;max-width:1344px"></span></span></figure> <div class="sue-icon-text su-image-caption" data-url="" data-target="self" style="min-height:34px;padding-left:36px;color:#333333"> <div class="sue-icon-text-icon" style="color:#333333;font-size:24px;width:24px;height:24px"><i class="sui sui-photo" style="font-size:24px;color:#333333"></i></div> <div class="sue-icon-text-content su-u-trim" style="color:#333333"><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Jimmylion</a></div> <div style="clear:both;height:0"></div> </div> <p>Another effective tactic is to combine a bestseller with items that aren’t selling as well, thus facilitating the sale of accumulated stock. In addition to discounts, consider adding an exclusive item that’s otherwise unavailable to make the bundle more appealing.</p> <p>Furthermore, you can combine variations of the same product, like the socks mentioned above. This strategy works particularly well in industries like cosmetics or food, where scents and tastes are easy to combine.</p> <p>However, ensure that your bundles present clear benefits to the customer without causing confusion or hurting the brand image.</p> <h5>2. Upselling and Cross-Selling</h5> <p>These two terms refer to techniques we employ when shoppers browse your website or during the checkout process.</p> <p>Upselling involves convincing the customer to purchase a more expensive item or a higher-tier option than what they originally intended.</p> <p>There are various methods for upselling. In practical terms, we also call it upselling when we offer shoppers a bundle instead of an individual product. Often, an upsell involves a package deal. With stackable products like razor blades, toothpaste, or supplements, offering more of the same at a discount is an effective strategy.</p> <p>For example, the bone broth brand <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Broya</a> upsells by offering different quantities on the product page. In addition to providing options for 5, 8, 16, or 24 pouches in a variety pack, they show how many servings you get with each option. This increases the perceived value for customers.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Broya upselling" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Broya upselling" width="1337" height="637" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:47%;max-width:1337px"></span></span></figure> <div class="sue-icon-text su-image-caption" data-url="" data-target="self" style="min-height:34px;padding-left:36px;color:#333333"> <div class="sue-icon-text-icon" style="color:#333333;font-size:24px;width:24px;height:24px"><i class="sui sui-photo" style="font-size:24px;color:#333333"></i></div> <div class="sue-icon-text-content su-u-trim" style="color:#333333"><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">BroyaLiving</a></div> <div style="clear:both;height:0"></div> </div> <p>Now, let’s consider an example of cross-selling, a technique aimed at selling complementary products.</p> <p><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Loftie</a>, a brand specializing in items that enhance the sleeping experience, employs a cross-selling technique. When you add their alarm clock to your cart, they also offer you a sleep mask.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Loftie alarm mask" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Loftie alarm mask" width="1300" height="598" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:46%;max-width:1300px"></span></span></figure> <p><small>Credit: <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">ByLoftie</a></small></p> <p>Since a sleep mask is significantly cheaper compared to an alarm clock, it appears inexpensive. This perception stems from comparing one item to another, leading to a psychological effect where we perceive the mask as cheaper than if we were considering it on its own.</p> <p>The key to success lies in personalization. Offer something relevant, such as items frequently bought together. Otherwise, recommend your best sellers, especially if you have not yet collected extensive purchase history data.</p> <h5>3. Free Shipping Thresholds and Incentives</h5> <p>Shipping fees are the most common reason why shoppers abandon their carts. At least <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">48% of cart abandonments</a> happen because extra costs like shipping and fees are too high. No other reason for cart abandonment reaches such a high rate.</p> <p>Determining a free shipping threshold requires careful planning and analysis of profit margins. There are several approaches to consider.</p> <p>Some stores decide to include shipping costs in the product price by raising it. However, if your average order value (AOV) tends to be low, the free shipping threshold should be set at least around 30% higher. The objective is to incrementally raise the bar for free shipping but not to scare away customers at the same time.</p> <p>Show shoppers both a visual and numerical representation of how much more they need to spend to reach the minimum order amount for free shipping. This method has proven highly effective in motivating them to make additional purchases.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Olipop free shipping" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Olipop free shipping" width="1158" height="570" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:49%;max-width:1158px"></span></span></figure> <div class="sue-icon-text su-image-caption" data-url="" data-target="self" style="min-height:34px;padding-left:36px;color:#333333"> <div class="sue-icon-text-icon" style="color:#333333;font-size:24px;width:24px;height:24px"><i class="sui sui-photo" style="font-size:24px;color:#333333"></i></div> <div class="sue-icon-text-content su-u-trim" style="color:#333333"><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">drinkolipop</a></div> <div style="clear:both;height:0"></div> </div> <p>Finally, combining free shipping with incentives such as signing up for a loyalty program or membership can further raise the appeal. We’ll delve into these strategies in more detail below.</p> <h5>4. Customer Loyalty Programs and Memberships</h5> <p>Acquiring a new customer typically costs five times more than retaining an existing one. Repeat customers are your most valuable asset. Let’s examine this through the lens of the Pareto principle.</p> <p>The <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Pareto principle</a>, or the 80/20 rule, suggests that 80% of outcomes result from 20% of causes. Applied to e-commerce, this implies that a significant portion of revenue or profits comes from a small fraction of customers.</p> <p>In other words, if you have this core 20% of customers who are enthusiastic about your products and keep coming back, it forms a strong foundation for business growth without major retention challenges.</p> <p>The first step is to create loyalty or membership subscriptions. Apart from offering discounts, some brands take it a step further. Take, for example, <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Pot Gang</a>, a UK brand specializing in gardening gear.</p> <p>It’s not just their watering cans that have excited people about the brand.</p> <p>They offer a unique membership subscription where members receive a monthly box with seeds, pots, and everything a beginner needs to start growing veggies and herbs.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Pot Gang membership" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Pot Gang membership" width="1328" height="634" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:47%;max-width:1328px"></span></span></figure> <div class="sue-icon-text su-image-caption" data-url="" data-target="self" style="min-height:34px;padding-left:36px;color:#333333"> <div class="sue-icon-text-icon" style="color:#333333;font-size:24px;width:24px;height:24px"><i class="sui sui-photo" style="font-size:24px;color:#333333"></i></div> <div class="sue-icon-text-content su-u-trim" style="color:#333333"><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Pot Gang</a></div> <div style="clear:both;height:0"></div> </div> <p>Each month, subscribers receive different seeds with pots to grow seasonal plants. It’s not solely about selling gear, but rather about creating a <em>‘gang’</em> of gardeners and guiding them step by step on their gardening journey.</p> <p>Loyalty programs and memberships not only increase customer lifetime value but also average order value. For instance, a customer who subscribes to toothpaste is more likely to purchase a toothbrush and dental floss as well.</p> <h4>Conclusion</h4> <p>We’ve outlined four reliable strategies for boosting the average order value in e-commerce stores. Numerous factors influence a shopper’s journey. By systematically approaching and understanding purchasing signals and patterns, you can significantly enhance revenue per transaction and grow your business.</p> <p>If people have already visited your website, they’re interested in and need what you offer. This presents the ideal opportunity to capture their attention, encourage them to purchase additional products, and guide them through a seamless checkout process.</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">4 Strategies to Increase Low Average Order Value (AOV) in E-commerce</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> E-Commerce Zorica Milinkovic 30 Best Color Tools for Web Designers (2024) urn:uuid:1655627b-ae3a-875d-197f-674ef11dacb6 Thu, 11 Apr 2024 13:00:44 +0000 <p>Choosing a color theme for your web design project might seem simple at first, but finding the perfect color combinations or creating a color scheme can be tricky, especially if you’re unsure which color tool fits your needs best. To make this easier, here are some of the top color tools for web designers to&#8230;</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">30 Best Color Tools for Web Designers (2024)</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> <p>Choosing a color theme for your web design project might seem simple at first, but <strong>finding the perfect color combinations</strong> or <a href="">creating a color scheme</a> can be tricky, especially if you’re unsure which color tool fits your needs best.</p> <p>To make this easier, here are some of the <strong>top color tools for web designers</strong> to help you pick the best color schemes for your projects. Let’s dive in.</p> <div class="ref-block ref-block--post" id="ref-post-1"> <a href="" class="ref-block__link" title="Read More: Apps For Web Designers on Budget" rel="bookmark"><span class="screen-reader-text">Apps For Web Designers on Budget</span></a> <div class="ref-block__thumbnail img-thumb img-thumb--jumbo" data-img='{ "src" : "" }'> <noscript> <style>.no-js #ref-block-post-10897 .ref-block__thumbnail { background-image: url(""); }</style> </noscript> </div> <div class="ref-block__summary"> <h4 class="ref-title">Apps For Web Designers on Budget</h4> <p class="ref-description"> Web design can be costly for designers; not only its process is time-consuming, but its tools also involve... <span>Read more</span></p> </div> </div> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Mesher’s Color Gradients</a></h5> <p>Ever thought a simple spacebar press could dramatically enhance your website’s look? Mesher makes it happen, generating random, stunning color gradients effortlessly.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="meshers color gradients" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="meshers color gradients" width="1500" height="859" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:57%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Khroma</a></h5> <p>Imagine an AI that knows your color preferences! With Khroma, after choosing 50 colors you love, it’ll craft palettes just for you, avoiding colors you dislike.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="khroma" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="khroma" width="1500" height="818" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:54%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Muzli Colors</a></h5> <p>Need the perfect palette? Muzli Colors lets you create, edit, and match palettes effortlessly. Dive into UI kits or upload an image to discover its palette.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="muzli colors " srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="muzli colors " width="1500" height="859" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:57%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Material Design Palette</a></h5> <p>Pick two colors and watch Material Design Palette do its magic, offering a full palette and shades with hex codes. Available in various formats for download.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="material design palette" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="material design palette" width="1500" height="852" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:56%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Colourcode’s Palette Builder</a></h5> <p>Find unique color combinations with Colourcode’s intuitive UI. Just move your cursor and adjust with dials for the perfect palette.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="colourcode palette builder" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="colourcode palette builder" width="1500" height="823" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:54%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Color Inspire</a></h5> <p>Ales Nesetril brings you curated palettes right from his artistic explorations on Instagram. Dive into a world of color for endless inspiration.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="color inspire" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="color inspire" width="1500" height="774" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:51%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Colorable</a></h5> <p>Adjust and customize colors to perfection with Colorable. Enter hex codes to check how well your colors match.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="colorable" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="colorable" width="1500" height="875" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:58%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Pigment</a></h5> <p>Pigment offers a fresh take on color palettes, focusing on lighting and pigment for those of us who prefer creativity over math.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="pigment" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="pigment" width="1500" height="869" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:57%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">147 Colors</a></h5> <p>Curious about every CSS color? 147 Colors is your go-to, allowing easy browsing, viewing, and filtering to design the perfect palette.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="147colors" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="147colors" width="1500" height="844" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:56%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Adobe Color</a></h5> <p>Formerly known as Adobe Kuler, Adobe Color is among the <strong>most favored features offered by Adobe for <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">mixing colors</a></strong>. It’s a go-to for designers looking to craft the perfect palette.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Adobe Color interface showcasing color wheel and palettes" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Adobe Color interface showcasing color wheel and palettes" width="700" height="426" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:60%;max-width:700px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">ColourLovers</a></h5> <p>ColourLovers is a vibrant <strong>community for those passionate about colors</strong>. It’s a treasure trove of images and their color palettes, ready for you to explore and use in your projects.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="ColourLovers website screenshot with colorful palettes" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="ColourLovers website screenshot with colorful palettes" width="1384" height="792" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:57%;max-width:1384px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Coolors</a></h5> <p>Coolors is your go-to for <strong>speedy color scheme generation</strong>. It’s incredibly user-friendly, letting you swiftly create and share color palettes. By selecting the main color from images, it <strong>uncovers perfect color matches</strong> for your design.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="coolors" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="coolors" width="1500" height="802" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:53%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Color Snapper 2</a></h5> <p>Exclusively for Mac users, Color Snapper 2 is a dream tool for graphic designers. It’s crafted to let you <strong>experiment, fine-tune, organize, save, and export colors</strong> directly from your screen with ease.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Color Snapper 2 application interface" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Color Snapper 2 application interface" width="1000" height="560" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:56%;max-width:1000px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Colordot</a></h5> <p>Colordot is a <strong>fantastic tool for both web and iOS</strong>, enabling you to effortlessly create and share color schemes. Whether with a tap of your finger or a snapshot from your camera, selecting colors has never been more intuitive.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Colordot app interface showing color selection" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Colordot app interface showing color selection" width="700" height="429" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:61%;max-width:700px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">cccolor</a></h5> <p>For a straightforward and effective color picking experience, cccolor is your tool. Not just a color picker, but also a HEX/RGB/HSL converter, it simplifies finding the ideal colors for your designs. Plus, it offers palettes of tints, shades, and tones based on your selected colors.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="cccolor interface with color selection and palette generation" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="cccolor interface with color selection and palette generation" width="2000" height="1448" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:72%;max-width:2000px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Adobe Capture</a></h5> <p>Adobe Capture turns any photo into a <strong>color palette, brush, or pattern</strong> with just a click. Whether you’re on your desktop or on the move with your mobile, it brings your creative ideas to life.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Example of a color palette created with Adobe Capture" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Example of a color palette created with Adobe Capture" width="2375" height="890" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:37%;max-width:2375px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">LOL Colors</a></h5> <p>Curated by Mackenzie Child, LOL Colors offers a palette of inspiration with <strong>clickable colorful teardrops and ready-to-copy hex codes</strong>. It’s a playground of color for designers looking for the perfect match.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="LOL colors " srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="LOL colors " width="1500" height="1109" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:73%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href=""></a></h5> <p> is perfect for those who love <strong>gradient fills</strong>. With a collection of squares in various color palettes, complete with hex codes, it makes choosing and using gradients a breeze.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Sample gradients from" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Sample gradients from" width="700" height="433" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:61%;max-width:700px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Color Hunter</a></h5> <p>Find an image you love, upload it to Color Hunter, and watch as it <strong>crafts a color palette inspired by your image</strong>. It’s an invaluable tool for designers seeking color inspiration from their favorite visuals.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Color palette generated by Color Hunter" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Color palette generated by Color Hunter" width="700" height="544" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:77%;max-width:700px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">TinEye</a></h5> <p>With TinEye, dive into a sea of over 20 million Creative Commons images from Flickr and <strong>extract the colors you need</strong>. Adjust the dividers, add tags, and find the perfect color for your project.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="TinEye" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="TinEye" width="1500" height="1193" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:79%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Paletton</a></h5> <p>Paletton is designed for graphic designers aiming to <strong>create websites with harmonious color combinations</strong>. Explore pre-made palettes or craft your own, ensuring your site stands out in just the right way.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Paletton tool showing color scheme options" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Paletton tool showing color scheme options" width="700" height="437" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:62%;max-width:700px"></span></span></figure> <h5><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Color Explorer</a></h5> <p>Color Explorer takes color analysis to the next level. This comprehensive tool allows you to <strong>create, analyze, and fine-tune your color schemes</strong> with ease—and it’s completely free.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Color Explorer interface showcasing color scheme analysis" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><i Toolkit Color Tools Web Designers Hongkiat Lim How to Quickly Remove Image Background on Your Mac urn:uuid:0d384aa6-c825-12dd-4492-b5266cec4476 Thu, 11 Apr 2024 07:00:52 +0000 <p>Here’s a handy tip that might be new to you: Did you know that you can quickly remove the background from an image on your macOS without needing any online background removal tool or image editors like Photoshop? And it works surprisingly well! If you want to remove an image’s background on your macOS without&#8230;</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">How to Quickly Remove Image Background on Your Mac</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> <p>Here’s a handy tip that might be new to you: Did you know that you can quickly remove the background from an image on your macOS without needing any <a href="">online background removal tool</a> or <a href="">image editors like Photoshop</a>? And it works surprisingly well!</p> <p>If you want to remove an image’s background on your macOS without using any additional tools, here’s what you do:</p> <ol class="steps"> <li>Click once to select the image you want the background removed from.</li> <li>Then right-click, and navigate to <strong>Quick Actions</strong> &gt; <strong>Remove Background</strong>.</li> <figure><img src="" alt="Remove Background option in macOS"></figure> </ol> <p>And that’s it! A new version of the image, with the background removed, will be created, labeled with the suffix “Background Removed” in its filename.</p> <p>Below is a comparison of the original image and the one with the background removed, done solely via macOS.</p> <figure><img src="" alt="Orignal image"></figure> <div class="sue-icon-text su-image-caption" data-url="" data-target="self" style="min-height:34px;padding-left:36px;color:#333333"> <div class="sue-icon-text-icon" style="color:#333333;font-size:24px;width:24px;height:24px"><i class="sui sui-photo" style="font-size:24px;color:#333333"></i></div> <div class="sue-icon-text-content su-u-trim" style="color:#333333">Original image</div> <div style="clear:both;height:0"></div> </div> <figure><img src="" alt="Image with background removed"></figure> <div class="sue-icon-text su-image-caption" data-url="" data-target="self" style="min-height:34px;padding-left:36px;color:#333333"> <div class="sue-icon-text-icon" style="color:#333333;font-size:24px;width:24px;height:24px"><i class="sui sui-photo" style="font-size:24px;color:#333333"></i></div> <div class="sue-icon-text-content su-u-trim" style="color:#333333">Image with background removed</div> <div style="clear:both;height:0"></div> </div> <p>Now, in the context of performing tasks quickly via the right-click menu, also known as the context menu, there’s more you can do. For instance, this article shows you how to <a href="">add a new item to the right-click menu</a>, or how to <a href="">remove items from the context menu</a> if it starts to get cluttered.</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">How to Quickly Remove Image Background on Your Mac</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> Desktop macOS TikTok’s New Keyboard Shortcuts urn:uuid:c4d438f8-9b79-2cf2-44f7-4db26ea87930 Wed, 10 Apr 2024 07:00:55 +0000 <p>TikTok, the social media platform gradually becoming the go-to place over others like Facebook, Instagram, etc., is predominantly used on mobile devices. Users swipe up and down to navigate through videos, tap once to pause, and double tap to like a video. But did you know that the desktop version also supports shortcut keys? For&#8230;</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">TikTok&#8217;s New Keyboard Shortcuts</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> <p>TikTok, the social media platform <a href="">gradually becoming the go-to place</a> over others like Facebook, Instagram, etc., is predominantly used on mobile devices. Users swipe up and down to navigate through videos, tap once to pause, and double tap to like a video.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="TikTok keyboard shortcuts" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="TikTok keyboard shortcuts" width="1600" height="900" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:56%;max-width:1600px"></span></span></figure> <p>But did you know that the desktop version also supports shortcut keys?</p> <p>For those browsing TikTok on a desktop browser or their desktop app, there are keyboard shortcuts available. They are few but sufficient to navigate through TikTok without the need for a mouse. </p> <p>Here are the newly added keyboard shortcuts TikTok has introduced.</p> <h4>Keyboard Shortcuts for TikTok on Desktop</h4> <ul> <li><span class="key">↑</span> – Go to the previous video</li> <li><span class="key">↓</span> – Go to the next video</li> <li><span class="key">L:</span> Like a video</li> <li><span class="key">M:</span> Mute and unmute a video</li> </ul> <p>For more TikTok tips, check out these related posts:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Turning TikTok videos into ringtones</a></li> <li><a href="">Removing a TikTok video watermark</a></li> </ul> <p>If you’re also interested in downloading Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok available only in Mainland China, check out our post on <a href="">How to Download Douyin</a>.</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">TikTok&#8217;s New Keyboard Shortcuts</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> Social Media Keyboard Shortcuts The Taobao Shopping Experience: An Insider’s Guide urn:uuid:7121ca73-544d-945a-2ede-624c2f9f8637 Tue, 09 Apr 2024 13:00:35 +0000 <p>Taobao, often considered the Chinese equivalent of Amazon, is a vast online shopping platform known for its extensive range of products and competitive pricing. If you’ve found a product on Amazon, there’s a good chance it’s also available on Taobao – provided you know the right keywords to search for it. In this post, I’d&#8230;</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">The Taobao Shopping Experience: An Insider&#8217;s Guide</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> <p><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="">Taobao</a>, often considered the Chinese equivalent of Amazon, is a vast <a href="">online shopping platform</a> known for its extensive range of products and competitive pricing.</p> <p> If you’ve found a product on Amazon, there’s a good chance it’s also available on Taobao – provided you know the right keywords to search for it. </p> <p>In this post, I’d like to share some insights into Taobao, from a buyer’s perspective.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Taobao homepage" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Taobao homepage" width="2381" height="1551" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:65%;max-width:2381px"></span></span></figure> <h4>Endless Array of Products</h4> <p>Right off the bat, once you’ve signed up and logged into Taobao, you’re presented with a plethora of products on the homepage. </p> <p>It showcases a wide variety of items you can purchase, along with suggestions that the site thinks you might like based on your previous searches and shopping habits. </p> <p>As someone who has been an avid online shopper for years, frequenting platforms like eBay, Amazon, Etsy, and Red Ribbon, I can attest that the volume and variety of goods available on Taobao are quite unparalleled.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Endless scrolling of products" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Endless scrolling of products" width="800" height="694" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:86%;max-width:800px"></span></span></figure> <h4>Things are Cheap!</h4> <p>It’s well-known that many products we use are manufactured in China, so it’s not surprising that items found on Amazon can often be found on Taobao at significantly lower prices.</p> <p>For instance, a quick search for an <em>iPhone screen protector</em> on Amazon reveals prices ranging from $5 for the cheapest option to $18 for the most expensive, with an average cost of about $11.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Amazon screen protector prices" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Amazon screen protector prices" width="1500" height="1360" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:90%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <p>On Taobao, however, prices for a similar item start as low as 9.90 yuan (approximately USD 1.37) to 69 yuan (around USD 9.5), with an average price of about 40 yuan (USD 5).</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Taobao screen protector prices" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Taobao screen protector prices" width="1500" height="1533" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:102%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <p>However, price isn’t the only factor to consider when making a purchase. Product quality, shipping fees, and delivery times are also important considerations.</p> <p>My point isn’t to convince you that Taobao is always the cheaper option, but rather to highlight its potential for offering similar, if not identical, products at more attractive prices.</p> <p>It’s worth checking Taobao when looking to get the best bang for your buck.</p> <h5>But there’s an exception</h5> <p>However, it’s important to note that not everything on Taobao is cheaper compared to Amazon and other e-commerce platforms. The price often depends on the item’s source and shipping location.</p> <p>For example, the <em>Cricut Explorer 3</em> machine, which is probably not manufactured in China, costs around 3500 yuan on Taobao, equivalent to about $480 USD.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Cricut Explorer 3 on Amazon" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Cricut Explorer 3 on Amazon" width="1500" height="957" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:63%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <div class="sue-icon-text su-image-caption" data-url="" data-target="self" style="min-height:34px;padding-left:36px;color:#333333"> <div class="sue-icon-text-icon" style="color:#333333;font-size:24px;width:24px;height:24px"><i class="sui sui-photo" style="font-size:24px;color:#333333"></i></div> <div class="sue-icon-text-content su-u-trim" style="color:#333333">Price of Cricut Explorer 3 on</div> <div style="clear:both;height:0"></div> </div> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Cricut Explorer 3 on Taobao" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Cricut Explorer 3 on Taobao" width="1500" height="733" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:48%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <div class="sue-icon-text su-image-caption" data-url="" data-target="self" style="min-height:34px;padding-left:36px;color:#333333"> <div class="sue-icon-text-icon" style="color:#333333;font-size:24px;width:24px;height:24px"><i class="sui sui-photo" style="font-size:24px;color:#333333"></i></div> <div class="sue-icon-text-content su-u-trim" style="color:#333333">Price of Cricut Explorer 3 on Taobao</div> <div style="clear:both;height:0"></div> </div> <p>This is significantly higher than Amazon’s price of around $249, not including shipping.</p> <h4>Detailed Logistics Information</h4> <p>One critical aspect of online shopping is tracking your order: knowing when it’s dispatched and when it will arrive at your doorstep. </p> <p>While most established e-commerce stores provide this information, Taobao takes logistics tracking to another level of detail. </p> <p>The following screenshot gives you the of the kind of comprehensive logistic information provided for every product ordered from Taobao. They are in Chinese, but I’ll explain.</p> <figure class="border-solid-1" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Taobao logistic information" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Taobao logistic information" width="2394" height="1899" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:79%;max-width:2394px"></span></span></figure> <p>But first, let’s first understand the delivery options Taobao offers, as they may vary by country and region. </p> <p>Essentially, there are two shipping modes: by <em>sea</em> and by <em>air</em>. Additionally, you have two methods for how your items are shipped: <em>directly</em> or <em>collectively</em>.</p> <p>If you purchase just one item, you can opt to have it shipped directly to you, either by sea or by air.</p> <p>However, if you’ve ordered multiple items from different sellers on Taobao, you can choose the <em>collective</em> shipping option, again, either by air or by sea. </p> <p>In collective shipping, each seller sends your product to a dedicated warehouse. Once all your items have arrived at the warehouse (which can take about 3-7 days), Taobao can then package them together and ship them to you or your designated address.</p> <p>No matter which shipping mode you choose, Taobao provides comprehensive updates about your order’s journey. These updates include:</p> <ul> <li>The status of the product on the seller’s side (acceptance, processing, and dispatching)</li> <li>The status of the product in transit (location and intermittent stops en route to the warehouse)</li> <li>The status of the product in the warehouse (arrival, processing, and packaging for shipment)</li> <li>The status of the product during shipping (departure from the port, arrival at the destination port, and arrival at the destination warehouse)</li> <li>The status of last-mile delivery to your address</li> </ul> <h4>Deals at Lower Prices</h4> <p>If you’re a <a href="">savvy online shopper</a>, you’re probably familiar with various strategies to purchase items at reduced prices.</p> <p>For example, on Amazon, waiting for sales events like Black Friday or Cyber Monday can lead to significant savings. Similarly, <a href="">hunting for coupons</a> or discount codes on other sites can also lower the cost of your purchases.</p> <p>Similarly, Taobao offers numerous ways to shop smarter and save money. To start, you might come across shop vouchers. Additionally, Taobao has a system of coins that can directly be converted into discount cash. </p> <p>There are several ways to earn these coins, including:</p> <ul> <li>Reviewing a purchased product</li> <li>Claiming coins after making a purchase</li> <li>Participating in in-house Taobao games</li> </ul> <p>Beyond that, some shops on Taobao also offer discounts to returning customers, encouraging shoppers to come back for more deals.</p> <h4>Final Thoughts</h4> <p> Taobao is like a huge online shopping place, almost like Amazon but in China, with tons of different things you can buy for really good prices. </p> <p>You can find almost anything you want there, often cheaper than other places. But it’s not always the cheapest for everything, especially items not made in China. Taobao also makes it easy to keep track of your orders with detailed shipping info, and there are lots of ways to save money like with shop vouchers or coins you can earn. </p> <p>Whether you’re used to shopping online or new to it, Taobao is worth checking out for deals and a wide selection of products. </p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">The Taobao Shopping Experience: An Insider&#8217;s Guide</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> E-Commerce Online Shopping Hongkiat Lim 5 Best CRM Tools with Facebook Messenger Integration urn:uuid:38073852-0b30-0507-35d2-7f872fa66c08 Tue, 09 Apr 2024 10:00:50 +0000 <p>The best CRM tools that sync with Facebook Messenger, enhancing your business communication.</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">5 Best CRM Tools with Facebook Messenger Integration</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> <p>Businesses need to stay connected with their customers in the most efficient way possible, and one way to achieve this is by integrating customer relationship management (CRM) tools with widely-used <a href="">chat tools</a>, like Facebook Messenger. This article will serve as your guide to understanding this integration better. We will delve into five <a href="">CRM tools</a>, discussing their unique features, how they integrate with Facebook Messenger, and their pricing structures.</p> <figure data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="CRM tools and Facebook Messenger" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="CRM tools and Facebook Messenger" width="2772" height="1559" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:56%;max-width:2772px"></span></span></figure> <div class="sue-icon-text su-image-caption" data-url="" data-target="self" style="min-height:34px;padding-left:36px;color:#333333"> <div class="sue-icon-text-icon" style="color:#333333;font-size:24px;width:24px;height:24px"><i class="sui sui-photo" style="font-size:24px;color:#333333"></i></div> <div class="sue-icon-text-content su-u-trim" style="color:#333333">Screenshot: <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" class="js-aw-brand-link" data-feed="meHUnhyelPW8ZMcb8ZJ7ikbn8Wqc2UEb">PipeDrive</a></div> <div style="clear:both;height:0"></div> </div> <p>Whether you’re a small business owner trying to manage customer interactions, a marketer aiming to generate leads, or simply someone interested in the digital communication landscape, this is for you. We aim to provide a comprehensive overview that will help you make informed decisions about using CRM tools with Facebook Messenger. Let’s get started.</p> <div class="su-divider su-divider-style-list" style="margin:15px 0;border-width:3px;border-color:#999999"></div> <p id="overview"><strong>Overview:</strong></p> <div class="su-table su-table-alternate su-table-fixed"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="PipeDrive" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="PipeDrive" width="1024" height="768" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:75%;max-width:1024px"></span></span></td> <td><strong>PipeDrive</strong>: Links Facebook Messenger conversations to PipeDrive contacts, deals, and leads is easy. <a href="#pipedrive">See details ↓</a> <p> <small>Starts at $14/user/mth.</small></p> <p> <a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#bc2f34;border-color:#97262a;border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:0px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:26px;border-color:#d16e71;border-radius:0px"> Try for free </span></a></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="SalesForce" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="SalesForce" width="1024" height="768" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:75%;max-width:1024px"></span></span></td> <td><strong>Salesforce</strong>: Unify customer profiles for deeper connections, enhancing efficiency and conversion rates. <a href="#salesforce">See details ↓</a> <p> <small>Visit site for pricing.</small></p> <p> <a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#bc2f34;border-color:#97262a;border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:0px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:26px;border-color:#d16e71;border-radius:0px"> Try for free </span></a></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Kommo" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Kommo" width="1024" height="768" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:75%;max-width:1024px"></span></span></td> <td><strong>Kommo</strong>: Great when it comes to lead generation.. <a href="#kommo">See details ↓</a> <p> <small>Starts at $15/user/mth.</small></p> <p> <a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#bc2f34;border-color:#97262a;border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:0px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:26px;border-color:#d16e71;border-radius:0px"> Try for free </span></a></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="ChatSilo" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="ChatSilo" width="1024" height="768" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:75%;max-width:1024px"></span></span></td> <td><strong>ChatSilo</strong>: Create Messenger funnels in minutes. <a href="#chatsilo">See details ↓</a> <p> <small>Starts at $29/mth.</small></p> <p> <a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#bc2f34;border-color:#97262a;border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:0px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:26px;border-color:#d16e71;border-radius:0px"> Try for free </span></a></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top" data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Hubspot" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Hubspot" width="1024" height="768" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:75%;max-width:1024px"></span></span></td> <td><strong>HubSpot CRM</strong>: Ability to create a chatbot for the Facebook Business page.. <a href="#hubspot">See details ↓</a> <p> <small>Visit site for pricing. Has free plan.</small></p> <p> <a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#bc2f34;border-color:#97262a;border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:0px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:26px;border-color:#d16e71;border-radius:0px"> Try for free </span></a></p></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="su-divider su-divider-style-list" style="margin:15px 0;border-width:3px;border-color:#999999"></div> <h4 id="pipedrive">1. <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" class="js-aw-brand-link" data-feed="meHUnhyelPW8ZMcb8ZJ7ikbn8Wqc2UEb">PipeDrive</a></h4> <figure><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" class="js-aw-brand-link" data-feed="meHUnhyelPW8ZMcb8ZJ7ikbn8Wqc2UEb"><img src="" alt="PipeDrive CRM"></a></figure> <p>PipeDrive is a CRM tool that is specifically designed with a sales focus. It offers an integration with Facebook Messenger, which is a platform where many people spend a significant amount of their time. This integration provides a direct and conversational way for individuals to take action, making it a highly effective tool for businesses.</p> <p>One of the key features of PipeDrive’s integration with Facebook Messenger is the ability to <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">unify all conversations</a>. This means that all your interactions on Facebook Messenger can be brought together in PipeDrive, making them both accessible and shareable. This feature allows for a seamless flow of communication and ensures that no important messages are missed.</p> <p>Another significant feature is the ease with which Facebook Messenger conversations can be linked with PipeDrive contacts, deals, and leads. This feature is designed to boost productivity and manage communications with your leads and clients on Facebook Messenger more effectively. It simplifies the process of keeping track of various conversations and ensures that all relevant information is readily available.</p> <p>PipeDrive also allows you to select the app extension visibility for your connection with Facebook Messenger. You can choose between private visibility settings, where only the user who installed the app can see and reply to Facebook Messenger conversations in the Messaging Inbox and link them to contacts, leads, or deals in PipeDrive, and shared visibility settings, where any user in the company account can do the same. This flexibility allows you to customize the integration to best suit your business needs.</p> <p><strong>Learn more about:</strong> <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Pipedrive Integration with Facebook Messenger.</a></p> <h5>PipeDrive’s Price:</h5> <p>As for the pricing, PipeDrive offers various pricing plans. You are encouraged to visit their pricing page for more detailed information. They also offer a free 14-day trial with no credit card required.</p> <p><a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#2D89EF;border-color:#246ec0;border-radius:0px;-moz-border-radius:0px;-webkit-border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:7px 20px;font-size:16px;line-height:24px;border-color:#6cadf4;border-radius:0px;-moz-border-radius:0px;-webkit-border-radius:0px;text-shadow:none;-moz-text-shadow:none;-webkit-text-shadow:none"><i class="sui sui-external-link" style="font-size:16px;color:#fff"></i> Visit PipeDrive </span></a></p> <div class="su-divider su-divider-style-list" style="margin:15px 0;border-width:3px;border-color:#999999"></div> <h4 id="salesforce">2. <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" class="js-aw-brand-link" data-feed="B42ficdfgxBdPgo8l2lgaARm8lG1ptjY">Salesforce</a></h4> <figure data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" class="js-aw-brand-link" data-feed="B42ficdfgxBdPgo8l2lgaARm8lG1ptjY"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="SalesForce CRM" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="SalesForce CRM" width="1500" height="937" data-lazy-src=""></a><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:62%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <p>As one of the world’s largest CRM platform, Salesforce has made a significant stride in <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">integrating Facebook Messenger into its system</a>. This integration aims to provide businesses with unified customer profiles, fostering better in-depth connections and creating a customer-centric environment.</p> <p>The integration of Salesforce and Facebook Messenger offers businesses a unified view of their customer profiles. This feature allows for better in-depth connections, providing a comprehensive understanding of each customer’s journey. It creates a customer-centric environment where consumers can freely navigate their shopping journey, whether on social media or any other platforms they decide to switch to halfway through.</p> <p>One of the key benefits of this integration is its ability to shorten sales cycles. By leveraging instant messaging, businesses can close deals faster, thereby increasing efficiency. Furthermore, the integration can boost conversions, particularly from customers who prefer to use Facebook Messenger for their interactions.</p> <p>Salesforce CRM goes a step further by using tools like Facebook lead ads, click-to-messenger ads, and comment auto-replies to strengthen the customer database. This feature not only enhances the quality of the customer database but also streamlines the cross-channel customer experience.</p> <p><strong>Related:</strong> <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">How to integrate Facebook lead ads data with Salesforce</a></p> <p>In terms of work efficiency, the integration boosts productivity with a two-way sync of Salesforce contacts, leads, and opportunities. This feature ensures that all customer data is up-to-date and easily accessible. Moreover, with the Salesforce lead stage positioned right next to the chatbox, the integration significantly upgrades the quality of customer service.</p> <p>To integrate Salesforce with Facebook Messenger, certain requirements need to be met. These include having a Salesforce account with API access, a Facebook account, a Facebook Business Page, and admin access to the Facebook page. This ensures a seamless and effective integration process.</p> <p><strong>Learn how to: </strong><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Set Up Facebook Messenger in Salesforce Service Cloud.</a></p> <h5>Salesforce’s Price:</h5> <p>Salesforce offers various pricing plans for different business needs. However, the specific pricing details are not directly listed on their website. You are encouraged to contact their sales team or visit their pricing page for more detailed information.</p> <p>They also offer a free trial with no software to install and no credit card required.</p> <p><a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#2D89EF;border-color:#246ec0;border-radius:0px;-moz-border-radius:0px;-webkit-border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:7px 20px;font-size:16px;line-height:24px;border-color:#6cadf4;border-radius:0px;-moz-border-radius:0px;-webkit-border-radius:0px;text-shadow:none;-moz-text-shadow:none;-webkit-text-shadow:none"><i class="sui sui-external-link" style="font-size:16px;color:#fff"></i> Visit Salesforce </span></a></p> <div class="su-divider su-divider-style-list" style="margin:15px 0;border-width:3px;border-color:#999999"></div> <h4 id="kommo">3. <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Kommo</a></h4> <figure data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Kommo CRM" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Kommo CRM" width="1500" height="808" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:53%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <p>Kommo, previously known as amoCRM, has carved a niche for itself as a conversational sales tool specifically tailored for small businesses. It holds the distinction of being the world’s first Sales CRM based on Messenger, offering a suite of custom-tailored messenger features and automations. These features are designed to enhance your communication with customers, making Kommo a powerful tool in your CRM arsenal.</p> <p>One of the standout features of Kommo is its lead generation capability. Whenever a new person sends you a message on Facebook, they are automatically added to your pipeline as an incoming lead. All you need to do is approve, and their lead profile is created instantly. This seamless process ensures you never miss out on potential customers.</p> <p>Kommo also boasts a <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">built-in chat feature</a> within the lead profile. This means you can continue your Facebook conversation without ever having to leave Kommo. Every interaction is logged and visible in the profile’s feed, providing you with a comprehensive communication history at a glance.</p> <p>Another innovative feature is the <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Salesbot</a>. With Kommo, you can create the perfect Salesbot companion and integrate it with Facebook Messenger. The Salesbot takes over the conversation, saving your team valuable time and enhancing communication efficiency. It can even be <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">equipped with AI responses</a> that understand the intention behind questions and provide appropriate responses, including invoicing.</p> <p>The integration of Facebook Messenger is built-in and designed by the Kommo team, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. Setting it up is as simple as navigating to the digital pipeline in the incoming leads column, scrolling down to the chats block, and clicking the connect button. With Kommo, integrating your CRM with Facebook Messenger is a breeze.</p> <p><strong>Learn more about:</strong> <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">Kommo’s integration with Facebook Messenger.</a></p> <h5>Kommo’s Price:</h5> <p>Kommo offers three pricing plans:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Base</strong>: For small businesses that want to boost sales quickly. It includes a unified inbox, unlimited sales pipelines, task management, and more. It costs $15 USD per user/month.</li> <li><strong>Advanced</strong>: For growing companies that want to automate their work. It includes everything in the Base plan plus no-code Salesbot, pipeline automation. It costs $25 USD per user/month.</li> <li><strong>Enterprise</strong>: For larger businesses that keep up with a lot of leads. It includes everything in the Advanced plan plus an increased client database, advanced client profiles. It costs $45 USD per user/month.</li> </ul> <p>You can try Kommo free for 14 days with no credit card required. For more detailed information, you can visit their <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">pricing page</a>.</p> <p><a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-flat" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#2D89EF;border-color:#246ec0;border-radius:0px;-moz-border-radius:0px;-webkit-border-radius:0px" target="__blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:7px 20px;font-size:16px;line-height:24px;border-color:#6cadf4;border-radius:0px;-moz-border-radius:0px;-webkit-border-radius:0px;text-shadow:none;-moz-text-shadow:none;-webkit-text-shadow:none"><i class="sui sui-external-link" style="font-size:16px;color:#fff"></i> Visit Kommo </span></a></p> <div class="su-divider su-divider-style-list" style="margin:15px 0;border-width:3px;border-color:#999999"></div> <h4 id="chatsilo">4. <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">ChatSilo</a></h4> <figure data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="ChatSilo CRM" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="ChatSilo CRM" width="1500" height="547" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:36%;max-width:1500px"></span></span></figure> <p>ChatSilo is a compact CRM tool designed specifically for Facebook Messenger. Its primary goal is to assist you in nurturing leads, managing projects E-Commerce appwiki Facebook Messenger Eoin Wiley Everything You Need to Know About Webloc Files urn:uuid:e8b3f8fc-7459-20d1-2d9a-a6885426bc3d Tue, 09 Apr 2024 07:00:34 +0000 <p>At its core, a Webloc file is straightforward – it’s a small file that stores the URL of a website. You can think of it as a direct link to a web page that you can double-click to open in your default web browser. The concept might seem simple, yet it’s this simplicity that encapsulates&#8230;</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Everything You Need to Know About Webloc Files</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> <p>At its core, a Webloc file is straightforward – it’s a small file that stores the URL of a website. </p> <p>You can think of it as a direct link to a web page that you can double-click to open in your default web browser. The concept might seem simple, yet it’s this simplicity that encapsulates the beauty of Webloc files. </p> <figure data-lazy=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder"><noscript><IMG src="" alt="Webloc Mac file" srcset="" sizes=""></noscript><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Webloc Mac file" width="1600" height="900" data-lazy-src=""><span class="img-ratio-placeholder__fill" style="padding-bottom:56%;max-width:1600px"></span></span></figure> <p>They enable users to keep a tidy and organized desktop or folder system where important or frequently visited websites are just a click away, without the need to open a browser and navigate through bookmarks.</p> <h4><strong>Origins and Purpose of Webloc Format</strong></h4> <p>The Webloc format has its origins in the Mac OS, now known as macOS. </p> <p>It was introduced as a convenient way for users to save links to websites directly from their browsers to their computer. This was particularly useful for users who needed quick access to specific web pages without the need to launch a web browser and sift through bookmarks.</p> <h4><strong>Technical Overview</strong></h4> <p>At its essence, a Webloc file is an XML plist (property list) file that macOS utilizes to store properties and configuration settings for various applications. </p> <p>However, for Webloc files, the primary focus is on storing a single URL. When you create a Webloc file, macOS wraps the URL into this plist format, which then allows the operating system to recognize and act upon the file, essentially treating it as a direct link to the internet.</p> <h4><strong>Creating a Webloc File on macOS</strong></h4> <p>The process is intuitively simple:</p> <ol class="steps"> <li>Navigate to the website you wish to bookmark outside your browser.</li> <li>Drag the website’s URL from the address bar of your browser to your desktop or any folder within Finder.</li> <li>macOS automatically creates a Webloc file, using the webpage’s title as the file name.</li> </ol> <h4><strong>FAQs</strong></h4> <p><strong>What is a Webloc file and why is it useful?</strong></p> <p>A Webloc file is a macOS-specific file format used to save web URLs as files on your computer. It allows you to access your favorite web pages directly from your desktop or any folder, bypassing the need to open a browser and navigate through bookmarks.</p> <p><strong>Can Webloc files be opened on Windows?</strong></p> <p>Natively, Windows does not recognize Webloc files. However, several <a href="">third-party tools</a> and <a href="">online services</a> can open or convert Webloc files to Windows-compatible formats, such as URL files. This ensures that the convenience of Webloc files can be enjoyed across different operating systems.</p> <p><strong>Are Webloc files safe to use?</strong></p> <p>Webloc files are generally safe to use, provided they link to trusted websites. However, like any file that directs to online content, they can be manipulated to lead to malicious sites. Always ensure the Webloc files you open come from reputable sources, and consider scanning them with security software if you’re unsure.</p> <p><strong>Can I edit a Webloc file to change its URL?</strong></p> <p>Yes, Webloc files can be manually edited to change the URL they point to. This requires opening the file with a text editor capable of handling XML, such as TextEdit on macOS. Be cautious when editing to ensure the file format remains intact.</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Everything You Need to Know About Webloc Files</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hongkiat</a>.</p> Desktop macOS ProGrade's New CFexpress Cards are Ready for High Resolution Image Capture videotutorial… Twitter Search / rockkvid urn:uuid:4d36027e-aa58-ac50-e3e4-e972e1246fb2 Wed, 10 Jun 2020 09:09:49 +0000 <div class="dir-ltr" dir="ltr"> ProGrade&amp;#039;s New CFexpress Cards are Ready for High Resolution Image Capture videotutorial <a href="">;</a> </div> rockkvid (@rockkvid) Deity Connect Interview Kit Review – Affordable and Complete Wireless Package videogear… Twitter Search / rockkvid urn:uuid:2ea6a612-cc83-eca3-76f3-7c31d4b64bcb Wed, 10 Jun 2020 03:09:49 +0000 <div class="dir-ltr" dir="ltr"> Deity Connect Interview Kit Review &ndash; Affordable and Complete Wireless Package videogear <a href="">;</a> </div> rockkvid (@rockkvid) You Can Now Use Panasonic LUMIX Cameras as a Webcam videohelp… Twitter Search / rockkvid urn:uuid:5c9b70f3-5d6f-390a-9eaf-88c433860902 Wed, 10 Jun 2020 03:09:49 +0000 <div class="dir-ltr" dir="ltr"> You Can Now Use Panasonic LUMIX Cameras as a Webcam videohelp <a href="">;</a> </div> rockkvid (@rockkvid) GNARBOX 2.0 Software Update 2.6.0 – Integration with videogear… Twitter Search / rockkvid urn:uuid:d800392d-044c-ee2e-e503-2460d158229a Wed, 10 Jun 2020 01:09:49 +0000 <div class="dir-ltr" dir="ltr"> GNARBOX 2.0 Software Update 2.6.0 &ndash; Integration with <a href=""></a> videogear <a href="">;</a> </div> rockkvid (@rockkvid) Best Practices for Filmmakers Documenting the 2020 Demonstrations videotutorial… Twitter Search / rockkvid urn:uuid:37123507-405d-7bf7-3971-d5a91a0d6305 Tue, 09 Jun 2020 21:09:49 +0000 <div class="dir-ltr" dir="ltr"> Best Practices for Filmmakers Documenting the 2020 Demonstrations videotutorial <a href="">;</a> </div> rockkvid (@rockkvid) Tactics4 | Holy Stone F181W Wifi FPV Drone with 720P Wide-Angle HD Camera Live Video RC Quadcopter with Altitude Hold, Gravity Sensor Function, RTF and Easy to Fly for Beginner, Compatible with VR Headset | | @Tactics4Tweets Twitter Search / rockkvid urn:uuid:666c5db9-f907-434e-f6eb-bed24212d2d0 Tue, 09 Jun 2020 17:09:49 +0000 <div class="dir-ltr" dir="ltr"> Tactics4 | Holy Stone F181W Wifi FPV Drone with 720P Wide-Angle HD Camera Live Video RC Quadcopter with Altitude Hold, Gravity Sensor Function, RTF and Easy to Fly for Beginner, Compatible with VR Headset | <a href=""></a> | <a class="twitter-atreply dir-ltr" dir="ltr" href="">@Tactics4Tweets</a> </div> Josh Adams (@JoshQAdams84) Is Newton 3 the Ultimate AE Plugin? Here is Our Review videoproduction… Twitter Search / rockkvid urn:uuid:c2d76fc3-1b30-a8a8-dcd8-afb611db140a Tue, 09 Jun 2020 17:09:49 +0000 <div class="dir-ltr" dir="ltr"> Is Newton 3 the Ultimate AE Plugin? Here is Our Review videoproduction <a href="">;</a> </div> rockkvid (@rockkvid) 30+ Films You Need to Watch About Race in America videohelp… Twitter Search / rockkvid urn:uuid:c79c4d8d-f273-f4d2-7bd1-3517a092d46e Tue, 09 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 <div class="dir-ltr" dir="ltr"> 30+ Films You Need to Watch About Race in America videohelp <a href="">;</a> </div> rockkvid (@rockkvid) 5 Things You Need to Know About DaVinci Resolve's Fairlight videohowto… Twitter Search / rockkvid urn:uuid:e112d65b-9c2d-1878-9c93-5ecf1a01d8b8 Mon, 08 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 <div class="dir-ltr" dir="ltr"> 5 Things You Need to Know About DaVinci Resolve&amp;#039;s Fairlight videohowto <a href="">;</a> </div> rockkvid (@rockkvid) Meet Prewrite- A New Visual Tool for Screenwriters videotutorial… Twitter Search / rockkvid urn:uuid:63dcf16f-1010-5c14-421e-12633937237d Mon, 08 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 <div class="dir-ltr" dir="ltr"> Meet Prewrite- A New Visual Tool for Screenwriters videotutorial <a href="">;</a> </div> rockkvid (@rockkvid) Diego Luna Shares What a Pandemic and Guillermo del Toro Taught Him About Filmmaking videohowto… Twitter Search / rockkvid urn:uuid:da70edd9-87fb-b4de-7b21-0842482fab10 Mon, 08 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 <div class="dir-ltr" dir="ltr"> Diego Luna Shares What a Pandemic and Guillermo del Toro Taught Him About Filmmaking videohowto <a href="">;</a> </div> rockkvid (@rockkvid) Take Your Characters to Therapy With These Simple Visual Tools videotutorial… Twitter Search / rockkvid urn:uuid:e0745d17-4ab6-4273-e5a3-acd86d707ed1 Mon, 08 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 <div class="dir-ltr" dir="ltr"> Take Your Characters to Therapy With These Simple Visual Tools videotutorial <a href="">;</a> </div> rockkvid (@rockkvid) RED Komodo Footage is Starting to Hit the Internet. What Do You Think? videotutorial… Twitter Search / rockkvid urn:uuid:f8b73c38-b768-be3a-c872-b600d9cfc5c6 Mon, 08 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 <div class="dir-ltr" dir="ltr"> RED Komodo Footage is Starting to Hit the Internet. What Do You Think? videotutorial <a href="">;</a> </div> rockkvid (@rockkvid) RED Komodo Update – First Cameras Shipped, Footage Samples, Accessories videoproduction… Twitter Search / rockkvid urn:uuid:db6f9a3f-9f9f-c12e-be59-279c1c81ffb3 Mon, 08 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 <div class="dir-ltr" dir="ltr"> RED Komodo Update &ndash; First Cameras Shipped, Footage Samples, Accessories videoproduction <a href="">;</a> </div> rockkvid (@rockkvid) Hasselblad adds Video Mode to its X1D II 50C and 907X Medium Format Cameras videogear… Twitter Search / rockkvid urn:uuid:2fe843d9-9778-8aff-fbdd-909811137e62 Mon, 08 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 <div class="dir-ltr" dir="ltr"> Hasselblad adds Video Mode to its X1D II 50C and 907X Medium Format Cameras videogear <a href="">;</a> </div> rockkvid (@rockkvid) [UPDATE] 200607 — LISA for AIS HD ver Twitter Search / rockkvid urn:uuid:ea184e4e-edd3-d0df-2977-93cdb93d9cef Sun, 07 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 <div class="dir-ltr" dir="ltr"> [UPDATE] 200607 &mdash; LISA for AIS HD ver &#x1F49A;&#x2728; <a class="twitter-hashtag dir-ltr" dir="ltr" href="">#LISA</a> <a class="twitter-hashtag dir-ltr" dir="ltr" href="">#LALISA</a> <a class="twitter-hashtag dir-ltr" dir="ltr" href="">#&#xB9AC;&#xC0AC;</a> <a class="twitter-hashtag dir-ltr" dir="ltr" href="">#&#xBE14;&#xB799;&#xD551;&#xD06C;</a> <a class="twitter-hashtag dir-ltr" dir="ltr" href="">#BLACKPINK</a> <a class="twitter-atreply dir-ltr" dir="ltr" href="">@ygofficialblink</a> <a class="twitter_external_link dir-ltr tco-link has-expanded-path" dir="ltr" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_top"></a> </div> LISANATIONS (@LISANATIONS_) What Is the Role of the Filmmaker in a Time of Unprecedented Upheaval? videohowto… Twitter Search / rockkvid urn:uuid:5e210cb0-1f1d-c2dd-958a-7f67aca6d210 Sun, 07 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 <div class="dir-ltr" dir="ltr"> What Is the Role of the Filmmaker in a Time of Unprecedented Upheaval? videohowto <a href="">;</a> </div> rockkvid (@rockkvid) We May Be Headed Back to Work: Newsom Says TV and Film Production Can Begin June 12 videohowto… Twitter Search / rockkvid urn:uuid:014d8bb7-e08c-eb0c-e982-b28752f63d8e Sun, 07 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 <div class="dir-ltr" dir="ltr"> We May Be Headed Back to Work: Newsom Says TV and Film Production Can Begin June 12 videohowto <a href="">;</a> </div> rockkvid (@rockkvid) “PSM went from profits to loss in 2008-09, by 2015 it had ZERO production yet given bailouts; let alone revival of PSM, not even salaries were paid on time. Our govt is only leasing out a faction of PSM, making us owners&policy-makers instead of owners Twitter Search / rockkvid urn:uuid:905161c0-a9c7-a4ea-8d2e-3eb7b34d9e8d Sat, 06 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 <div class="dir-ltr" dir="ltr"> &ldquo;PSM went from profits to loss in 2008-09, by 2015 it had ZERO production yet given bailouts; let alone revival of PSM, not even salaries were paid on time. Our govt is only leasing out a faction of PSM, making us owners&amp;policy-makers instead of owners&amp;operators&rdquo; - <a class="twitter-atreply dir-ltr" dir="ltr" href="">@Hammad_Azhar</a> <a class="twitter_external_link dir-ltr tco-link has-expanded-path" dir="ltr" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_top"></a> </div> PTI (@PTIofficial) Can anyone recommend where I can rent a Sony FS7 for a day ? Twitter Search / rockkvid urn:uuid:8bf6cceb-5dec-a53a-f64b-e1808e4d6014 Fri, 05 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 <div class="dir-ltr" dir="ltr"> Can anyone recommend where I can rent a Sony FS7 for a day ? </div> David Boanuh (@Gospel_Official) Corporate Video Production Company Los Angeles Hector A Cooper urn:uuid:e7e16e2b-51fd-1b50-54ab-350de412992f Wed, 07 Mar 2018 19:41:11 +0000 <div style="width: 480px; height: 270px; overflow: hidden; position: relative;"><iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" webkitallowfullscreen="webkitAllowFullScreen" mozallowfullscreen="mozallowfullscreen" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" id="okplayer" width="480" height="270" src="" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 480px; height: 270px;" name="okplayer"></iframe></div><br />Watch on YouTube here: <a href="">Corporate Video Production Company Los Angeles</a><br />Via <a href=""></a><br /><br />Original Source: <a href="">Corporate Video Production Company Los Angeles</a> Corporate Video Production Company Los Angeles Hector Cooper How To Reduce And Collect In After Effects MotionArray | Blog and Tutorials urn:uuid:9359ac1b-11a6-6fc2-168d-7cfdf19d437e Fri, 10 Nov 2017 20:08:29 +0000 Find ALL of the files in your After Effects project instantly! Learn how to Reduce and Collect! How To Create a LUT in Premiere Pro MotionArray | Blog and Tutorials urn:uuid:881afa4b-4fe6-f9e9-74cf-754bbf7bb309 Fri, 10 Nov 2017 14:20:00 +0000 Save time and energy! Create your own LUT right inside Premiere Pro! How To Highlight Things In Your Video in Premiere Pro MotionArray | Blog and Tutorials urn:uuid:5eef6f2c-0b90-3a43-1d4c-a6172f41f075 Thu, 09 Nov 2017 14:55:40 +0000 Know where your audience is looking by highlighting elements within your video! How To Use The Multicam Feature In Premiere Pro MotionArray | Blog and Tutorials urn:uuid:1140c43c-db17-5273-4a61-f0f944bd8298 Tue, 07 Nov 2017 14:37:24 +0000 Working with multiple cameras? No problem! Work with multiple camera angles easily with the Multicam feature! 6 Tips To Save Big On Your Next Video Production MotionArray | Blog and Tutorials urn:uuid:b13d4942-2a90-4ed9-5899-b0dfa3c15d7d Fri, 03 Nov 2017 13:39:10 +0000 Don't break the bank on your next production. Learn how to save money in all the right places. How To Get 3 Popular Film Looks In Premiere Pro MotionArray | Blog and Tutorials urn:uuid:2681f721-0d80-c879-426c-e541d09fd6cb Fri, 03 Nov 2017 13:04:00 +0000 Teal / Orange, The Matrix, Post Apocalyptic. Learn how to get these three film grades right inside of Premiere Pro! Music Video Production Manchester | Cosmic Joke Hector A Cooper urn:uuid:96641194-8340-37d3-8e53-6cb7bd8d8347 Thu, 02 Nov 2017 15:51:43 +0000 <div style="width: 480px; height: 270px; overflow: hidden; position: relative;"><iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" webkitallowfullscreen="webkitAllowFullScreen" mozallowfullscreen="mozallowfullscreen" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" id="okplayer" width="480" height="270" src="" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 480px; height: 270px;" name="okplayer"></iframe></div><br />Watch on YouTube here: <a href="">Music Video Production Manchester | Cosmic Joke</a><br />Via <a href=""></a><br /><br />Original Source: <a href="">Music Video Production Manchester | Cosmic Joke</a> Music Video Production Manchester | Cosmic Joke Hector Cooper Premiere Pro and After Effects Updates | Adobe CC 2018 MotionArray | Blog and Tutorials urn:uuid:db4a4d95-1720-45f6-e52f-bb70a0700fd7 Wed, 25 Oct 2017 21:32:00 +0000 Adobe's new updates are here! Learn what's new about Premiere Pro and After Effects CC 2018 How To Record Audio To Your Timeline In Premiere Pro MotionArray | Blog and Tutorials urn:uuid:aac7722c-2937-cff6-20cd-efe397d709d3 Wed, 25 Oct 2017 20:48:32 +0000 Save time by recording directly to your timeline inside Premiere Pro! How To Create Advanced Camera Shake In After Effects MotionArray | Blog and Tutorials urn:uuid:7e2a65c3-0efe-d275-6baa-1cdc2b638906 Tue, 24 Oct 2017 19:04:41 +0000 Create REAL camera shake by filming it yourself! How To Delete Cache Data In Premiere Pro (And After Effects) MotionArray | Blog and Tutorials urn:uuid:eada4936-010f-9e11-d8e8-6b0abd81043f Mon, 23 Oct 2017 16:03:47 +0000 Running out of disk space? Delete cache data to free up more room! How To Create Basic Camera Shake In After Effects MotionArray | Blog and Tutorials urn:uuid:ca623316-d529-6711-a398-8be49053c232 Wed, 18 Oct 2017 23:27:00 +0000 Learn how to give your footage realistic camera shake with wiggle expressions in After Effects! How To Create A Scribble Effect In After Effects MotionArray | Blog and Tutorials urn:uuid:60eb609f-063d-f382-0813-50272eb07011 Thu, 12 Oct 2017 15:06:27 +0000 Create a scribble effect for your text in After Effects! How To Create A Facebook Cover Video In Premiere Pro MotionArray | Blog and Tutorials urn:uuid:506722be-36c8-33d4-1381-6be433c1d29f Thu, 05 Oct 2017 15:15:00 +0000 Want to show your best work on Facebook? Create a stunning Facebook cover video!